The Vacation VIII

Only One




The game was about to start. All the guys stood a little bit back as the girls lined up to start.


Crossing my fingers, I stared intensely at the back of ___(Your name)___’s head, willing her to go through with the plan. It had to work. It was so simple, yet, there was still that gut feeling that something could go wrong.


Cho Hee couldn’t possibly know…could she? Unless someone told her. But who would? Ji came up with the plan in the first place…Daesung…well he’s too busy with Minzy….Seungri, I guess he can come across as naïve and obnoxious but at the end of the day he knows which lines not to cross.


That leaves Youngbae. He’s always been the one to turn to. He listens when something’s wrong and even though technically he’s my dongsaeng, he always has the best advice. I just…there’s been something off about him lately.


The way he…stares at ___(Your name)___. There’s one thing about Bae that’s never escaped our attention though. When he wants something, no matter what, he’ll do anything to get it.


Chang-Po marks off the boundaries and even has a whistle out to signal the start. I swear, he really shouldn’t be at an idol bonding camp. I think he’d fit in better at some scouts workshop where people actually listen when he says something.


___(Your name)___ turns around and gives me a thumbs up, just as the whistle blows.


It’s almost as though the guys have told the other girls where their objects are. Minzy dives at a log, CL jogs over to the small cove and Dara doubles back towards the beach.


But…___(Your name)___’s going in the wrong direction. In fact she’s heading straight towards the forest…more specifically towards a tree. A hollow tree that in fact, holds a pair of sunglasses belonging to the one and only…Dong Youngbae.


I fight the urge to yell out, hoping against hope that she’s made an honest mistake. But as she gets closer to the tree she breaks out into a jog and reaches the tree and seconds.


It’s over, I know it. The message can’t be clearer: I pick Youngbae over you. I want to fall, crumple to the ground as she peers into the tree.


Ji’s beside me, steadying me with a hand on my arm; an arm that doubles as support and a warning. I don’t want to watch anymore, I don’t want to see her face or his when she pulls out those godforsaken sunglasses. I close my eyes, clenching and unclenching my hands.


Jiyong’s hand squeezes my arm suddenly and my eyes flutter open to see ___(Your name)___ bounding towards me, my toy clutched in her hands.


I can’t even describe the elation I feel. It’s like a huge ton of weight has just been lifted off my shoulders and I can fly again.


She folds into my arms, a perfect fit as usual, and for a moment, time is non-existent.


Taeyang POV


The moment she turned her back on the rock, I knew it had failed.


I was wrong. For thinking, even for a moment that she would want me over hyung when he saw her first and vice verca.


But she had seemed so…vulnerable in my arms last night…and so comfortable too. And Seunghyun hyung, he didn’t deserve her. I can say that much.


Everyone else had their original partners and Cho Hee was in an even fouler mood than usual when she figured out she had been tricked. I mean, the outcome gave it away.


And thanks to the fact that all the other guys had told their partners where their object was, by default, I was stuck with the only person who couldn’t find something, i.e Cho Hee.


I told you I always landed the short stick didn’t I? And it was worse seeing ___(Your name)___ and hyung all over each other, acting like newlyweds, off on their honeymoon.


It was like an iron fist was squeezing my heart inside out, every single time they touched or smiled at each other. Because, I want it so badly to be me instead of hyung.


So now, I was stuck for two entire days in a freaking forest with a bear on PMS, knowing that the only chance of winning ___(Your name)___ over was now being used by my rival.


Chang-Po gave us emergency mobiles in case someone got hurt and then we were off. The skies had gotten darker and the first drops of rain had started to fall.


The forest was cool and damp, even as we entered. I could feel Cho Hee’s angry breath with her every step as she stomped through the undergrowth.


Shrill laughter echoed around the trees, followed by a deeper yet distinguishable chuckling. It was no doubt which team was having that much fun.


I sighed and continued, carrying both of our backpacks. Cho Hee continued to slash her way through the forest. A branch finally tripped her and I shot out an arm to steady her, only to have her to push it away and scowl.


What was with woman and rejecting me these days?


“Don’t touch me. Only Seunghyun gets to do that,” she said, glaring at me.


I literally exploded.


“DON’T YOU GET IT? HE.DOESN’T.WANT.YOU. Would you like me to spell it out any better? He’s over you. He doesn’t care about you. He wants her. She wants him. They both want each other. There’s no room for anyone else in that equation. You were part of a past he wants to forget. He’s a freaking coward because he can’t man up and confront you about it. He doesn’t deserve a second more with her. SO WHY THE HELL DOES EVERYONE WANT HIM????”


The silence of the forest greeted my outburst and I regretted it instantly.


Cho Hee’s look of utter disbelief and confusion surprised me and we stared at each other for what seemed like eternity, waiting for the other to react first.


Finally, as though she still didn’t believe it, Cho Hee whispered, “You…you like her, don’t you?”


I turned my head away, but it was the only confirmation she needed. When I could finally look at her again, I saw that the brief instance of human emotion that had been evident on her face had faded.


In its place a malicious grin had stretched itself across her face, giving her features an almost animal-like feel. It was the look of a predator, hunting for its prey.


My obvious bewilderment only made her grin more prominent as she opened once again, this time the words, silky and soft, slithering out of , the way a snake slithers along the ground.


“I think I can help you.”






a/n IM SORRY FOR THE LULL IN UPDATES :( I know, i've been getting lazy with updates coz my weekend was uber busy. Hope u like this chappie ;) Keep commenting and subscribing :) Comment replies:

@heartcupcake - AWW im glad u like it <3 dont kill me for making taeyang the baddie, it kills me too :/ Thanks for commenting :)

@BlueRiver04 - Daesung's plan worked alright but will it be the start of something much more sinister? heheh...Thanks for the comment ^___^

@Fromyou - I feel so honoured..OMG bigbang is amazing, no joke, they got me into KPOP and korea in u can probs tell my bias is TOP (wooppee greatest freaking rapper alive), what about you? Thanks for being awesome and commenting :D

@k-poplov - I feel bad for all the taeyang biases coz now he's stuck with Cho Hee...but i couldnt let any of the others have Cho Hee..not ji or seungri or daesung no siree...and anyway now we get into the real plot of the story...hehe im already giving away stuff, thanks for commenting :)

@noodlefreak - AWW thank you so much :) I thought i was making it tooo confusing if i made them switch again but i couldnt let Tabi spend an entire weekend alone with Cho Hee so I had to do it :P Thanks for commenting, yay :)

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blackrose101 #1
Chapter 36: That was AWSOME!!!!!!!
Chapter 36: LOVED it!!!! <3 <3 Really cute ending! \(^.^)/
Chapter 36: Awww such a cute ending 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)
finally i now have time to start reading this one
DuahSiraj #5
Chapter 36: yaaaaaaaaaaay im so happy with the ending and this story over all. it kept me glued to my cpu for days on out i tell ya. Thanx !
Tegwi_Panda #6
Chapter 36: Wow. Just wow. That was fantastic
Chapter 36: This is a touching chapter. I really like it. Hope I keep up the good work with your other stories
Yuna_Nuna #8
Chapter 36: Loved every minute of it, that was such a cute ending. I'll be looking forward to more of your stories.
Fromyou #9
Chapter 36: Wow fantastic baby~~ awesome story!!!! Hope to read more of your writings. Thanks for sharing this story!! :)
Chapter 36: This is my 100x times reading fanfics Bae lost in fight for love but yeeeeyyyyyyy,heppy ending...kkkkkkkk