
Be My Superman.


No One’s POV

The emergency room was too gloomy. Hoya wiped off his sweats and seat there alone, silently. Dongwoo who was with him all the time went to the counter to manage about Sungyeol’s admission. After done with that, Dongwoo came back to Hoya. He saw that kid was leaning his head on the walls. He taps Hoya’s tight, as a sign he was there with him.

“Are you tired?” Dongwoo whispered. He also, leaned his head on the wall.

 Hoya who had closed his eyes before let out sigh and looked at him.

“No,” he mumbled, slowly.

“Just rest, he would be fine.” Dongwoo said again and forced Hoya to lean his head on his shoulders.

“Give me ten minutes, hyung. Just ten minutes.” He whispered tiredly as he had put his head on Dongwoo’s shoulder.

As Hoya was trying to sleep, Dongwoo saw Minho ran through the doors and entered the room. He hasn’t noticed that they’re there. Dongwoo didn’t mind. He must save his brother’s life, no matter what.

But, what make him shocked the most was he saw someone who walked after him. He never thought she was there and they’re met here. Dongwoo wanted to wake Hoya up but since he heard Hoya was snoring slowly, he just stared at her, waiting for her to notice them.

Meanwhile, Anna was there. She wore Minho’s jackets and decided to take a seat, near the emergency room. She still cries. The truth that she knew just now makes her heart feels like broken. Everyone knows, except her. Everybody knows that he was dying, but not her.

So what did they think she is? Is she is a kid to them?

Anna took out a handkerchief from her pockets and wiped the tears. She was still anxious about Sungyeol’s condition. She didn’t get too much information when she was on the way here as Minho just drove the car and focused on the road than focusing on her.

But she can understand that. Minho must be afraid as he just got sudden call from the boys.

While she was wiped off her tears, she was surprised when she saw a tall good-looking figure was walking with a tall beautiful girl towards the emergency room. She looked at them, as she thinks that she knew them before. And she was surprised again, when she saw it was Sunggyu and his girlfriend, walking towards the two boys who sat in front of her.

It’s Dongwoo and Hoya.

“What happened?” Sunggyu asked before he could take a seat next to them.

“Relax, Gyu.” Hwayoung hissed. She taps his back to calm him down. He had been to worry since on their way to the hospital when they got a call from Woohyun. Sunggyu didn’t say much but him still expecting an answer from one of them. Hoya was awake when he heard Sunggyu’s coarse voice when he arrived here.

“Look at that girl,” Dongwoo whispered to them and pointed to a girl who seats in front of them.

Hwayoung was the one who shouted her name. Sunggyu and Hoya was frozen on their place. Dongwoo just calm down even he knew that it still a shocking situation.

“Anna-yah!” Hwayoung shouted and run to her.

She hugged the girl without saying anything. Anna who was shocked just embrace herself into Hwayoung’s arm. She felt nicer than before. Hwayoung’s scent makes her calm.

Sunggyu approached them. With his tiny eyes, he could see that Anna was shocked, and he don’t know what he feels right now. Definitely this girl knew that Sungyeol’s sick. She knew it. Probably Minho tells her.

“Hey, what are you doing here?” Sunggyu said to her with no smile.

Hwayoung just don’t give a damn on Sunggyu. She caressed Anna’s back and her hair. She doesn’t know why she was too happy to see Anna again. Anna just looked at them, but she rather focusing on Hwayoung and let her protect herself from Sunggyu and the others.

It’s Dongwoo’s turn to approach her. He had been waiting for this moment long time ago. He wanted to say just one thing when they meet. And now, it’s time.

“I’m sorry.” He stated with a weak smile drawn on his face.

Anna looked up, in Hwayoung’s face. She seems confused.

“For what?” she responded, after a while.

Dongwoo kneel in front of her. That’s what makes everyone shocked.

“For not telling you all this. I’m sorry for that day when I said I don’t know you. Sorry.”

Tears started to fall down on their faces. Including Hwayoung.

Sunggyu was cold to her at first but he suddenly looked too gloomy when he heard Dongwoo said sorry. Hoya was there standing silently, watching the scene. He missed this bubble, lovely kid. He really missed this girl so much as he wanted to hug her when they meet. He distances himself from them and watched them without any sound came out from his mouth.

Anna was too easy to cry. Why? She doesn’t know why she would cry really hard when she just heard ‘I’m sorry’ from Dongwoo. She missed Sunggyu; the big brother who had always gave her gifts when he was out of town. She missed Dongwoo who was too kind to her before and she missed Hoya too who always compliment her cooking skills.

And what she missed the most, the one who fights for his life right now, Sungyeol.


Minho’s POV

Thank God. I was so afraid that anything might happen to him. His condition was worst than usual and he needs to be monitor, all the time.

I checked his health report and let out heavy sighs. One of my workmates, Jonghyun who was a referral doctor to him approached me.

“So, what are you gonna do next?” he said and when off to Sungyeol again to check his condition.

“I don’t know. His kidneys getting worst day by day. He can no longer depend on the dialysis. Nowadays, no one would let their kidneys being donate.” I lowered down my head.

“I know. I read his health report and you need to find him a donor, quickly. Don’t you try to tell his family about this?”

“I do, but you know even his family members don’t have suitable kidney for him. I’ve tried and I need to find another. His family is my second options.”

Jonghyun tapped my back and say, “Hey, our job here is to save people. I know you’re a good doctor and I know you can help him. I’ll help you find a donor and should we cooperate and save his life for thousands years later?”

“Probably,” I replied with heavy hearts. Jonghyun took over my place and I went out again, to meet them. Maybe Anna was out there with Dongwoo or Hoya because I knew they’re the one who bring Sungyeol here.

With heavy steps, I tried to find Anna who I left here, out of the emergency room. I found a bunch of people who sits at the corner of the waiting area.

It was Sunggyu and his brothers. Anna was there too.

I approached them slowly. Sunggyu noticed me and he’s the one who ran to me. he grabbed my shoulder and started asking me non-stop.

“Hey, how’s my brother? Is he okay? Is his condition was bad? Where’s him?”

I let go off his hands on me. “Hey relax. He’s fine.”

“Are you sure?” Hwayoung asked. I was surprised to see her here.

“He needs to get back here until he is totally okay. I wouldn’t let him go like before after this. Agree?”

Dongwoo, Hoya, Sunggyu and Hwayoung nodded. Except, Anna.

“Can I see him?” a slow, tremble voice approached my ears. It’s from Anna.

“Sure. I’ll let you see him after this okay?” I hugged her, as a sign that I was there to comfort her.

This time, let fate decides this two soul mates future.


Anna’s POV

When I walked in and I saw him lying over there, I couldn’t hold my tears and I cried silently in front of the door. Everyone looked at me, without saying anything. They only gave me space to approach him who sleeps soundly.

Woohyun Oppa, Myungsoo and Sungjong were here. They just arrived. They know I was here.

Suddenly, Myungsoo came in while bringing something. I looked at him as he tapped my back and forced me to look at his tall figure.

Then, he gave me a book. No, it’s like diary.

“What’s that?” I asked and pointed my finger to the book.

“Read it and you know it.” He mumbled and put the diary on my lap. I have no choice but to receive it. He went out again, left me alone with Sungyeol.

I began to read it one by one;


February 23rd, 7.00pm

I just got back from work and I saw her sleeping peacefully on my bed. Did she miss me that much?

I’m sorry babe.

I’ve read my health report. What I’m gonna do now? When should I tell her the truth? She might be sad all day, all night if I tell her the truth. So, shall I just keep it for myself?


March 7th, 9.00 am

She was already off to see her father. Aren’t that girl was too lucky to see her father? Well at least, she can still see her father.

All of the sudden, I miss Omma and Appa so much.

So, when she already meets her true family, should I do what I’ve planned?


April 14th, 2.00 pm

A terrible day. Finally, I let her go. She already when out of the house and I’m here writing the journal, in her room.

If my tears were worth enough, can I take back my words?

And I abandoned her, like what everybody did.

Sorry, babe.


June 3rd, 9 am

As I watched the scenery through my room’s window, I saw my school. I saw everyone was walking in. I missed my school life.

Luckily the biggest exams I had to go through, I’ve done properly.

And today, I went through my first therapy sessions. I’m beat! Is this kind of treatment should a sick person like me had to go through?

They said I’m just okay. But they don’t know I knew it. Just by looking at Minho hyung’s eyes, I knew I’m not okay. I can tell there’s something wrong. My body gave me signs.

But, still I need to survive and sake for her forgiveness.


July 19th,

I can’t sleep. These tubes and wires were all entire my body. I can’t eat properly. Why should I have to face all of this?

Omma, its hurt. Why don’t I just go to heaven and live with you and appa?

Myungsoo were sleeping soundly. I don’t want to wake him up.

Why I have to burden anyone? I wanna pull with whole tubes. It !


September 20th, 10.00 am

Why I keep throwing up nowadays?

Why did my kidneys were getting worst?

Why must I had to do the dialysis more than usual?

They didn’t tell me why. But I know there’s something.

Oh God, you can take my live, but once

I get my apologize from her.


October 5th, 4.00 pm


Even a sec, I never forget you. Everything about you. Your hair, your voice your laughter and your kindness.

How are you?

I look at the sky every day, wishing you good morning and good night.

Did you receive it?

You know, Blo hyung once told me that whenever I miss someone, I shall look at the sky.

Are you curious, why? At least I’m still happy even I miss you. Because you and me, are both under the same sky.

And you know right, today is our anniversary day. It’s been a year since I knew you.

I’m happy I have you once. I’m lucky to be love by you.

And then, I’m sorry.

If you see me like this, surrounded by these annoying wires, I knew first thing you would do is crying.

That’s why; keep your tears for me.

I don’t want you to cry on my funeral day. No way.

I know you may not read this. But still, I just wrote it.

Probably, you may read this.

And honey, my babe,

If you read this, please,

Don’t cry.

I’m begging you.




I closed the diary. Why did I treated him like this? And why did he hid all of this, from me?

Did I was a weak little girl to her?

He’s right. When I read his diary, I cried. Maybe that’s why he hid all of this.

But I was too blind to see.

Even once.

He never left me. He never abandoned me. I’m the one who think the does all of this.

Oh God, why did you choose him?

If He could hear my prayer for once,

Please, let me exchange his place with mine.

Please. He did suffer too much because of me.

I hold his icy cold hands. Indeed. He looks miserable and weak. why I didn’t notice all of this? Why?

I was too blind. My ego covered my eyes.

Great Anna. You are doing great.



Sunggyu’s POV

“So how?” I asked just after I sat in front of Minho.

Minho looked calm, he hold his chin act like he was thinking of something.

“Let God do His jobs from now on. Okay?” he responded to me, casually.

Only I and he were here right now. Hwayoung wanted to accompany my brothers and Anna. So, I just left her with them and follow Minho to the café.

“Can she be okay?” I asked again.

“We don’t know their love story. Just sit and observe them, okay?”

“And you should do your job too.”

“I know!”

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Chapter 81: crying buckets here..
I know it's just a fanfic, but I am devastated because of what happened to Dongwoo..R
Chapter 15: wait, since when did she became yeol's gf? ._.
Sweetboo #3
Chapter 81: hai,i'm new. anyway, this story is totally daebak!
Chapter 81: this is a amazing story ^^ i can't even stop crying and there's a lot of tissues on my bed XD this story is Daebak!!
dulcie #5
Chapter 81: thank you for the great story author nim
naznew #6
Chapter 81: Gomawo for the last chapter..
Donggyu is from Dongwoo and Sunggyu..
Sungyeol proud with his daughter..
I wonder what sungyeol do with sungjong's phone..
Their moment at Dongwoo's tomb so touching and make me crying.. I miss Dongwoo..T_T
Myungsoo in military.. Imagine he in military I don't want imagine myungsoo with military's haircut..huhu..
Donggyu make Hoya smile back..
Love story between Sungyeol and Anna still strong even though have many obstacles..
Chukhae for finished this story.. Clap..clap..clap
naznew #7
Chapter 80: Gomawo updating..
Oh my..i can't stop crying.. dongwoo...a ball of sunshine..the happiness is gone..dongwoo-ah!!
He left and give all brother something to continue their life.. T_T
he fullfill his promise to myungsoo and saving sungyeol's life..
Dongwoo will always exist in their heart and his memory in their house and with his brothers will always remaining forever..
R.I.P Dongwoo...the second brother/ the older brother..
I'm glad they can accept that sunggyu is not their blood-related brother...
Please update again.
Chapter 79: TT^TT I cried............ so sadddddddd :"(
naznew #9
Chapter 79: Andwae!!!Dongwoo-ah..why you must suicide???T_T sob..sob...
Chapter 79: this is so sad I can't help it but cry T_T :'(