His sixth sense.

Be My Superman.


Myungsoo’s POV

It’s been an hour since I sat outside of the emergency room. He stills in there. I held up my head at looked at them.

All of my brothers, including Sungjong and Sunggyu who were arrived just now held down their heads. I know what they feel.

I even realized his pale face. I know he was sick and he hid it from us. And I even saw he messed up with the choreography.

I glared at Sunggyu hyung. He was sitting next to that dinosaur while leaning against the wall. They knew what’s going on with my twin. But they don’t tell anyone about it.

When I was admitted to the hospital because of the breakfast that Anna made for us, I was so shocked when I knew that he was admitted to. Just like what my mum had said, we’re twins and our bond won’t be cut off by someone else. And if one of us falls down, another will falls too.

He’s not just tired or dehydrated. I know he had something else.

I patted Hoya hyung’s shoulder. He turned to me, “What?”

“Did you inform Anna about this?” I asked him.

“No. They said just remain silent.”

There’s something fishy about this situation. I don’t say much but I gave a death glare to both of the oldest hyungs.

Dongwoo Hyung realizes that I watched him. “Yes, Myungsoo?”

I just remain silent. He acted like nothing happen. That’s what makes me mad on him.

“Yah, don’t glare to me like that.” He warned. But I’m airhead. I just let that be.

“Myungsoo-ah. Enough.” Sunggyu hyung interrupted. He knew if this situation remains longer there would be a big fight between us. But I’m so eager to start the war.

“Stop it, Myungsoo.” He warned again. Like what I said just now, I’m airhead. So, I just challenge him over and over again.

He stood up and get ready to pounce me. I just stay at my place, using my poker face to provoke him.

I saw Woohyun hyung tried to stop him. Hoya hyung defended me. But I guess that’s no need. I can protect myself from this dinosaur.

Yet this peaceful hospital would be hiatus just because of us. He surrendered. He sat at his place and played with his phone. Yes, I win.

“What’s wrong with you?”

I turned at Woohyun hyung. I gave him a glare but he seems doesn’t angry with it. But he smiled, instead of getting angry like Dongwoo hyung. He’s such a silly. Duh.

“I know they hide something from us, from me.” I growled while looking at them. Sunggyu hyung gave me a smile but I think that smile just fake.

“What are you thinking about huh? They hide something like what?”

“Something’s wrong with Yeol hyung. I know that but they act like nothing serious happen.”

“You just think too much, Myungsoo. Why would they hide something from you, from us? I don’t get it. You’re thinking out of the box too much lately.”

 “Hyung, I’m his twin. I knew something’s happen. I knew it.”

“Calm down you airhead. He’s fine. Nothing’s serious. Be cool, will ya?”

I just ignored him. I walked away and went to the toilet nearby.

I just felt something’s wrong with my tummy. What’s wrong with it? Did I take the wrong food again? I looked at the mirror. Sweats keep falling down on my face. What’s wrong with me? This pain, it’s unordinary. I never felt it.

I washed my face over and over again, hoping the pains will go away and I’ll get my energies back. 

I felt like to vomit. I quickly entered one of the empty toilet rooms and let out everything from my tummy.


Sunggyu’s POV

Minho came out. I quickly went to him.

“How’s he?” I asked him straight. He smiled weakly to me. I knew he gonna say something bad. Very bad.

“He’s fine. I just wanna tell you guys don’t make him feel so tired. It will affect his stamina.” He said to us.

“But can we talk Gyu? At my room.”


“So, can we see him, hyung?” asked Woohyun.

“Just go to the 4th floor. He’s in room 870.”

“Thank you!”

I saw them walking away from us. We began to walk to his room. I wonder what would he said about my brother’s health. My heart suddenly keeps breathing like crazy.

“Sit down, Gyu.” He said politely while pointing the chair with his hand to me. I sat in front of him, with a serious look.

He began the conversation.

“He’s getting worst. I think the best way to prevent these things happen again is to force him admitted here and get some checkups.”

“What? Did he have some serious illness?”

“I didn’t tell you right? His left kidney is not being able to do its work again. I’m afraid that it will affect his right one.”

“What? Is there’s nothing you could do?”

Tears suddenly streaming down on my face.

“There’s a thing. We could do kidney transplant. But for now, he just needs to be monitor and get through some dialysis session.”

“Just take my kidney. Take it and give it to him.”

“Cool down, Gyu. In this case, I can’t just blindly take anyone’s kidney and give it to him. You should do some test, and if your kidney is suitable I can run the operation quickly.”

“But I’m his family”

“I know. But some of the family members are not suitable for each other. You have to know that.”

“Then who are the one could donor him the kidney?”

“Maybe the most suitable person is his twins. I’ll guarantee that his kidney would be fine with Sungyeol’s.”

“How am I gonna tell him these things?”

“You should. Even though you didn’t tell him about it, he could feel it with his own sense. You should tell him. He has right to know.”

“Just give me more time. Can you try to search for another? I can’t let those twins suffered.”

“Sure, but that’s not an easy job to do. Maybe I need almost 6 month to find the suitable kidney for him.”

I let out a heavy sighed. I lowered my head. No, this not gonna happen. No.

“Talk to him gently. I know he would understand. This is about his twin’s life.”

He gave me a warmed smile but I guess the warm smile do not able to comfort my miserable mind.


Hoya’s POV

“Where is he? He doesn’t come back from the toilet yet.” I mumbled. We’re here at Sungyeol’s room. He’s now sleeping soundly. I looked at his pale face. He looks so tired. I regretted what I’ve done to him earlier.

“Maybe he didn’t find this room wasn’t he?” I turned to Woohyun hyung. Maybe he’s right.

“I’ll and search for him.”

I arrived at the 3th floor toilet for just 3 minutes using the stairs. Cool right?

I began to open each of the toilet room but I saw someone leaned against one of the rooms while panting.

“Yah Myungsoo!” I shouted. I was panic when I saw him leaning like that.

“What’s wrong with you?!” I said. But he just shook his head.

“I’m fine.” I heard he said that weakly. I lend my hands and support him to get up.

“Do you want me to call a doctor?” I asked, but he keep shook his heads.

“Come, let me piggyback you.” I said but he stills refused.

“Let me just walk.” He said. What a great airhead he has.

“Come, just hold my hands. I’ll send you home first.”

We walked slowly to the lobby. I ran to the parking and get the car. He seems so weak and I need to send him home quickly.


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Chapter 81: crying buckets here..
I know it's just a fanfic, but I am devastated because of what happened to Dongwoo..R
Chapter 15: wait, since when did she became yeol's gf? ._.
Sweetboo #3
Chapter 81: hai,i'm new. anyway, this story is totally daebak!
Chapter 81: this is a amazing story ^^ i can't even stop crying and there's a lot of tissues on my bed XD this story is Daebak!!
dulcie #5
Chapter 81: thank you for the great story author nim
naznew #6
Chapter 81: Gomawo for the last chapter..
Donggyu is from Dongwoo and Sunggyu..
Sungyeol proud with his daughter..
I wonder what sungyeol do with sungjong's phone..
Their moment at Dongwoo's tomb so touching and make me crying.. I miss Dongwoo..T_T
Myungsoo in military.. Imagine he in military uniform..wow..but I don't want imagine myungsoo with military's haircut..huhu..
Donggyu make Hoya smile back..
Love story between Sungyeol and Anna still strong even though have many obstacles..
Chukhae for finished this story.. Clap..clap..clap
naznew #7
Chapter 80: Gomawo updating..
Oh my..i can't stop crying.. dongwoo...a ball of sunshine..the happiness is gone..dongwoo-ah!!
He left and give all brother something to continue their life.. T_T
he fullfill his promise to myungsoo and saving sungyeol's life..
Dongwoo will always exist in their heart and his memory in their house and with his brothers will always remaining forever..
R.I.P Dongwoo...the second brother/ the older brother..
I'm glad they can accept that sunggyu is not their blood-related brother...
Please update again.
Chapter 79: TT^TT I cried............ so sadddddddd :"(
naznew #9
Chapter 79: Andwae!!!Dongwoo-ah..why you must suicide???T_T sob..sob...
Chapter 79: this is so sad I can't help it but cry T_T :'(