Chapter 28 – Final - Surprise!!!

Daily Complications!!!

‘Everyone come on in, welcome to my apartment make yourselves at home!’ Joey said while entering her apartment with Katie and Boyfriend. Everyone sat in the living room and caught up with Katie while Joey went to go and prepare some beverages for everyone. ‘Here guys’ Joey came to the living room and carefully passed out cups of coffee. Minwoo grabbed one, ‘here, be careful it’s hot’ he said handing Katie a cup. ‘Thanks’ she giggled and smiled at the same time. ‘You two are awfully close for two people that haven’t seen each other for over a year.’ Donghyun said with a specious look. Katie whispered something over to Minwoo. ‘Guys what’s going on?’ Youngmin questioned feeling something fishy was going on. ‘Nothing’s up guys, huh…’ Minwoo said trying to convince them. Katie whispered but just a little bit too loud, ‘just tell them’ ‘just tell them what?’ Joey asked, ‘Come on you can’t keep secrets from us’ Donghyun demanded. Katie slightly hit Minwoo signalling him it was time to confess. ‘Okay guys listen up we got something to announce, you might wanna sit down…’ Minwoo started, everyone sat down and waited. Minwoo reached out his hand and went to hold Katie’s, ‘Me and Katie have started dating for a while now.’ ‘WHAT!?’ everyone shouted at once following with their mouths dropping to the ground. ‘How could you not have told me Katie?! I thought we were best-friends and best-friends don’t keep secrets from each other!’ Joey stated. ‘I’m sorry Joey, I didn’t mean to we decided to keep it a secret for while and till we all got to see each other.’ ‘I forgive you!’ Joey went to hug her tightly, ‘but don’t keep anymore secrets from me again! Got that?’ Joey said. ‘Of course’ Katie her hugged her back. ‘So how long have you two been together?’ Youngmin asked out of curiosity. ‘It’s been around half a year now’ Minwoo replied relaxed, ‘WHAT!?’ everybody shouted. ‘Wow, I didn’t think you could keep secrets for so long.’ Joey said aiming at Katie. Katie smiled and shrugged her shoulders. Katie then noticed Kwangmin and felt a bit awkward, ‘I’m sorry Kwangmin, this might be a bit hard for you to pro~’ she got cut off, ‘What? Don’t be sorry, you guys should be enjoying yourselves and don’t worry I’m totally fine with it.’ Kwangmin reassured the couple. ‘You sure?’ Minwoo asked, ‘You bet!’ Kwangmin said with a smile. ‘Well since everything is sorted and everyone’s cool with each other, I suggest we go to the theme park!’ Joey shouted pumping her fist in the air. ‘Whoo!’ everyone shouted agreeing with the idea and started getting up and moving out the door.


Later on Katie came back to Korea to continue her studies there and spend time around all her friends. In the very end everyone had their dream job and lived a prosperous life. Boyfriend being a very well-known boy band, Joey becoming a great musician and even composing for some famous artists and lastly Katie became a recognized artist and having some of her work being in a gallery.


Author's Notes -

Yo! I have finally finished this story! I hope whoever has been reading this has enjoyed it, I know I was slow at updating but I had busy days. But now it's finished and feel free to comment. I'd love to know your thoughts on the story! Every comment is much appreciated! ^-^

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wooow i love it ^^