Chapter 22 – Suspicious!!!

Daily Complications!!!

Joey saw Katie’s face when she had come out of Minwoo’s room, she didn’t have to ask to know what was going on. She got quite suspicious herself about Minwoo. *what really happened?* Joey thought to herself, she felt like she needed to investigate but she knew she couldn’t do this by herself. After the movie had finished everyone went about there business, it was awkward for everybody. Katie had to go and study so she went home early. Joey still left at Boyfriend’s house, she decided to go get help but she knew exactly who to get help from, the perfect person. ‘Oppa~’ she used her ‘sweet convincing I need your help’ voice. ‘What do you want?’ Youngmin replied getting suspicious of her as he has known Joey long enough to know when she needs something. ‘Well~ I need you to help me figure out what happened with Minwoo.’ Joey pleaded. ‘Joey you know he’s not going to tell. If he’s not going to tell Katie what makes you think he’s going to tell you or me.’ ‘I know that but the thing is I feel like this has something to do with Kwangmin as well.’ ‘What? You think he’s done this?’ ‘I don’t know but think about it when we were at dinner both of them didn’t come; don’t you think there’s something behind that?’ ‘Hm…? Maybe but I don’t know’ Youngmin put on a thinking/frustrated face. ‘So… are you in?’ Youngmin thought for a bit ‘Fine, I’m in.’ Joey smiled and hugged him knowing that he wouldn’t let her down.


Two weeks had past since the accident, Minwoo was recovering from the scars luckily Boyfriend didn’t have any schedules that month. Minwoo hadn’t told anyone yet about what happened and he hadn’t spoken a word to Kwangmin either. Throughout the time that had past Katie tried forgetting what happened and carried on with her studies. Even though her exams were coming up and she had been study everyday she always had her mind on Minwoo. She cared for him a lot, knowing her friend had been injured badly and couldn’t even do anything to help, she felt hurt. While the rest of Boyfriend were doing whatever they wanted with their free time and Katie bust at school studying, in time Joey and Youngmin were left still investigating secretly by themselves.


‘Where’s Kwangmin today?’ Joey asked Youngmin while drinking her coffee. ‘I think he said he was going to the studio to practise some rapping, why?’ he replied curiously, ‘don’t tell me your going to see him’ he said trying to guess. ‘No, don’t worry I’m going to meet with Katie today after she’s finished study.’ She said reassuring him. Joey had been trying to get something out of Kwangmin lately. ‘Okay I believe you and that reminds me how come Katie’s been study so much lately?’ ‘That’s because she’s study for this entry exam, she wants to get in to this really nice uni but you got to pass the extremely difficult entry exam before you can get in.’ she explained. ‘Why try so hard when you can get in to any uni without going through so much difficulty?’ ‘Because this is a really nice uni Katie’s dreamed of going to for a long time.’ ‘So how come your not study?’ ‘I didn’t apply there.’ ‘How come?’ ‘I don’t think that’s my kinda thing and I don’t think I could pass the exam anyways. Besides I’ve already chosen by uni, I’m going to the Music of Seoul University.’ ‘Wow I hear it’s not bad there.’


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wooow i love it ^^