Chapter 26 - D-Day!!!

Daily Complications!!!

Today was the day! Katie was sat at her assigned seat, everyone is the room sat single tabled about 50cm away from each other just enough so you couldn’t see anybody else’s answers and nobody could see yours. She sat there nervous waiting for her paper to arrive. ‘Okay students start filling out the front page after you have done that you may begin.’ As soon as Katie heard she could start she opened the booklet and filled it out quickly and calmly. Yes, today was the day Katie would determine if she would get into her dream university or not, if she passed the test she would enter happily, if failed she would have to face going to a school of horror.


‘You gonna tell her after this right?’ Joey questioned Kwangmin,

‘N..not just yet give me some time to prepare, you know once I do this she’ll probably dumped me straight away.’ He replied not so happy.

‘I don’t know for sure but I know that it’s the right thing to do to tell her, she should decide on her own.’ Joey said quietly then Kwangmin just sighed. Joey planned to celebrate with Katie after she had finished the exam to get all her worries off her hands. Then at the end of the day Kwangmin decided to tell her then so she had her fun first. ‘Pens down! That’s it stop writing, the test is officially over, expect your results at the end of the month and hopefully most of you have got in.’ Katie breathe out a sigh of relief and she wouldn’t have to study anymore. She got outside and saw Joey and Kwangmin waiting for her. ‘How long you guys been waiting?’ Katie wondered, ‘Oh not long don’t worry, we were keeping each other company.’ Joey reassured her. ‘Shall we go then?!’ Kwangmin said plastering a fake smile, secretly dreading the end of the day. The three of them continued the day enjoying the moment. They went to eat, shop, play and much more. Katie’s worries had been taken away and she was satisfied for the day.


Night had come, and Joey said her goodbye and left Katie and Kwangmin at the house. They were alone as the rest of Boyfriend had schedules. ‘Today’s been really fun, thank you so much oppa.’ Katie said smiling. ‘Er..don’t thank me, it as all Joey’s idea.’ Katie chuckled. ‘Katie, sit down I got something to say.’ Katie followed his orders and he sat down next to her on the sofa. Kwangmin gulped and confessed. He explained everything about the incident between him and Minwoo, he tried explaining at the end his reasons for his acts but near to the end Katie’s face was mortified. She took a couple of seconds to process what he said then she just couldn’t reply due to too much confusion. ‘Wha…why…you…how…’ Katie tried spilling something out. ‘I know I did wrong but I had my side too.’ Kwangmin tried to persuade her. ‘He didn’t mean any harm giving me the ring; you didn’t have to do that!’ Katie raised her voice. ‘I know he had feelings for you but what could I do?’ ‘I was with you! You couldn’t trust me with him, is that it?’ Katie got really angry. ‘Katie, I’m sorry…’ Kwangmin said quietly. ‘No, I’m sorry, for believing in you, that I could actually trust you. I thought you were really understanding and a great boyfriend…but I guess I’ve been wrong all this time.’ Katie let out slowly with her blurry eyes. ‘Wait what are you saying?’ Kwangmin got confused and felt scared of what Katie was about to say. ‘I’m sorry Kwangmin but I can’t be with you anymore, you hurt me and you also hurt my friend which he was your friend first that you should have trusted.’ Katie held her tears. ‘NO! Katie you can’t say that, please tell me you don’t really mean that!’ Kwangmin held her arms shaking her slightly letting tears slowly escape from his eyes. Katie didn’t want this to happen either but she knew she couldn’t be with him anymore, it just wouldn’t be right. She took Kwangmin’s hands off her arms and slowly stood up to the door. She couldn’t stand looking at his face. ‘I’m sorry.’ She closed the door behind her and stood outside for a second. She closed her eyes as a tear fell. She let out a sighed.


Author's Notes -

The story is coming to an end soon! :(

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wooow i love it ^^