Chapter 25 – The Truth!!!

Daily Complications!!!

Time was ending soon that Katie and Joey would be going off to university and Boyfriend would be promoting new songs, the stuff that idols do. Boyfriend wasn’t going to university as they had idol activities going on but eventually they would go sometime or be home-schooled as they had tutors. When the time comes both couples knew they would not be able to see each other as often as they do now. Even Katie and Joey would be gong their separate ways.


The past few days had past with Youngmin trying his best his make Kwangmin talk but nothing. Meanwhile that was happening Katie was still studying hard for the entry exam and Joey was sending her application forms into universities that she wanted to go to. She sent more than one just in case she couldn’t get into her dream uni. Youngmin called Joey, ‘bad news…’ Youngmin trailed along ‘nothing?’ Joey asked but knew what was coming, he just stayed silent. ‘That’s it I’m coming over!’ ‘What!? Wai~’ Youngmin got cut off as Joey hung up.


Joey arrived at the studio. She walked up to the recording studio where she knew Kwangmin would be practising his rapping. Joey stormed into the room, ‘Yah!’ Kwangmin said removing his headphones. ‘Don’t yah me; I’ve had it with you Jo Kwangmin! Stop hiding and just tell the truth!’ Joey shouted, Kwangmin didn’t have a clue what she was talking about instead he stared at her cluelessy. ‘What are you talking about?’ ‘I know you did it, I know you were the one who hit Minwoo you were the one who did that to him wasn’t it?’ Joey blurted out, now Kwangmin knew exactly what Joey was talking about. He was wide-eyed. ‘I…I don’t know what your talking about.’ Kwangmin tried to hide it. ‘Oh don’t try and hide it, I know everything so why don’t you just say admit it.’ Joey said calming down. He gave up, ‘fine, I did it’ he confessed. ‘Why?’ ‘Why!? You know he gave MY girlfriend a ring and told her he liked her when he knew full well that we were already going out.’ Kwangmin got angry remembering what Katie had told him that day. Joey sighed, knowing exactly how Kwangmin felt but at the same feeling that it was wrong. ‘Are you going to tell Katie?’ ‘No! I…I mean, not right now anyway. If I do I don’t know how she’ll react.’ ‘You have to tell her some day, it’s the right thing to do. If you don’t I will’ ‘You can’t! I’ll do it but not right now, I mean she’s got her entry exam going on I don’t want to distract her.’ ‘Fine but as soon as she has finished them you have to tell her or I will.’ ‘Okay okay I will.’


Author's Notes -

To make up for my absence I uploading 2 new chapters, hope you enjoy! ^-^

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wooow i love it ^^