Chapter 23 – Why now???

Daily Complications!!!

Joey and Katie were at a café near Katie’s college so they thought of going there as it was more convenient. Joey sat down at the table meeting Katie where she was waiting for 5 minutes. ‘Sorry hope you weren’t waiting too long.’ Joey said apologetically, ‘course not; I only got here a couple minutes ago.’ ‘Okay that’s good.’ Joey and Katie decided to catch up on each other’s life, they hadn't seen each other for a while except when Katie would come home but she would always be back so late that Joey would already be asleep. Katie had been way to busy studying to hang out with Joey. ‘So…have you talked to Kwangmin lately?’ Joey asked out of curiosity. ‘To be honest I’ve been way too busy with my studies to talk to him, I haven’t even had the chance to talk to you for a long time.’ Katie answered. Since the accident with Minwoo, Katie and Kwangmin hadn’t spoken much to each other recently, they also felt awkward around one another. Katie put on a sad face. Joey noticed this and tried to change the subject then something caught her eye. ‘Oo! That’s a nice ring, where did you get that, actually when did you get that I don’t remember seeing it.’ Katie panicked trying to think of an excuse. ‘Erm…?’ ‘Oh come on it’s from Kwangmin right?’ Katie held her ring and showed alarmed on her face. Katie dreaded this day would come where she would have to tell Joey the whole story of what happened that day with Minwoo. ‘Actually…I have something to tell you.’ Katie manned up. ‘What is it?’ Joey asked not knowing what was going to happen next. Katie breathed in and started, ‘You remember that day when me and Minwoo went out to the café right? Well something happened...’ Katie explained the whole story to Joey, right to the end where she received the ring. ‘WHAT!’ Joey screamed. ‘Shh… calm down people are looking.’ Katie said pulling Joey back to her seat. ‘Why didn’t you tell me earlier? Why now? Were you ever going to tell me?’ ‘I don’t know I couldn’t tell you it was happening way too fast and since the subject came up I thought it’s time, I was planning on telling you.’ Joey sighed and didn’t get angry at Katie; she couldn’t be upset with her ever.


Joey went back home while Katie’s lunch break was over and went back studying. Joey was in her room thinking what Katie told her today. ‘What really happened on that day? Could it be…?’ Joey said to herself then something clicked in her mind, ‘Kwangmin!’ Joey had come up with a solution and figured out the story but first she would have to get real evidence and to do that she had to get help.


Author's Notes -

YO! I'm so sorry I haven't been updating! I think due to my laziness, that's why I lost a follower. I'm quite sad about that I hope I can get them back and also get more subscribers. I wanna gives lots and lots of ThkZ to all the reader wheather you have subscribed or not because I'm quite glad people are at least reading this.

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wooow i love it ^^