
The competition


“Where you are, I will be there too
Where you go, I will go there too

I smile for you every day, I pray for you
With thoughts of you, I fall asleep - I open my eyes as I call for you
You protect me by my side and you embrace me
You are my heaven”
Baekhyun sang, letting the words spill from his rosy lips.

“Good Baekhyun, don’t forget to breathe.” Minhyun interjected with a smile. Baekhyun nodded before continuing.

“You're my only one way
Only for you - I am thankful that I am next to you
You're the only one babe
You taught me love in this harsh world - I am happy with you alone”

“Okay, the chorus is coming, really push for those high notes.”

“Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven

Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven
If we're together we will never cry never never cry
Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven

Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven Heaven
Forever, together - never gonna be alone

I breathe in your arms, we kiss in your arms
When I hear your voice, it feels like I'm dreaming
I can tell from your eyes, I can tell about your love
You are my heaven”
Baekhyun let the last note go with a sigh as Minhyun and Chen clapped at his performance.

“I just can’t get it!” Baekhyun said exasperated, his hands coming up to grasp at his hair in his annoyance. He ruffled it violently with a throaty growl before dropping into the wooden chair that was leaning precariously against the wall. Chen clapped his hand against Baekhyun’s shoulder with a reassuring, “You’ll get there, it sounds amazing anyway.” All traces of his usual prankster humour gone from his voice.

It was Thursday. The Thursday. The Thursday before their first performance, and Baekhyun was both exhausted and stressed out at the same time. The week had been full of manic practices and brain aching studying to catch up with all of the lessons they were missing. He had loved it, the training sessions were like nothing he had experienced and he could hear the improvement in his own voice, on top of that it was brilliant being able to hear Chen’s voice grow stronger along with his own. There was just one problem, emotion, better yet, the lack of it. For some reason he just couldn’t inject the right emotion into the lyrics of the song, he didn’t know what it was but something was nagging at the back of his mind, holding him back from where he needed to be. He would sing the words with the utmost technical skill, getting better every day, but there was no meaning to it, where was the meaning, the emotion? If only he knew. The performances were tomorrow and he didn’t know what he was going to do.

“Chen, I think we’ve got just enough time to run through yours once more.” Minhyun said, stacking up the multiple sheets of paper that were filling the keyboard stand. Chen nodded with a smile and stood, taking a few deep breaths to prepare himself.

“Would it be okay for me to go now then? I think I need some air and if we’ve nearly finished anyway…?” Baekhyu trailed off, he could hear the listless dull monotone to his voice but his musical block had really put a dampener on his spirits.

“Sure Baek,” Minhyun said with an encouraging smile. “Look, you have one of the most incredible voices that I have ever heard, don’t be so hard on yourself. Take it from me, go home, relax, look over the lyrics if you have time but really don’t worry about it. What you need is some time to distress and relax and you’ll be fine tomorrow, I promise.” Baekhyun smiled at him, the action barely tugging his lips upward more than a milimeter, before hiking his bag up onto his shoulder.

“See you tomorrow Chen-chen.” Baekhyun said, ruffling the youngers hair so that the longer strands flicked into his eyes. Chen frowned and hurriedly fixed it, sending a gentle punch to Baekhyun’s shoulder just before he slipped out of the room. “Bye bye Baekie Baekie.” Was the last thing Baekhyun heard in Chen’s high, girl imitating voice, as the door shut behind him. Baekhyun let out a deep sigh before pulling his bag higher on his shoulder and shuffling off down the corridor, headphones stuffed in his ears, heaven playing on repeat.


Baekhyun lifted his spoon of rice into the air before letting the grains rain back down onto his still piled plate like a white blizzard in his kitchen. He just didn’t feel like eating, he was too nervous, butterflies were fluttering about in his stomach, it was like it was bloody mating season in there and all of the insects were going crazy and partying. He stared into his food, letting his vision blur so that the rice and curry blended in his mind, forming a mush of an image in his mind. He shook out his head and ruffled his hair angrily before bringing his forehead down to rest against the cold wood of his kitchen table. Tick, tick, tick. The kitchen clock was loud and ominous in the deep silence of the evening. Tick, tick, tick. It’s relentless ticking knocked at the nerves in Baekhyun’s head and he felt his eye twitch as his stress levels rose, ballooning up within him, ready to burst at any moment. Tick, tick, tick.

“Augh!” He yelled in frustration, pushing his plate to the floor with a resounding crash just as his doorbell rang glaringly out through his empty house. He pushed his chair angrily out from the table, the chair legs scraping harshly against the tiled floor, wreaking havoc with his already frazzled brain. He stomped over to the front door and just as his hand closed around the door handle to open it the unlucky person behind the thin layer of wood just happened to ring the bell again.

Baekhyun snapped.

“What?!” Baekhyun practically screamed as he flung the door open, hear racing, chest rising and falling rapidly, eyes bulging- that all stopped. Baekhyun let his breath go, his body sagging and deflating as he saw what was behind the door. Chanyeol was stood, nervously shuffling in his tattered red converses, his large floppy hoodie only half zipped up and falling off of one shoulder only to pool loosely in a bunch of excess material at his hand which was grasping a single daffodil, held out before him. His cap came down flopped down but didn’t quite hide his thick lashes, fanning out over his defined cheekbones as he directed his gaze to the ground, lips pushed out in a cute pout. Baekhyun felt all of his pent up stress and anger rush out at the sight of the scolded boy.

“Chan…I’m sorry, I’m just so stressed, I didn’t mean to yell like that.” Baekhyun said with a sigh, reaching his hand out for his boyfriend to take.

“It’s okay Baekie.” Chanyeol said with a smile, placing the daffodil into Baekhyun’s hand instead. “Here, I picked it because it shows that spring is coming, daffodils always come up first and I saw this one and…well I thought that you might like it is all.” Chanyeol said bashfully, scuffing his ragged shoes gently against the steps up to Baekhyun’s front door.

“I love it Yeol.” Baekhyun uttered with a steady grin spreading across his face, the first in a few days that had truly graced his mouth. He let his fingers clasp around the delicate, pale green stem of the elegant yellow flower before lifting it to his face. The sweet aroma filled his nose, swamping his senses and drowning out his worries with its grace.  

“Sorry…” Chanyeol muttered as he took a step forward. Baekhyun cocked his head to the side, his eyebrows furrowing together in his confusion.

“For what Yeol?” He asked, absentmindedly scratching at his scalp.

“For this…” Chanyeol said. Baekhyun didn’t have time to ponder the creepy grin that had overcome his boyfriend’s face, showing off two rows of pearly whites, before he was grabbed hard and fast by the waist and flung over the curly giant’s shoulder. His breath was knocked from him as he landed with a thump upon Chanyeol’s hoodie. He kicked his feet out recklessly, his hands grasping at what fabric he could just to stay up as his hair flopped down over his forehead, jabbing at his eyes. Chanyeol reached into his back pocket -if it had been anyone else then Baekhyun would have slapped him to Sunday- to retrieve his key, proceeding to lock up his front door. The giant loped down the steps and into the road, striding down the street, whistling happily as Baekhyun continued to struggle.

“Yah! Yeol, where are we going?!” Baekhyun yelled, his breaths coming out in great cloudy puffs.

“To get you some emotion.” Chanyeol said, his broad smile clear in his deep, gravelly voice.


A/N: I AM SO SORRY!! PLEASE FORGIVE ME! I have just had so much on and I started swimming in the evenings which is when I usually write and, well I know there's no excuse for how long it's been but I really am sorry! I will try to update more often, I really will, but my exams are in the next few weeks and they're really important so I can't be sure how frequently I'll be able to update. I am also sorry that this chapter was so short and didn't really accomplish anything but I will try to get better.

Please forgive me, nae? :3


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Sorry I took a while to update but It was my birthday so I was very busy. Sorry!


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7RunningFools #1
Chapter 103: I've been reading this all night and I wasn't logged in then so I'll say this now:
You were ing born to write, stop making excuses and feel more confident in your writing because damn. This was the first Breakfast fic I've read and it's 1000x better than almost every fic I've ever read, and that's saying something. And I've never liked fics where they change POVs between ships but let me just say I'll sell my soul to keep this fic in existence. Be honored because I'm usually too lazy to actually tell authors my thoughts and holy shiet I love this story so fricking much please keep writing if it makes you happy, because you make me so happy when I'm reading this fic.
Chapter 74: Sehun acts like he's five the way he talks XD
malydil #3
Chapter 111: UPDATE. NOW. PLEASE.
I've been marathon reading this and I'm loving it so much! Hope to see an update sometime! It would be so sad to see such a good fic go unfinished.
BeyondTheVeil #5
Chapter 82: Well, Lay certainly hit me with his confidence.
I'll subscribe because this fic sounds wonderful but I'm not going to read it until the author updates or something cuz i have subscriptions that haven't been updated for more than 3 years. I don't need more disappointment and sadness thank you very much even though I'm already kinda disappointed because the description sounds really good.
sinclair04 #7
Well the description of the story seemed great but I'm having second thoughts about reading this fic since the author has not updated this for at least 6 months.. I really don't want cliffhangers when there's little chance of them being updated.. Hope the author comes back..
Chapter 111: Hi^^ I just want to say, I've been reading this for a while now, and I was just really disappointed that you haven't updated in awhile. :( You're okay right? You don't have to update, just wanted to know. You never mentioned anything about a hiatus??? Anyways, great story so far! Can't wait to see where it goes!
happykitty #9
This looks so good but I'm not if I should start reading it. It looks like the author might have gone on hiatus. If I really get into it–and I do love baekyeol and long fics— I don't want to be left with a permanent cliffhanger! ???
Chapter 111: Author-nim please update.
Exo lives on as 12 through your fic.
we could use some of your fluff.