Some things just can't be unseen

The competition


Sehun’s POV

Sehun felt warmth surrounding his body, his skin almost bubbly with the heat it was emitting. His vision was still black as his eyes remained closed and he couldn’t remember where he was. He shifted his head a little to the left and as he moved a dull pain wracked his skull, numbing his thoughts a little. He shifted lightly and felt gentle lapping splashes against his body. What the hell, where was he, was he in a bath? As he shuffled his shoulders slightly in confusion he noticed something that had been unknown to him before. He felt something warm and soft wrapped delicately around his shoulders while something slightly heavier yet still comforting rested atop his aching head. The feeling he got from this presence was comforting and calming.

He felt something warm, smooth and soft caress his forehead, making his heart flutter and bound at the same time. His eyes flickered open quickly and there he was, Luhan’s face was only an inch or so from Sehun’s and Sehun could hardly breathe. The elder’s deep, almond shaped eyes were wide with shock and…worry? His usually pale white skin was flushed with deep red, staining his cute cheeks, and his pink lips formed a surprised ‘o’. Beads of moisture collected on Luhan’s face, his fringe dampened with the condensed steam rising up to meet his skin. Sehun was breath taken, quite literally as he lay without taking a breath because Luhan was just so close. “Luhan hyung…?” Sehun didn’t know if this was real or if he was hallucinating.

“Sehun-ah!” Luhan said with a slight squeak. “Are you alright? How are you feeling? Is anywhere cold or does anywhere hurt?...”There was too much talking, it was hurting his head. He lifted his hand to gently press a finger to Luhan’s lips to stop the torrent of fast flowing words. He had barely been able to catch what the elder was babbling about.

“Thhhh.” He said, mentally cursing his lisp. As he spoke he took notice of his finger, his head tilting to the side in confusion. It was wet, why was it wet? His gaze travelled up his slim, milky arm which, like his finger, was covered in small droplets of water but what surprised him more than the water was the lack of, well anything clothing wise on his arms.

Looking closer he realised that his entire torso was bear as were his long legs. Water was lapping at his skin and as he had thought he was in a bath, not his own bath but a bath none the less. He took in a deep breath trying to process his thoughts, so he was in a bath, and Luhan was there, and he was…?

“Ahh!” He shrieked suddenly. He drew his legs hurriedly up to his chest, sending water splashing about the bath, spilling in gushes over the edges of the tub and spraying onto a startled Luhan. Sehun wrapped his arms around himself trying to make sure he wasn’t revealing anything but feeling extremely exposed. His head pounded with his sudden rush to sit up and he groaned a little. Most of the water gone and the warmth he was getting from it only reached just above his ankles making his wet back and torso feel cold and tingly in the cool air. He looked up to see a frowning and dishevelled Luhan glaring at him. His blonde hair had become a dark sandy colour and was plastered to his face; his jumper clung to his body and dripped loudly onto the tile floor. There were black smudges under his narrowed eyes and Sehun thought that even like this Luhan was the most beautiful human he had ever seen, seeming to even transcend all possible realms of human beauty.  

“What the Sehun! You’re wearing boxers, what’s the big deal, augh!” Luhan yelled, pointing angrily at the younger. The loud sounds boomed around Sehun’s head, rattling painfully. Sehun tried to push them down but he couldn’t stop the tears the welled in his eyes, not at the pain, but at the anger in the words being flung at him. Sehun dropped his gaze down just as all of the rage slipped from Luhan’s face to be replaced with glassy, horror struck eyes. Sehun rested his forehead on his pointy knees and trying to will away his headache.

“Sehun-ah?” Luhan’s voice was soft and gentle, barely above a whisper. Sehun flinched a little as he felt thin, waterlogged fabric clad arms wrap around his shoulders. Luhan pulled Sehun’s body into his chest and after only a moment Sehun let himself be tugged into the embrace, resting his head on Luhan’s itchy jumper. “I’m sorry Sehun-ah. I was just worried and really tense and…Look I didn’t mean to shout okay?” Sehun just nodded. “Are you feeling alright?” Luhan asked and Sehun could hear the tremor of concern in his tinkering, angelic voice.

“It hurtth Hyung.”Sehun whispered into the wet fabric. Luhan pulled Sehun back a little and Sehun looked up into the elder’s wide and worried eyes.

“What hurts Sehun-ah? Where does it hurt?” Luhan asked. Sehun furrowed his brows at the painful ache and lifted his hand to tap the side of his head twice, indicating the location of his pains to Luhan without the unnecessary noise. “Your head? Oh you’re shivering again. We best get you dry and warmed up again okay? Do you need help to stand?” Without waiting for an answer Luhan slipped his hands underneath Sehun’s arms and helped him to get to his feet. Now that Luhan had mentioned it Sehun noticed that he was indeed shivering, but only a little. 

Once Sehun felt that he was stable on his feet he smiled and nodded at Luhan gently. As Luhan waddled cutely across the room to grab a fluffy blue and white towel, Sehun looked down and realised that, even though he had on a pair of boxers, he was extremely bare and exposed. His cheeks flushed madly, glowing red as he folded his hands in front of his crotch, the thin, wet fabric didn’t leave much to the imagination. Luhan gently brought the towel to Sehun’s head and rubbed it through his hair to remove the droplets that threatened to fall before continuing to rub down Sehun’s torso. Sehun felt like his eyelids had never been so far apart as his blush deepened. Luhan skipped from Sehun’s stomach down to dry his legs. Once he had dried all of the skin not covered by Sehun’s boxers, and effectively turned Sehun’s face into a furnace, he wrapped the towel securely around the younger’s waist. Sehun couldn’t help but notice that he was not the only one who seemed a little embarrassed as Luhan’s pale cheeks were dusted with a pink flush that rose up to meet his ears. “Umm, do you want to err, take off your boxers? Under the towel I mean! I’ll turn around!” Luhan hurriedly turned from Sehun and the younger found himself chuckling deeply despite his embarrassment.

“Nae Hyung.” He slid the boxers down his legs and kicked them off, making sure to keep the towel tight around his hips. Taking a moment to look around he noticed that he recognised where he was, this was definitely Baekhyun’s bathroom. “Done.” He said as he wrung out the boxers over the bath. Luhan turned around with a lopsided smile as he chewed delicately on one side of his lower lip.

“So umm you should get some clothes quickly. We don’t want you getting cold again. Baekhyun said that we should come down when you need clothes so let’s go.” Luhan held his hand out with a shy smile and Sehun took it with one of his own, relishing in the feel of Luhan’s baby smooth skin against his. “I think that you’ll be needing thome clotheth too Hyung.” Sehun said with a giggle. Luhan looked down at his own drenched clothes with a pout, scratching at his scalp and sighing. The walked out of the bathroom and down the dark hallway that Sehun knew well. He guided Luhan around the most likely overflowing washing basket that was invisible in the dark which Sehun had tripped on one time too many to ever forget.

As they neared Baekhyun’s bedroom Sehun heard an undistinguishable, muffled noise coming from behind the closed door. Raising an eyebrow at Luhan he lifted one shoulder to show the elder that he didn’t know what it was either. Shrugging it off he pushed the door open only to wish a few seconds later that he hadn’t. Baekhyun was sat atop Chanyeol who was lying stretched out on the bed. Both were in nothing more than underwear and by the sounds of the noises they were making it didn’t seem like that was planned to stay on much longer. The two were locked in a fierce tongue battle as the elder ed his hips forward on top of Chanyeol’s, drawing deep, breathy moans from them both as they wound and tangled their fingers together.

The door thudded against the wall as Luhan and Sehun stood there, wide eyed in shock. Sehun wanted to cover his eyes, his poor inexperienced eyes, but he couldn’t move to do so. Baekhyun looked over his shoulder with a horrified expression as he shrieked, “Ahh!” and rolled off of Chanyeol. “.” Chanyeol said gruffly as he tugged the duvet up to cover the two of them and his now visible and proudly standing . Luhan managed to snap back to attention as he tugged Sehun from the room, slamming the door, a muffled, “Sorry!” could be heard through the door.

Sehun clutched at the towel that was now falling to the floor in the darkness, pulled off as Luhan had pulled him from the room, but his hands were grasping empty air. “Sehun?” Luhan asked shakily and Sehun could hear his fingers fumbling for the light switch. Sehun’s heart pounded loudly in his ears, bringing back his headache, but he was unable to focus on that. “Don’t!” He yelled. But it was too late. Light flooded the hallway, illuminating Luhan’s if possible, wider eyes and shining a whole new light on Sehun’s…situation. 

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Sorry I took a while to update but It was my birthday so I was very busy. Sorry!


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7RunningFools #1
Chapter 103: I've been reading this all night and I wasn't logged in then so I'll say this now:
You were ing born to write, stop making excuses and feel more confident in your writing because damn. This was the first Breakfast fic I've read and it's 1000x better than almost every fic I've ever read, and that's saying something. And I've never liked fics where they change POVs between ships but let me just say I'll sell my soul to keep this fic in existence. Be honored because I'm usually too lazy to actually tell authors my thoughts and holy shiet I love this story so fricking much please keep writing if it makes you happy, because you make me so happy when I'm reading this fic.
Chapter 74: Sehun acts like he's five the way he talks XD
malydil #3
Chapter 111: UPDATE. NOW. PLEASE.
I've been marathon reading this and I'm loving it so much! Hope to see an update sometime! It would be so sad to see such a good fic go unfinished.
BeyondTheVeil #5
Chapter 82: Well, Lay certainly hit me with his confidence.
I'll subscribe because this fic sounds wonderful but I'm not going to read it until the author updates or something cuz i have subscriptions that haven't been updated for more than 3 years. I don't need more disappointment and sadness thank you very much even though I'm already kinda disappointed because the description sounds really good.
sinclair04 #7
Well the description of the story seemed great but I'm having second thoughts about reading this fic since the author has not updated this for at least 6 months.. I really don't want cliffhangers when there's little chance of them being updated.. Hope the author comes back..
Chapter 111: Hi^^ I just want to say, I've been reading this for a while now, and I was just really disappointed that you haven't updated in awhile. :( You're okay right? You don't have to update, just wanted to know. You never mentioned anything about a hiatus??? Anyways, great story so far! Can't wait to see where it goes!
happykitty #9
This looks so good but I'm not if I should start reading it. It looks like the author might have gone on hiatus. If I really get into it–and I do love baekyeol and long fics— I don't want to be left with a permanent cliffhanger! ???
Chapter 111: Author-nim please update.
Exo lives on as 12 through your fic.
we could use some of your fluff.