Chapter 21

My 12 Lovers!

We sat there speechless. "So what happened to her mother??" Xiumin asked.

" Maybe we should ask Jiyoung... But who will ask?" Suho said as he brought in some water.

" Lets have Luna.." Sehun said handing her the phone.

" But..But-" Luna said.

" But what?" Sehun asked.

" She will know it is you guys calling. She has collar ID." Luna said handing back the phone.

" Who Cares!" They all said. At the same time and tone.

"........Fine then!" Luna said dialing Jiyoungs number. We waited patiently for Jiyoung to answer.

" Hello? Who is this?"

" Jiyoung-Ah!" Luna said.

" Luna..yea.... What's the problem?" 

"Hows your twelve friends?! Did they hurt you?" Luna asked as the others glared at her for asking.

" Umm..." " Its ok to talk to me about it! I'm here for you. That's what bestfriends do." Luna said as she pressed the SPEAKER button.

" Well... I don't know what's up with them but I really miss hanging out with you and Jihye. I miss hanging out with them. I really don't know what to say. I'm trying to hold my tears back. But I can't-"

" Oh Jiyoung! Don't cry." Luna said as she looked at them. Xiumin and Chens faces were :'( faces. Sehun just Smiled and nodded.  " And..  Luna.. Are you still mad at me?I'm sorry for everything.."

" No.. I was never mad. And I'm sorry Too. Tell me more about them and your life..." Luna said as she smiled.

" Im hurt! It hurts to not see anyone visit you at the hosital. It hurts a lot. It hurts more when you don't have a Mother to comfort you. It hurts when your father isn't there for you when you are in sadness. It Hurts."

" Jiyoung-ah.. What happened to your mother?" Luna asked. We all gathered closer to listen.

" My mother died from heart transplant. I think but I was still little back then. She needed a new heart and  we waited. But my mother didn't survive."

" So that's what happened...." Luhan said.

" Whos that?"

" .... Ohh... Ummmm....Jihye is here."Luna said as she lightly smacked Luhans arm.

  " Oh well I have to go. I'm sorry. I'm going to go visit my mom."

" Wait..ok! Bye Jiyoung!" Luna said as she hung up. " Well, there's your answer! Well we gotta get going." " See ya guys!" I said.

" Thanks Jihye and Luna!" They all said. Today we call it a day.


You walked to the cemetery. You found your moms place and sat down. You placed the flowers in front of her tombstones. Your mother liked Lillies and tulips. 

" Hi Umma! I'm here! I came to visit you. These Long years without you are.... Sad and long. I wish you were still here with me. To comfort and hug me. I know I say the same things but today is different. Thank you for teaching me things when I was 6 years old. I had learned a few things but they are still in my heart until this day. Im going to turn 18 years old next week. And I just wanted to thank you Umma! Remember, we always have you in our heart! Appa loves you! And I Love You!" you wiped the tombstone with your hand and walked away. You smiled and felt more relief. Gotta get planned for your birthday.


You had everything planned. You were going to invite Luna and Jihye. Of course they came. You probably will invite the school and maybe DR.LEE. You left to the hospital to invite Dr. lee over.

" Hello? Dr. Lee?" " Yes! Come in!"

" Well I just wanted to ask if you were busy Sunday night?" you said while taking a seat.

" No I don't think so.. Why?"

" Im throwing a birthday party since I am turning 18.."

" Cool! Who's going to be there?"

" Umm.. My-"

" Your 12 Lovers are going to be there, right?"

" Wait! What?" You were totally shocked at what he said." My 12 what?"

" Your 12 Lovers! How many times do you want me to say it." " Ummm i think you have mistaken me for someone else.."

" No no no no! Lee Jiyoung! They Like you! They Love you. Jiyoung, you haven't noticed?"

" Umm no? They.. Have been avoiding me."

"I know why... Do you want to know why?" You nodded." Because they all know that they all like you. When you were in the hospital. They came to Ask about you."

" Really? Dr. Lee... Your crazy. They are just-"

" Just what.. Your friends? I'll prove to you ok?"

" Ok?!?"

" Jiyoung... I'll come! I'll bring them too! Goodbye!" Dr. Lee said As he walked out of the room. You still couldn't believe what he just said. Weird huh? You Got home and got a text from Jihye.

Hello Gurl!   

              3 More days till your birthday! Who you inviting? :)

Hey Jihye!   

         Dont know yet but you,Luna, Dr.Lee and- Yea.. Gurl! You ain't inviting your 12 friends? Umm.. Jihye... I seriuosly don't know yet. But you can invite some of your friends over. Ok?

Sure Gurly!

         Haha see ya! And LOVE ya!;)

Yea yea! Love ya too Jihye!! 

You layed on your bed and sighed. Sunday night is going to be long.

~EXO POV~ ( Suho narration)

We all sat around the Tv like always and just ate chips.

" Hyung!! I heard it's Jiyoungs Birthday! On sunday!!" Tao said jumping up and down.

 " Stop being so childish!" Baekhyun said.

" REALly!! I have to get her something!" Chen and Chanyeol said at the same time.

" Wait! Problemo... We weren't invited.."'Kai said looking through his phone.

" oh Man! Dang it! I was looking forward to it-" Lay said when the phone rang.

" Hello!?" D.O said.

" Sunday Night! Jiyoungs party! Be there! Dr.LEE here! Bye!"

"Bye?" D.O said.

" What happened!?" I said.

"We are invited to Jiyoungs party!!" D.O said smiling really big.

" Yay!!" we all shouted.

" But who invited us?!" Kris said.

" Dr.Lee!?!" D.O said scratching his head.

" That works!" Xiumin said

. We were all thinking about what we were going to give Or buy for Jiyoung.

SUHO- I was planning on buying her a key Chain. So she can remeber Korea.

LAY-I probably want to buy her a Charm bracelet.

KAI- I want to buy her a ring, but not for marriage.. I hope.

CHEN-I want to hang put with her for her birthday only.

XIUMIN-Neckalace.. Definately!

SEHUN-Earrings. REALLY pretty ones! 

CHANYEOL-BB Cream and Other makeup things.

BAEKHYUN-MAKE UP! Eyeliner,masqara,and eyeshadow!

KRIS-Tallness... Just kidding. Money. It doesn't hurt to give money.. Right?

TAO-I'll do what Duizhang does! Money! So EXCITED to eat Cake!! D.O-I'll cook a special dish for her!

LUHAN-This is crazy.... But I'm going to give her.... Her first Kiss...


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Baekkicon #1
Chapter 8: Chapter 8 -
They're soooo cute... Kris is so funny..
BaekChaYun #2
My mind is frickin exploding already from the foreword. >_< ! I have some stuff due in the morning, so I'll bookmark this for later.
PieLife #3
Chapter 31: FANTASTIC STOREH But there are some typo's here and there.Over all still amazing
PieLife #4
Chapter 7: Chanyeol,Sehun,and Xiumim be like 'Roll like a buffalo'
Chapter 31: I enjoyed this, Off to sequel ! ♡
Chapter 31: gonna move to seq rn. This fic is interesting!
Chapter 10: Omg this story is amazing!!~AveryPark
abbe_28 #8
Chapter 31: Yes!! Finally done reading this!!! Thanks author-nim for sending me the misssing chapters.. Athough I know its a burden for you.. mianhae.. But I really love this story and its all worth the wait!! I am reading the sequel already. :) Hwaiting!! *Luhan had an accident.. :'(
kpopgirl2494 #9
Chapter 3: New reader here~this story were interesting~X)
Chapter 30: oohhhh....
Need updates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!