Chapter 15

My 12 Lovers!


" What the.." Xiumin said getting up.

" What kind of question was that..Sehun?" Kris said ruffling his hair.

" Ummm......Sorry Jiyoung...that was..umm...." SEhun said when you interrupted him.

" Sure..i mean..we can know.." You said tucking yourself in your blanket.

There was silence. An akward silence. You fell asleep fast since you were tired.


I couldn't sleep. I felt stupid for asking her out. I didn't feel right. I felt like I needed some time to think what to say to her, and what to do with her. I reallt couldn't fall asleep. Maybe I should just tell her that I'm not ready, and she might not want to go out with me. *Oh Sehun! What have you gotten yourself in..*


You woke up from the sound of snoring. You stared at D.O. You smiled since it was cute. You looked at the time and it was 8:45 a.m. You got up and went to the bathroom. You got dressed and washed your face and did your hair. YOu got out of the bathroom and looked at them. They all looked cute. Your room was filled with nine handsome good looking guys. You squeeled in your head and walked downstairs. You maids greeted you and made breakfast. You ate happily and told the maids to make more for the nine handsome angels in your room. You left a note on the table that said...


Hello Guys!

  Sorry if I didn't wake you guys up. I went to visit Suho and them, and I brought some food for them. My maids made some breakfast..soo...EAT UP Oppas! Saranghaeyo!!

              Your dearest Friend,

                                       Lee Jiyoung :D

You left the note laying on the table. You walked to the hospital since it wasn't that far from your house. You smiled since you were excited to see Suho oppa. You missed him alot. You were happy that Suho came to help you. You were happy to see Baekhyun Oppa, and the Happy Virus Chanyeol Oppa. You were on your way to the hospital when you stopped and looked down the alley. You could still see the flashing images of you and Suho there, with the strangers. You didn't want to see the flashing images. They flashed by in your mind and you wanted to erase them. You walked and found your self at the store. You smiled since you were sitting there yesterday with Kai,Kris,Xiumin, and Baekhyun oppa. You kept on walking and found the warehouse still there. It was empty with no one in it, except the police that was still looking through the warehouse. You got to the hospital and walked into Suho's room. They were still sleeping. You sat down on the couch and took out the food. You placed the food on the table and rolled it to where Suho was sleeping. You put the table next to Suho and went to sit next to Chanyeol. He looked very uncomfortable, so you moved and put a pillow where he was sitting. You felt bad for Chanyeol and BAekhyun since they looked so uncomfortable. You turned the T.V on and watched some news. While you were watching, Suho woke up.

" Jiyoung! Hello!" Suho said smiling,

" Hey!" You said.

" What brings you here?" Suho said getting up.

" Becareful Suho.." You said helping him.

" It's fine..umm... you brought food?" Suho said.

" Yea, for you and Chanyeol, and Baekhyun..." You said trying to wake them up.

" Yah! Don't touch me-!" Baekhyun shouted, " Ohh...sorry Jiyoung, i'm so sorry.."

" Nah, everyone is crabby when others wake them up.." you said walking over to Chanyeol.

" Wow, atleast he didn't roll off the couch.." Suho said.

You smiled at Chanyeol and ruffled his hair.

" Hmm...." Chanyeol said waking up. He rubbed his eyes and stared at you. Then he blinked a couple times. Then he looked at you. Then he hid his face with his pillow. You laughed at his actions.

" Yah, wake up..little puppy dog. " You said bringing the food.

" Yummy...I was soo hungry yesterday..." Baekhyun Oppa said smelling the tteobkki. You handed them forks and they ate happily.

" Suho Oppa, when will you be out of the hospital..." You asked.

" Today!" Suho said taking his medicine. You helped throw away there trash and you stayed there with your Oppas.

~EXO POV~ (Kris narration)

WE were still sleeping when there was a phone call. I woke up to pick the phone and it was Jiyoung's best friend Luna.

" Hello Jiyoung! How are you doing? I missed you! So excited to see you at school tomorrow...Umm..Hello??" Luna said.

I didn't answer. I hung up and went back to sleep. I didn't want Luna to find out that we were at Jiyoung's house. I tried to fall back asleep but I couldn't. I became crabby. I was sore from the running and everything. I woke the others up and we got dressed and washed our face. We looked for Jiyoung, but we couldn't find her anywhere.

" Look, there is a note on the table.." Luhan said picking the note up. Luhan read it.

" What is it Hyung?" Lay said.

" Jiyoung is at the hospital visiting Suho, and she is sorry that she didn' t wake us up..." Luhan said.

" She should be sorry. " Sehun said pouting since he wanted to talk with Jiyoung.

" WEll, let's eat breakfast then..." I said.

We ate breakfast and started to talk about the topic of yesterday.

" Soo, SEhun... you really going to ask her?" Xiumin said.

" I don't know, we will try..ok? WE will try.." Sehun said.



I knew that our dating wouldn't work since I knew the others had feelings for her too......


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LOL this picture..

Credit: to owner of the EXO macro..hahaha

And if you quessed are correct! :D

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Baekkicon #1
Chapter 8: Chapter 8 -
They're soooo cute... Kris is so funny..
BaekChaYun #2
My mind is frickin exploding already from the foreword. >_< ! I have some stuff due in the morning, so I'll bookmark this for later.
PieLife #3
Chapter 31: FANTASTIC STOREH But there are some typo's here and there.Over all still amazing
PieLife #4
Chapter 7: Chanyeol,Sehun,and Xiumim be like 'Roll like a buffalo'
Chapter 31: I enjoyed this, Off to sequel ! ♡
Chapter 31: gonna move to seq rn. This fic is interesting!
Chapter 10: Omg this story is amazing!!~AveryPark
abbe_28 #8
Chapter 31: Yes!! Finally done reading this!!! Thanks author-nim for sending me the misssing chapters.. Athough I know its a burden for you.. mianhae.. But I really love this story and its all worth the wait!! I am reading the sequel already. :) Hwaiting!! *Luhan had an accident.. :'(
kpopgirl2494 #9
Chapter 3: New reader here~this story were interesting~X)
Chapter 30: oohhhh....
Need updates!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!