

Eunji/You Pov


“Eunji, babe?”


I whipped my head around to look behind me from the window at the sound of such a familiar voice.


“Eunji, I see you. You’re right there.” He said. 


Get out. 


“Why should I, babe?”


Damn, he can read my thoughts too. 


“Why are you scared of me?”


You killed me.


“I didn’t kill you. You brought it upon yourself.”


You still killed me, Joon.


“That’s not the point. The point is that I still loved you. I still do love you, Eunji.”


If you loved me so much, why did you have to hurt me like that?


“I was short tempered at the moment, babe. You knew what I was going through. You can’t blame me.”


Yes, I can blame you! A short temper is no excuse to kill someone that you love!


“All I can say now is that, I’m sorry, Eunji. Can’t you take me back?” Joon said as he walked up to me and embraced me in his arms.


Even if I wanted to, I can’t. I’m taken.


“What do you mean?” Joon said, looking me in the eyes.


I’m someone else girl now.


“Whose girl?”


Doesn’t matter.


“Who?” Joon pressed.

It. Doesn’t. Matter.


“Tell me who!” Joon threw me against the wall, getting angry.


Why? So you can kill him too?


Joon put his hands on the wall by my head and kissed me hard and passionately.


"Because I want to be the only one you love. Can't you trust me?" he whispered.




"Why not?" he asked, getting irritated.


Because I just can't.


"How do I regain your trust?" Joon sighed as he caressed my face. He looked deep into my eyes with his own big brown ones.


You can't. 


"Why not?!" he yelled in my face.


Because you're the one who KILLED me! 


I slapped Joon hard across the cheek and began to cry.


"How dare you!" Joon said as he slapped me back.


You don't even care that I'm crying!


"Well you're--! Of course I care!"


Joon put his hands down and hugged me tight again, but I tried to make him let go.


"Please.... Don't push me away... I love you..." He leaned his head down to kiss me.


"What do you think you're doing?!" I heard Kevin scream.


Suddenly, Joon vanished into thin air, and I collapsed onto the ground.


"Eunji, are you okay?!" Kevin rushed over and slid onto the floor next to me. 


I-I'm f-fi-


"No, you're not fine. What was that all about?"


J-Joon was in here.


"I noticed. What did he want?"


He w-wanted me to love him b-back.


"Is that all that he wanted?"


T-that's all that h-he said.


"You can stop stuttering, dear. Everything's going to be okay. I'm here, see? You'll be fine." 


I'm not so sure.... What if he comes back? 


I looked up at Kevin with tears welling up in my eyes. Kevin put his arms around me and pulled me up to sit in his lap. He put his fingers in the spaces between mine; they fit perfectly.


"I know we will be fine. Even if he does, you don't need to worry. Your my girl, remember? I have to protect you."


I remained silent and leaned my head back on Kevin's chest. Kevin wrapped his free arm around my waist and held me tight. 


"I will protect my girl no matter what. Because she is mine."



Kevin Pov


After convincing her that she should rest, Eunji finally gave in and went to bed. We lay in my bedroom on the large king-sized bed. Eunji was fast asleep, and I, was of course, still wide awake.


My mind could no stop thinking about what happened earlier.


First, nightmares. Then, illusions. Now materialization? How was he learning how to do all of these things? Only me and my brothers knew of how to do these things, and any elders who lived in the palace before us. I couldn't fathom the thought that someone was personally teaching him these techniques. No one in Neverland would dare to explain these things to anyone- unless authorized by the head of Neverland; especially not to prisoners. 


It was no wonder I wasn't allowed to visit Joon in his prison cell, since the guards had said that he had passed out and wasn't waking up. That's what happens when amateurs use abilities like materializing for the first time. It takes up so much of their energy at once they usually collapse for a few hours. I remember it well from my own experience, though, materializing isn't something I use very much. I find no need to.


I moved a strand of Eunji's hair out of her face and watched her steady breathing. 


My girl should not have to go through so much pain and trouble. Why can't we just alway be peaceful, just like this? 


You would think that Neverland would be perfect. But it's not. Even the most amazing paradise can have its flaws. Though, I wouldn't exactly call this place s paradise. Maybe for new arrivals, but for me, who has been here for so long already, I know about the dark things hidden in this world. It starts with the prison. That dirt pit is filled with nothing but filthy, cruel souls that want nothing but to inflict pain and harm in those who are trying to live humbly. I hate it in there.


I hate it.





wow, okay, updating might be something I can do daily. Now that school's almost done. Huzzah!

Though, I have trimester finals all this week and next week D: but I never study anyways so.. pshhhhh xD

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TulipFlower #1
Chapter 21: Wow! I like this story... ^_^
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 15: I'm loving this fanfic more and more
Whimsical_Princess #3
Chapter 11: Omo that is a funny comment
KevinWoo4U #4
Chapter 31: That was the best Ukiss fanfic I've ever read<3 thanks soooo much I adored it!
Chapter 31: Oh this story~

/cries gracefully into a handkerchief/


/blows snot and ____ into the now wasted handkerchief/
Chapter 6: Author-nim!~ You're really amazing writing fanfics. I'm actually younger than you and just started my first fanfic and just came up with a new idea. I really like this fic. It does give me the chills. DAEBAK!
That was sooo good
jettgirl63 #8
@UbiquitousFriend - Cough cough there are 2 authors. TWO. so WE* are good authorS* :)
Hehehe.. finished your story. theres not gonna be any updates, but imma still subscribe :DD tell me if u made a new ukiss fanfic ya? youre a good author :3
jettgirl63 #10
You are all so wonderful <3 I hope to see your comments on our future fanfics ^_^ for now go read As You Wish~ I've written a lot more for that one :D I'm happy but sad at the same time that I made you guys cry :o Your comments made me smile the whole time <3 You are all very lovely ^_^ ADD ME MY FUTURE CHINGUS!
@anahottest - Yes I love happy endings too ^_^ :3