

I could never tell if it was daytime or nighttime here. I always slept whenever I felt like it, never in a certain pattern. And outside the window didn’t help. The wind never blew, and the skies were always a gloomy gray. I rolled over on the fluffy bedspread to see Kevin sitting in a chair across the room, with his eyes locked on me.

"I'm sorry for last night. I didn't mean to cut you off." he said, emotionlessly.

It's okay.


"No, it's not. It was rude of me. Will you please forgive me?"


...Of course. 


"Thank you. It means a lot to me."


It was silent after that, neither of us knowing what to say or think. Kevin got up out of his seat and sat on the end of the bed, still eyeing me. 


"Kevin, we need you in the meeting room right now." a voice from the door said.


Kevin whipped his head around and looked at the boy. "Oh, yes, I'll be there in a minute, Dongho." he said.


The boy left, leaving the door open behind him.


"I'll be back in a little while, okay? Stay here, dear." Kevin said.


I nodded and followed him with my eyes as he walked out. 


What if I followed him? My mind said. 

No, no. You'll get in trouble. Just stay here.


My feet disobeyed me and tip-toed out the door, trying to figure out which direction Kevin went. I snuck down the long white hallway until there came a fork on the road. I chose to go left, because nothing ever goes right for me. Not long after I came across a 4-way crossway of halls. I decided to keep going straight-completely and utterly lost. 


Suddenly I heard another person's footsteps coming towards me, so I hid behind the dark curtains of a nearby window. I waited until the person had passed to continue on my way. I rushed out from the curtains, looking behind me as I ran to be sure that he or she was behind me. But as I did, I managed to collide with something and fell on my rear onto the ground. 


"Oh my- are you okay, darling?"


Startled, I rose my head up to see a muscular boy with black-red hair, holding his hand out to me. I looked at it as if it were something foreign.


"It's okay, I'm just going to help you up. What's your name, sweetie?" he smiled.


I hesitantly reached my hand out to his and grabbed it. The boy gently pulled me back up to my feet.


"Alright, you don't have to talk. My name is Kiseop. Are you looking for something?"


I nodded, not making eye contact with him. 


"Well, unless you speak, I don't think we will be able to find it. I'll take you back to the meeting room with me, and me and my Hyungs will help you from there. okay?" he said.


Kiseop, still holding onto my hand, pulled me behind him further down the hallway to a set of glossy, wooden double doors. As walked in, I noticed in the room was a large table, surrounded by a handful or chairs- all but one filled with 8 gorgeous men.


"Kiseop, what are you doing with my girl?" I heard Kevin ask. "And, dear, what are you doing out and I about? I told you to stay in your room."


"It's okay, Kevin, just be glad I found her before she trailed off far into the palace." Kiseop said.


I'm fine, Kevin.


"I'm glad that you're fine, but you can't be here right now. Kiseop, please take her back to her room. It's the second hallway down from my room, first door on the right. Thank you." Kevin said, waving us off.


"Sure, Kev."


Kiseop and I exited the room and made our way back to my bedroom. 


"I suppose you don't talk to Kevin, either?" kiseop asked.


I nodded and sighed.


"That's the first sound I've heard from you since I met you." he laughed. 


I smiled a little and kept silent. We came up to a familiar white door, which was my room.


"There you go. Now, don't go wandering the palace like that again. It's dangerous, and confusing for someone who's never been through it before. Have a good rest of your day!" kiseop smiled, and left. 


Again, I felt exhausted after just a short adventure. I collapsed back onto my bed and began to think about things.


The thing I was most curious about what what those boys were discussing in the 'meeting room'.



A/N: Shorter chapter, mianahe >////<

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Guys! Please read my blog post titled "Important!!" -maknaelove32


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TulipFlower #1
Chapter 21: Wow! I like this story... ^_^
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 15: I'm loving this fanfic more and more
Whimsical_Princess #3
Chapter 11: Omo that is a funny comment
KevinWoo4U #4
Chapter 31: That was the best Ukiss fanfic I've ever read<3 thanks soooo much I adored it!
Chapter 31: Oh this story~

/cries gracefully into a handkerchief/


/blows snot and ____ into the now wasted handkerchief/
Chapter 6: Author-nim!~ You're really amazing writing fanfics. I'm actually younger than you and just started my first fanfic and just came up with a new idea. I really like this fic. It does give me the chills. DAEBAK!
That was sooo good
jettgirl63 #8
@UbiquitousFriend - Cough cough there are 2 authors. TWO. so WE* are good authorS* :)
Hehehe.. finished your story. theres not gonna be any updates, but imma still subscribe :DD tell me if u made a new ukiss fanfic ya? youre a good author :3
jettgirl63 #10
You are all so wonderful <3 I hope to see your comments on our future fanfics ^_^ for now go read As You Wish~ I've written a lot more for that one :D I'm happy but sad at the same time that I made you guys cry :o Your comments made me smile the whole time <3 You are all very lovely ^_^ ADD ME MY FUTURE CHINGUS!
@anahottest - Yes I love happy endings too ^_^ :3