

Kevin Pov


I was on my way to the meeting room when two head soldiers sped past me, yelling. They looked terrified. Seeing this, I began to run down there myself to see what the problem was.


"What's the big deal?" I asked when I came in. 


"We were just about to tell you." said one soldier, "Minseok, you can explain."


"Alright. So Hyunsik, the other soldiers and I were back in the forest looking for Joon, when we came across a huge...how to say it... A large wall of fire. Yes, a wall. One of the soldiers assumed it was probably just an illusion created by Joon, so he reached his hand out and touched the wall. But he was wrong, and he burned his hand extremely bad. He's in the infirmary now getting it treated. The scariest part, though, is what happened next. This...claw-like thing... came out from the wall and swiped across the faces of a few other soldiers. Now, the claw wasn't like the talon of a falcon, it was made completely of flames. Those soldiers, too, are getting their burns treated as of right now."


My Hyungs and I all looked across at each other, waiting for someone to say something.


"I guess... That's means he's figured out his power..."  AJ spoke up.


"Fire." I said.


"Everyone in Neverland has their own secret power, but most don't usually obtain theirs. It's usually hidden deep in their soul. But, I suppose Joon is an unusual one, since he's already gotten his. And it's a dark power, of fire." Soohyun sighed.


"That means Eunji has a power within her, too?" I asked. Soohyun nodded.


"Soohyun... Couldn't you fly over the forest and look for him?" Dongho suggested.


"Air doesnt allow me to see through trees, Dongho, that wouldn't work." Soohyun said.


"But couldn't you spot the fire?"


"It may be gone once we go back." 


"Maybe instead of Eli we should send in Kiseop, because water can do more damage to fire than electricity could..." Alexander said.


"Makes sense." Kiseop shrugged.


"I guess so. I'll stay back here then." Eli said.


"I suppose my earth powers wouldn't be of too much help then, in this situation." Hoon said.


"In that case, I suppose it would be better to send in AJ with his freezing power." Alexander said.


"I still don't understand why I can't at least freeze the water I create..." kiseop drooped his shoulders.


"Kevin, you aren't too much use in this situation. You're better sticking with staying by Eunji when she sleeps, too help keep the nightmares away. And if they do come, try to slip inside them and ward off Joon." Kibum said.


"Alexander, what are you and I going to do? And Kibum?" Dongho asked. 


"Let's see... I can't do much. Slowing or speeding down time won't do much. You, Dongho...extra Strength isn't something we necessarily need now either. Neither will your healing power, Kibum. We'll save those for future needs." Alexander concluded.


"Alright, does everyone that has a job know what they're doing?" Kibum said.


"Yes!" I said, along with Kiseop and AJ.


"Kiseop and AJ, you two will go to the forest first thing tomorrow morning. Kevin, you're in duty around the clock, watching over Eunji. Don't let Joon get near her with illusions or his materialized self. I have a feeling he's after something more than her love." Soohyun said.



 "Eunji? Are you in here?" I said, peeking into her room.


She gave me no reply, so I headed over to my bedroom.


"Eunji, dear?" I called.


"Aaah!" I heard her scream.


I've never heard a sound so loud from her before. I dashed into my room and found Eunji on the floor, clutching her left leg. There was a large gash on the side of it that was bleeding like crazy, and had left a crimson stain on her lightly colored night gown. 


"Kibum!!" I shouted. "Get in here! I need you, now!"


After about a minute, Kibum can't running through the door and notice Eunji's injury right away.


"Move." He said, shoving me out I his way. 


"Eunji, just move your hand away for a second and I'll help you, okay?" he said.


Eunji nodded and watched Kibum as he slid the bottom of her dress up so that he could reach the wound. He placed his hand gently on the wound and closed his eyes. Eunji winced and let a few tears slide down her cheeks from the pain. Soon, the wound had healed over an left a scar.


"Thank you so much, Kibum." I said.


"From now on, you should probably bring her with you whenever you go to the meeting room. Never leave her by herself anymore." Kibum said sincerely as he left.


"Yes, Kibum hyung."


I stood up, reached out my hand, and helped Eunji up. But as soon as I let go she stumbled over and fell onto me. I put my arm under her legs and another around her shoulder, then swooped her up off the ground and held her in my arms. Eunji grabbed into my shirt and pulled herself as close to me as she could, and cried. 


"Do you want to tell me what happened?" I asked her.




"...are you sure, dear?" I said, concerned.


Y-yes. I need to tell you, in case there's a way you could help me. 


It was Joon again, he was in here. 


"Damn it." I cussed. 


He had a k-knife with him this time, and I got scared. Once I saw him, I tried running away. but he grabbed me by the arm, and I fell when I was pulled back. When I sat up, I pushed myself bak against the wall and stared at Joon, frightened as he approached me. He said, 'Theres more to you that I'm after,' and grinned. 


Then I pushed him away from me and ran towards the door, but he caught me again. He slung his arm  around me and dragged me over here. 'I can kill you right here and now' he said. 'You're going to kilI your love a second time?' I had thought. Then, he ran the knife deep in my leg here. That's when I screamed, and you had come in. Then he vanished.



"a...alright..." I said, by knowing what to say.


Eunji was still crying a little bit. There was a large wet spot on my t-shirt from her tears. 


"Let's get you changed into a clean outfit. Then we'll sleep, okay?" I said softly as I wiped her tears with my thumb. 


Eunji nodded. I walked over to the bureau and pulled out a baby pink night gown that had buttons going up the whole front side. The shoulders had a slight poof to them, and were lined with a delicate lace along the edge of the sleeve. I carefully set Eunji down in the ground. She kept one arm around my waist to help her stand.  I reached behind her and untied the string in the back of her current dress, and ed the few buttons the the back. I gently slid the dress off of her shoulders onto the ground. I then undid all of the buttons on the other gown, and helped Eunji put her arms through the sleeves. Then I finished up buttoning it up. I lifted Eunji back up in my arms and carried her to the bed, laying her down.


"If anything happens during your sleep, I'll be right here next to you." I reassured her.


Eunji nodded and pulled a blanket over her. She curled her legs up and reached a hand out to me. I grabbed her hand and held it. 


"Sleep well, my dear."



PLEASE READ! ------>

A/N: Back again today :3 I believe this chapter is longer..... ~ to make up for the past two short chapters :) Did you guys follow the explaination and see who had what power? If you couldn't follow very well, here's a list, and a more detailed description:

Kiseop: Water; can create it out of thin air, but cannot freeze it himself. Most damaging move-create a large wave.

Soohyun: Air; can fly, create wind. Most damaging move- create a windstorm

Hoon: earth; can make plants grow (normal or poisonous). most damaging move- can create venomous vines to wrap around things

Kibum: Healing; can heal nearly any wound that he can physically touch (no broken bones or things like brain injuries). most damaging- doesn't have one

Dongho: strength. plain and simple. most damaging: he can lift things up to 1,000 pounds ;)

AJ: freezing; can freeze anything in place. water, a person, even fire. ,most damaging- he is capable of breaking whatever he freezes. all he has to do it hit it, and it shatters.

Alexander: Time; can either slow it down or speed it up. cannot stop or freeze time (AJ cannot freeze time either). most damaging- none

Eli: electricty; shock waves, sparks, zapping, you name it. most damaging- lightening bolt

Kevin: dreams; can slip inside dreams and interact with them, whether for good or bad. can also make someone fall asleep. most damaging; simply interrupting a dream negatively.

I had fun writing this chapter. So much fantasy! Sorry for so much blabbing at the end. Just thought you might want this extra info. OkaayyimdonetalkingnowgoodbyedontforgettoCOMMENTprettyprettyPLEASE!thanksverymuch:D

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Guys! Please read my blog post titled "Important!!" -maknaelove32


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TulipFlower #1
Chapter 21: Wow! I like this story... ^_^
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 15: I'm loving this fanfic more and more
Whimsical_Princess #3
Chapter 11: Omo that is a funny comment
KevinWoo4U #4
Chapter 31: That was the best Ukiss fanfic I've ever read<3 thanks soooo much I adored it!
Chapter 31: Oh this story~

/cries gracefully into a handkerchief/


/blows snot and ____ into the now wasted handkerchief/
Chapter 6: Author-nim!~ You're really amazing writing fanfics. I'm actually younger than you and just started my first fanfic and just came up with a new idea. I really like this fic. It does give me the chills. DAEBAK!
That was sooo good
jettgirl63 #8
@UbiquitousFriend - Cough cough there are 2 authors. TWO. so WE* are good authorS* :)
Hehehe.. finished your story. theres not gonna be any updates, but imma still subscribe :DD tell me if u made a new ukiss fanfic ya? youre a good author :3
jettgirl63 #10
You are all so wonderful <3 I hope to see your comments on our future fanfics ^_^ for now go read As You Wish~ I've written a lot more for that one :D I'm happy but sad at the same time that I made you guys cry :o Your comments made me smile the whole time <3 You are all very lovely ^_^ ADD ME MY FUTURE CHINGUS!
@anahottest - Yes I love happy endings too ^_^ :3