

Kevin’s Pov  

“Kevin! We got the information!” Dongho exclaimed as he came running into my room.  

Eunji was back in her room, resting yet again. As for myself, I was just lying on my bed, reading a book.  

“You did? May I see it?” I asked.

 “Of course! We got it for you.” Soohyun said as he followed Dongho in. 

"I've got it right here." AJ said as he came in and handed the paper to me.

"Okay... Name; Lee Joon. Age when died; 24. Hangul; 이 준. He's not that bad looking. It's surprising that he would turn out to be the guy that he did." I said as I examined the paper. 

"I thought the same thing." soohyun said. 

"Is there anything else you need us to do for you, Vinnie?" Dongho asked.

"No, not now. And Dongho, please, don't call me Vinnie." I said, embarrassed. 

"Alright, see you later Vinnie!"


"Eunji, are you up?" I said as I peeked into her room.


"Are you okay?" I asked, concerned.

Not really.

"Why not, dear?" I walked over to her bed and sat on the edge next to her.

He keeps appearing in my dreams.

"Who? Your ex?"

Yes. Joon.

"Is that his name?" I said, acting ignorant.

Yeah. Lee Joon. He keeps threatening me and harming me in my dreams. It's scary.

"What kinds of things is he saying when he threatens you, Eunji?"

Joon keeps saying things like, 'Im coming back to get you again', 'I still love you', and 'why did you leave me'. When he says things like that in my dreams it gives me chills down my spine.

"I'm sure they're all just nightmares about your past, dear. Nothing to worry about." I lied.

I truly didn't want to tell her what was going on. She already hasn't quite gotten used to Neverland yet, and I didn't want her to be scared of anything else. She hasn't even spoken yet. Ah, I'm waiting for the great day when I get to hear her voice. I bet it's lovely.

I'll try not to.

"That's my girl." I said, patting her on the head.

Eunji smiled at me and hesitantly hugged me. I was shocked that she did, and blushed slightly in reaction. I put my own arms around her and hugged her back.

Kevin, your cheeks are pink.

"Oh, are they?" I laughed as I touched them with my hand.

Yes, they are. Eunji laughed.

I opened my mouth wide, smiling. "Wow! You laughed!" I said excitedly.

Eunji hid her face in my chest to hide her embarrassed face.

So what?

"I never hear anything from you. So when I do, it's exciting for me. Do you understand how I feel?"

I guess so, but... It's not that exciting. All I did was laugh. It's not like I'm a baby who said their first word.

"says the one who doesn't talk!" I joked.

Yah! Eunji hit me lightly on the arm and smiled. 

"Kevin! Come to the meeting room! We've got some info we need to share with you." Eli yelled from outside in the hallway.

"Okay, I'm coming!"


"So, Kiseop and I went to the prison today to go visit an have a talk with Joon." Kibum said.

"And?" "

Well, first, we talked with the main office and made sure they had extra patrols watching him. Secondly, we mentioned Eunji to him." Kiseop said.

"When we said her name he looked down at the ground and made sure he made no eye contact with is. Then we asked him if he knew anything about intruding people's dreams, and he denied it every time we asked." Kibum continued.

"Of course he would deny it. He knows now that we've caught on to him." I said.

"We also asked him why he went into such violent matters when Eunji broke up with him, but he stayed quiet. He refused to answer." Kiseop added.

"Must've been something really serious or personal then." Xander said.

"I suppose so. Is that all?"

"For now, yes. You can go ahead and go back to Eunji's room now, lover boy." Eli said.


"It's true and you know it!" Hoon laughed.

I stuck my tongue out at them like an immature little boy and made my way back to Eunji.


What was that about, Kevin? Eunji asked.

"Don't worry about it, dear. Just some palace business we had to discuss real quick." 


"Hey, do you wanna get out of this room and go somewhere?" I suggested.

Like where?

"Oh! I know!" I said, snapping my fingers. "We'll go to the garden!"

I grabbed Eunji's hand and pulled her out of her bed and sprinted down the halls. 

Kevin! Slow down, I can't keep up. I'm going to trip and fall!

"I'm sorry, dear. Here, climb on my back. I'll carry you there."

No, no. I don't want you to hurt your back.

"Trust me, I'll be fine. Just climb on." I said, crouching down on the ground.

Eunji reluctantly went on my back. I clutched her legs that were around my waist with my arms as she held my shoulders. I ran the rest of the way down to the greenhouse, and set Eunji down once we arrived.

"Here we are." I said as I opened the door.

Eunji/Your Pov

The flowers and other plants inside were flourishing. The colors were vibrant, and everything looked very alive.

"Do you like it? Hoon is very good at what he does."


"Hoon's specialty is taking care of the plants and things." Kevin said. "Speaking of which, Hoon, are you in here?" He shouted.

"はい!ここにいるよ!*" Hoon replied in Japanese. 

"He's a show off, since he knows the most Japanese out of all of us." Kevin whispered to me as he nudged me with his elbow. "はい,フン!** Come here and show Eunji what you can do."


What kind of things can he do?

"You'll see." Kevin said, winking at me. 

Hoon walked over to us with a porcelain pot filled with dirt, a watering can, and a packet of seeds.  "Let me show you." Hoon said. Hoon dug a little hole in the soil with his finger and dropped in two of the tiny seeds. Next, he picked up the watering can and sprinkled the pot with water. Finally, he said one word.


I watched as very slowly, a small bud popped out from the soil and began to grow. Centimeter by centimeter, the stem grew. After about a minute, the stem stopped growing, and a plant began to bud at the top. It then opened and became a vibrant, pink flower.

Wow... Thats amazing!

"She's amazed." Kevin told Hoon.

"Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed it." Hoon smiled.

I nodded and smiled back.

"Feel free to look around the garden. I'll just be working in the back. Nice to see you!" Hoon said.

I waved goodbye and went to look at the different flowers. 

"They're pretty, right?" Kevin said.

Very pretty. Better than the ones I saw when I was alive. 

"Well, this is Neverland! Everything is better here. You'll never have to worry about anything when you live here, dear."



*はい!ここにいるよ!= Yes! I'm here!

**はい,フン! = Yes, Hoon!

***성장 = Grow :)

I'll tell you all how old I am next update. only one person has guessed... LOLOL. okay. last update for today. I should be back with another tomorrow :3

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Guys! Please read my blog post titled "Important!!" -maknaelove32


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TulipFlower #1
Chapter 21: Wow! I like this story... ^_^
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 15: I'm loving this fanfic more and more
Whimsical_Princess #3
Chapter 11: Omo that is a funny comment
KevinWoo4U #4
Chapter 31: That was the best Ukiss fanfic I've ever read<3 thanks soooo much I adored it!
Chapter 31: Oh this story~

/cries gracefully into a handkerchief/


/blows snot and ____ into the now wasted handkerchief/
Chapter 6: Author-nim!~ You're really amazing writing fanfics. I'm actually younger than you and just started my first fanfic and just came up with a new idea. I really like this fic. It does give me the chills. DAEBAK!
That was sooo good
jettgirl63 #8
@UbiquitousFriend - Cough cough there are 2 authors. TWO. so WE* are good authorS* :)
Hehehe.. finished your story. theres not gonna be any updates, but imma still subscribe :DD tell me if u made a new ukiss fanfic ya? youre a good author :3
jettgirl63 #10
You are all so wonderful <3 I hope to see your comments on our future fanfics ^_^ for now go read As You Wish~ I've written a lot more for that one :D I'm happy but sad at the same time that I made you guys cry :o Your comments made me smile the whole time <3 You are all very lovely ^_^ ADD ME MY FUTURE CHINGUS!
@anahottest - Yes I love happy endings too ^_^ :3