
The last thing I remembered seeing was flashing lights. Red, white and blue, they flickered like a fire as I squinted my eyes. I had felt a man’s hand on my back, but I couldn’t seem to remember who he was. I hoped he wasn’t someone important. But truly, it didn’t even matter right now.
I’m dead.
That’s all I know.
This bed is like a cloud. I feel like I’m on nothing. The walls around me are all black, and the floor too. Black marble. I didn’t know where I was.
Maybe this was the Underworld.
Maybe Hell.
But my assumptions changed when I heard his voice.
“Hello there.”
Like an angel playing a harp. It rang through my ears like a melody. I opened my eyes and saw the boy standing and staring at me in the doorway.
“Are you finally awake now?”
I stared back at the boy. Who was he? His eyes twinkled, though not a ray of light was shining in the room. Flawless and smooth skin, tousled blonde hair. He was something that I would dare to label with ‘perfect’.
“Can you speak?”
I opened my mouth to talk, but I wasn’t sure what to say. I closed it again, and ended my eye contact with him.
“Don’t be embarrassed,” he smiled, “It’s okay. I won’t make you talk. I imagine you’re still confused and sleepy. I’ll let you sleep now. If you ever need anything, just call my name.”
I cocked my head and looked back up at him.
“My name is Kevin.”
Kevin left and closed the bedroom door behind him as he did. Once again, the room was pitch black. My head strained as it tried to figure out what this place was, and why this Kevin guy was here. Or even why I was here. I began to feel extremely tired, so I allowed my eyes to shut, and slept.
“Did I wake you? I’m sorry.”
I opened my eyes again to the blonde boy, Kevin. The scenery was different this time. The walls were alabaster white. White wooden floors.
“I figured that the other room was too gloomy for you, so I moved you here. I hope you don’t mind.”
I nodded my head, showing him that what he did was okay.
“Are you ready to talk yet?”
I shook my head. I didn’t know what to think about everything yet, so I had no words to say.
“Feel free to get up and walk around the room, if you’d like. I’ll just be out here.” He said, pointing out the door behind him.
After Kevin left, I slowly swung my legs over on the edge of the bed and slid off onto my feet. I looked down at myself and examined what I was wearing. I had been dressed in a long silky white night gown, with beautiful lace lining the collar and the bottom rim of the dress. It went just past my knees, and the sleeves cut off just before my elbows. I spun in a little circle in my place, watching the bottom flow up from the wind. Smiling to myself, I walked over to the window at the opposite side of the room. Peering out, I expected to see forestry or a village down below. But I saw something dreadful instead. The forest was there, but many of the trees were dead or burnt to a crisp. Instead of bright green grass, I saw miles of yellow-brown strands, which I suppose was supposed to be grass. There were no other houses or buildings in sight. I sighed and looked away from the window. Maybe I was in someplace down under.
“Are you surprised?” Kevin asked, coming into the room again. “You were probably expecting something much nicer, after being in here. I’m sorry you had to see that. I was hoping I could show you something better first, but you got ahead of me. I guess it’s better you saw the way our world really is, rather than an illusion I could’ve created.”
I stared at him as he walked towards me. None of the things he said made sense to me.
“I don’t mean to confuse you. I just want to understand what’s going on. Maybe now isn’t the time. I’m not sure. You’re not giving me very many answers.”
It was as if he could read my mind. All I wanted to know was where I was, and why. Kevin laughed quietly to himself.
“So you figured it out.” He smiled.
I flashed my eyes towards him in shock. What did I guess? I haven’t said a word since I got here. Wherever ‘here’ was.
“I can read your mind, silly. That’s what you guessed, and you were right. You’re not scared are you?”
I wasn’t. It wasn’t like I had anything to hide anyways. I had no memories of what happened before I came here, except for the flashing lights. The place where I had died.
“You figured that out too. Sadly, yes, you’re dead. So am I. Though, I’ve been around a lot longer than you. I suppose you’re curious where we are, right?” He grinned. “Take a guess.”
“Definitely not.”
An underworld?
A magical place in the clouds.
“No, we aren’t on a cloud.” He laughed. “We’re in Neverland.”
Neverland? It’s definitely not a place you would expect to go after you died. Not a place that religious people believed in or worshipped, also believing that it was where they would end up after death. The only time I had heard of Neverland was when my mother had read ‘Peter Pan’ to me before bed.
“I understand where you’re coming from. But don’t worry, I think you like it here, because I’ve got some important news for you.” He said, getting excited.
Like what? Am I getting an award? A cash prize?
“No, no, no. Something a million times better. you’ve been chosen to be my girl!”
Your girl?
“Yes, my girl! You’re mine now, forever and ever.” Kevin said, swooning back and forth in his place.
Explain to me what this means, Kevin.
“W-well… you get to live with me, forever, in Neverland. Being mine means… almost like you’re my girlfriend. Yes, like that. Does that sound good?”
I’d say that if I’m going to be with you forever, it’s more like being your wife.
“Y-you don’t like it do you? You don’t want to be mine?” Kevin said, nervously.
No that’s not what I-
“No, it’s okay. I understand. I… I’ll leave for now. I told you too much at once. I’m really sorry.” Kevin said, scurrying out of the room.
I didn’t get to finish my thought. I didn’t mind being with him. It was just that, I didn’t know him yet, so I wasn’t sure what to think. Why, he seemed so nice; like an angel, as I had first thought. He was kind, but very careful with his words and actions.
I secretly hoped that Kevin would come back into the room as soon as he had left, but he didn't. Not sure what else I should do, I fell back into a deep sleep.
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Guys! Please read my blog post titled "Important!!" -maknaelove32


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TulipFlower #1
Chapter 21: Wow! I like this story... ^_^
Whimsical_Princess #2
Chapter 15: I'm loving this fanfic more and more
Whimsical_Princess #3
Chapter 11: Omo that is a funny comment
KevinWoo4U #4
Chapter 31: That was the best Ukiss fanfic I've ever read<3 thanks soooo much I adored it!
Chapter 31: Oh this story~

/cries gracefully into a handkerchief/


/blows snot and ____ into the now wasted handkerchief/
Chapter 6: Author-nim!~ You're really amazing writing fanfics. I'm actually younger than you and just started my first fanfic and just came up with a new idea. I really like this fic. It does give me the chills. DAEBAK!
That was sooo good
jettgirl63 #8
@UbiquitousFriend - Cough cough there are 2 authors. TWO. so WE* are good authorS* :)
Hehehe.. finished your story. theres not gonna be any updates, but imma still subscribe :DD tell me if u made a new ukiss fanfic ya? youre a good author :3
jettgirl63 #10
You are all so wonderful <3 I hope to see your comments on our future fanfics ^_^ for now go read As You Wish~ I've written a lot more for that one :D I'm happy but sad at the same time that I made you guys cry :o Your comments made me smile the whole time <3 You are all very lovely ^_^ ADD ME MY FUTURE CHINGUS!
@anahottest - Yes I love happy endings too ^_^ :3