Chapter 30

Baekhyun ! Why are you so mean ? [EDITING]


______'s mother was outside the door and the both of them were panicking .Taemin popped his head out of his room and looked at the both of them who were panicking.

"Umma's home ? Ah , the both of you ! Go up to _____'s room and I'll get the door ! " Taemin ran down the stairs while the both of them went up .Taemin took a deep breath and opened the door.

"Umma ! Welcome back  ! " Taemin welcome his mother and she looked around the house and noticed that her vase was missing.

"Taemin ! Where is my favourite vase which is suppose to be there ? " his mother pointed to the spot . Taemin started to get nervous as he would be the one who would take the blame for Kai.

"I broke it ? " Taemin shield himself using his arms in case his mother is going to beat him up for breaking the vase but instead she patted his head.

"Haha ,its okay , people get clumsy sometimes " his mother went up to see ______ , Taemin sighed loudly and realized that his mother is going to her room .

"Nah , she can do it herself , i help her too much today " Taemin shrugged and went to his room .

Baekhyun was trying to get out from _____'s window when her mother knocked on the door.

"Ah ! Its umma ! Hurry !" ______ jumped lightly , Baekhyun pointed to his cheeks but _____ just pouted .

"No time ! Hurry ! " _____ pushed Baekhyun out and successfully made it in a painful way . _____ looked out and waved at Baekhyun and he left .______ hurried to the door and smiled widely at her umma .

"Oh ! Umma ! Hehe you're back  ! " ______ hugged her mother and she hugged back . Her mother pulled back and looked in her room to find the window open .

"You should close the window ______-ah ! Its cold ! " her mother went in the room and closed the window then she went out and closed the door . ______ sighed and fell onto her bed . She was about to go to sleep when she recieved a message .

From : Awesome Boyfriend Baekhyun ~

To ; _______ <3

Good Night babe ~ Sweet dreams ! Saranghae ~

______ smiled reading the message and replied back .

From : Awesome Girlfriend ______

To : Baekhyun <3

You too ! Saranghae Oppa ! I'll dream about you ~


NEXT DAY ~ [A/N : I want a boyfriend like Baekhyun ! >.< ]

_______ was getting ready for school when she received another message .

From : Awesome Boyfriend Baekhyun 

To: ______ <3 

Morning ! Meet you outside your house and lets go to school together ! 

_____ giggled and quickly brush her hair and left the house seeing Baekhyun there . She ran towards him and hugged him .

"Its only been a night and you miss me " Baekhyun hugged back .

"I know ! I'm just so happy today because I get to see you again ! "  ______ cheerfully said and he just ruffled her hair and walked to school . 

While they were walking , Yoona saw them and came up to them .

"Annyeong ! Congratz guys ! I totally love you both together ! " Yoona congratulated them . 

"Hehe , thanks Yoona ! " _____ smiled and they went to school together . Soon they seperated with Yoona and went to their classes when a teacher came up to them .

"Miss _______ssi ? " The teacher asked her .

"Thats me "_____nodded , the teacher gave her a piece of paper and she read with Baekhyun trying to see .

"What ? I'm transferring class ? Why ? " _____ asked her looking abit shocked .

"Because of your results it is quite good so we will place you at that class and you will be attending it from now onwards " the teacher explained and left . ______ just turned to Baekhyun and pouted .

"I don't want to go !! " she whined and stomped her feet . Baekhyun just patted her head and smile .

"Don't worry , at least Yoona is in that class , besides we can meet during our breaks " Baekhyun cupped her cheeks and kissed her forehead ._____ smiled and left to find the class . Baekhyun entered his class to see Chanyeol resting his head on the table . He sat beside Chanyeol which was originally ______'s seat but since she's not there , he'll be sitting there since he does'nt want to sit beside Bomi .

"Oh .. Baekhy ... " Chanyeol yawned and streched his arms and rubbed his head , he then looked around to find _____ missing.

"Where is ______ ? " Chanyeol asked rubbing his eyes.

"Oh , she changed class " Baekhyun took out his pencil case . 

"Change ? Why ? " 

"Because she's too smart for this class " Baekhyun told him , Bomi went in the class and smiled after seeing Baekhyun but she does'nt know that ______ and Baekhyun are dating AND the fact that Baekhyun has gotten al his memories back . So she ran towards Baekhyun and sat on his desk .

"Oppa ~ You look handsome today ! " she complimented on him while twirling her hair .

"Err thanks ? " Baekhyun did'nt know what to say .Chanyeol pulled him closer and whispered to him 

"I don't think Bomi knows that you got your memories back , lets just play around with her " Chanyeol and Baekhyun smirked and went back to their original face .

"What were you both talking about ?" Bomi squinted her eyes at Chanyeol but he looked away and smirked .

"Ohh ~ Nothing Particular ~ " Chanyeol put his legs on the table .Bomi rolled her eyes and looked at Baekhyun .

'Oppa ! Sit with me ? I'm going to be alone ... " Bomi pretended to be sad and all pouty . Baekhyun looked over to Chanyeol and he nodded . He stood up and sat at the seat beside Bomi .But he was'nt too happy about it . Bomi kept on throwing dumb questions which hurts his brain  so he just nodded at what she is saying .

______ was walking at the other part of school since that is where she will be going for the rest of the year when she bumped into someone and cause him to drop his books . _____ apologized and help him pick up the books .

"Ah ! Mianhe mianhe ! " ______ kept on apologizing when the guy ask her to stop .

"Its alright " he let out a chuckle and smile . He was wearing thick glasses and he seemed new .

"Hehe , Are you new here ? " _____ asked him and he nodded .

"Mhhmm ! How about you ? " he asked back .

"I suddenly transferred my class to Class 3-1 because I was too smart for my class 3-2 " ______ laughed abit .

"My class is 3-1 too ! " he exclaimed so they slowly walked to the classroom.

"Thanks for helping carrying my books " 

"No problem , I like to help " ______ smiled at him .

"I realized that we don't know  each other's names " he told her . 

"I'm ______ ! " she introduced herself .

"I'm - " he was cut off the the bell . So they hurried to the classroom .

A/N : Finally done . I need to sleep now since its 12AM in my country . Annyeong ! And sorry for crappy chapter . I'll reply tomorrow ^^ . Who is this Guy ? keke ~ Sorry for any mistakes , rushing cuz I'm sleepy .

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8 years later .... who the said this was okay to be posted i'll eat my and die this is seriously the cringiest i have ever made


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-Rosa- #1
thumbs uuupppp d**b
emmaxotic #2
Chapter 40: Happy Ending.. Luv it<3<3
JihyeLee #3
Chapter 40: I love this freaking strory..!
the_exotic_angel #4
Chapter 2: Baekhyun!! U jerk!!
Chapter 18: Wtf why is my name at the end of the chapter!? O.o MeiYei...
ElleoraPanda #6
Chapter 40: Such a good fanfic!!!!
Good job
ElleoraPanda #7
Chapter 24: I hate bomi!!!!
She is so evil, I just wanna kill her