Chapter 18

Baekhyun ! Why are you so mean ? [EDITING]


It Is Back to old times with Baekhyun . After Chanyeol confessed to ______ , ______ decided to give Chanyeol a chance so they started dating . Everyday Chanyeol would meet _____ outside her house and walk to school . Sometimes _____ feels uncomfortable around Chanyeol because he really talks alot but she did'nt mind .

It was about time for class to start when Baekhyun ran in the class and took _____'s homework .Baekhyun snatched her pen away and took out his homework which was uncompleted.

"YAH ! Give me back my homework " _____ shouted at Baekhyun while trying to grab her homework when Baekhyun held it high . Baekhyun just stuck his tounge out . _____ became angry so she jumped on the table and grabbed the homework . Then they started tugging on the homework .



_____ realized that the scene i replaying again so she let go of the homework . Baekhyun just smirked and copy the work . _____ just clutched her head and thought to herself

*Woa .. Dejavu .. *

After Baekhyun is finished he just threw her paper away , but _____ just kept quiet and sa at her seat . Bomi came in the class and was greeted by Baekhyun.

"Hey , I missed you ! " Baekhyun held Bomi's hand , Bomi just blushed and patted his chest . _____ just stared at them and she felt jealous at how they treat each other . While Luhan and Sehun was passing _____'s class , they saw Baekhyun and Bomi intereacting . 

"Sehunnie! Why won't you do that to me ? " Luhan put his hands on his hips . Sehun just looked around and put his finger on his lips .

"SHHSS!! Don't make it sound we are gay you babo ! " Sehun looked around his surroundings to make sure no one was listening . 

"Don't deny our love Sehunnie ~ " Luhan wrapped Sehun's arm .and the fact that Luhan is older -.- . People started staring at them and whispered with each other . Sehun tried to convince using his face telling them he is not gay .

"Luhan !! Stop it ! Go away " Sehun tried pulling his arm but end up having Luhan dragging along with him to class. 

It was during lesson time when Bomi started making cute faces with Baekhyun who was beside ______ a table away . Baekhyun gave her aegyo back when the teacher's back face them . Bomi then sent him flying kisses and ______could'nt concentrate at all . Chanyeol just observe how _____ reacted and he felt bad . Then he got an idea . 

After class , _____ told Chanyeol that she was going out with Yoona so he nodded and she left .Chanyeol stayed back to meet their form teacher .

"So Chanyeol-ssi , what is so important that you need me ? " the teacher crossed his arms . Chanyeol just played with his fingers.

"Ummm ... can I change sit with Bomi ? PLEASE ?? " Chanyeol begged the teacher . He just furrowed his eyebrows.

"And what would be the reason for the change ? " 

"U-uuhh . oh ! _____ wants me to sit beside her and she felt really REALLy sad so she needs me ! " Chanyeol told the teacher .

"Whats your relationship with ______ ? " 

"Uhh .. we are friends ! "

"Don't lie "

"Fine , I'm _____'s Boyfriend "

"Ok , you may change "

"Really ? "


"WHAT ? "

"Just Kidding , and congratz " With that the teaher left the class to go to his meeting . Chanyeol just fist pumped in the air and texted Bomi that they changed their seats .

To : Bomi

From : Chanyeol

hey !I changed seats with you so you can sit with Baekhyun . 


To : Chanyeol

From : Bomi

OKay ! Cool ^^ . You're the best ! 


With that , Chanyeol smiled with sastification and he went out of class happily . 

_____ and Yoona was walking to the mall when ____ remembered that she left her books under the table . So she told Yoona to go first and go back to school which is not so far . Yoona just nodded and went to the mall . _____ ran to school and she looked up to see dark clouds covering the sun . _____ face palmed herself for not reminding her to bring an umbrella . So she went into her classroom and saw someone in the class . She just peeked at the both of them and her eyes widened to see Bomi and Baekhyun kissing . ______ just gasped and then she covered . Tears were already rolling down her cheeks and it started to rain . She heard that they are going out of class so she hid and waited for them to go out . Bomi and Baekhyun were just holding each other's waist . _____ went in and took her books under her table . Then incident kept on replaying in her mind .She just sighed and went to the school shelter.She just leaned against the pillar . She saw Baekhyun and Bomi sharing an umbrella and how Baekhyun covered her the most and let Baekhyun get wet . ______ remembered when Baekhyun did that to her . She admit the fact that she now loves Baekhyun and she has been in love for  the whole time . Now she wished that she paid more attention to Baekhyun . ______ just walked in the rain without any umbrella . While she was walking , infront of her was Baekhyun and Bomi . They were laughing and hugged each other while walking . Tears uncontinuedly flowed down her cheeks and the rain washed her tears away . She then stood there and closed her eyes when someone held an umbrella for her .

"Oppa ... " _____ stared at her caring brother who was worried sick for her . Taemin just  gave a concerned look . She then looked at Baekhyun who has now disappeared . Then her vision started to blur and she fell into the arms of her brother .

"_____ ! ______ ! Wake up ! " Taemin carried her home and waited for the rain to stop .


Chanyeol texted _____ that he won't meet her outside her house but she did'nt reply because she caught up with a high fever . Baekhyun went to class and his eyes shifted to _____'s empty seat . He remembered how _____ was late for class because of him .

*Maybe she'll come later * Baekhyun thought and went to his seat . He put his head on the table and faced _____'s empty seat . He wondered what happen to her so he just stared at her seat . Minutes have passed and students started coming in class . He just could'nt get his eyes of her seat . Bomi came in and sat beside him . 

"Eh ? Why are you sitting here ? " He asked looking at Chanyeol sitting at Bomi's seat . Bomi giggled and hugged his arm.

"We exchanged seats , oppa don't you like it ? " Bomi fluttered her eyelashes . Baekhyun shifted his gaze to _____'s seat . 

*I can't believe I'm worried for _____ ...*Baekhyun 

Chanyeol did'nt know he was sick so he became worried too . 

*______ ... where are you ? I'm missing you .. * they both thought . 



SHINeeGirl's answer : Niel River . 

FISH ! D: 

It was'nt the correct answer anyways . Why is this chapter so sad .? I listened to Infinte's Only Tears and it was so freaking BEAUTIFUL . 

I almost cried at how angelic they sound . And I listened to the song while l writing it so I get the feeling . Yea ...  CAN'T WAIT FOR INFINITE'S NEW ALBUM .

I watched Music Bank today on my television . I was waiting for EXO to come up but It did'nt so i waited . 

I waited ... and waited ... and waited .. and waited Until ' careless ,careless , shoot anonymous , anonymous' . I jumped infront of television and said

"YEA !!! FINALLY EXO !!!! WOOO !!! " My friend just laughed at me and we watched together . I was crazy for EXO . Chanyeol's new hair is weird . 

The Awesome Author Replies :

@to those who cried on the previous chapter  : I did'nt expect you guys to cry XD 

Chanyeol is not bad in this story , he is not the antagonist . Bomi is the antagonist , she plays the bad person in this story . Just to remind for those who  do not understand . 

Thanks and await for the next chapter ^^ Saranghae !

And I got EXO K  as my google chrome theme ^^

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8 years later .... who the said this was okay to be posted i'll eat my and die this is seriously the cringiest i have ever made


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-Rosa- #1
thumbs uuupppp d**b
emmaxotic #2
Chapter 40: Happy Ending.. Luv it<3<3
JihyeLee #3
Chapter 40: I love this freaking strory..!
the_exotic_angel #4
Chapter 2: Baekhyun!! U jerk!!
Chapter 18: Wtf why is my name at the end of the chapter!? O.o MeiYei...
ElleoraPanda #6
Chapter 40: Such a good fanfic!!!!
Good job
ElleoraPanda #7
Chapter 24: I hate bomi!!!!
She is so evil, I just wanna kill her