Chapter 17

Baekhyun ! Why are you so mean ? [EDITING]

_______'S POV

What is wrong with Baekhyun oppa , he is so emo nowadays .Just because of Bomi ? I looked around the class to see no sign of Bomi so I went over to his place . I sat on Chanyeol oppa sit and I poked his cheeks. Baekhyun reacted and just stared at me .

"What ? Can't you see I'm busy " Baekhyun covered his face with his hands , I just tilted my head and stared at his face .

"Oppa ! Your cheeks ! Have you not been eating well ? " I got worried and touched his face , Baekhyun just push my hands away and stood up .

"Will you leave me alone and go to your Chanyeol ?! " Baekhyun stormed off the classroom . I can't take this anymore . I ran out of the class and caught Baekhyun .

"Yah ! Why Are you like this ?Can't you see I'm being nice to you ! " I shouted at him then I covered my mouth , Baekhyun just laughed and gave me a serious face.

"Tsk , You think ! You never even cared for me for the past few days because you are hanging out with your Chanyeol oppa " Baekhyun snapped at me , I just realized something .

"WHY DO YOU CARE IF I'M WITH CHANYEOL OPPA ? " I crossed my arms , this is getting way overboard . Baekhyun took my wrist and pulled me to the back of the school . He then pushed me to the wall .

"WHAT IF I CARE ? " Baekhyun pointed to himself . Baekhyun began to laugh crazily and paced around . I just stared at him being crazy .

"HAVE YOU EVER THOUGHT OF WHAT I FEEL ? HERE ? " Baekhyun pointed to his heart . I did'nt understand anything at all .

"THEN WHY DON'T YOU ASK BOMI ? " I exclaimed stamping my foot . Baekhyun stopped and turn to me . He then walked closer to me until our face was inches away from each other .

"What has this got to do with Bomi?Huh ?  " Baekhyun whispered , My face was flushing red and I hope he does'nt notice it .

"BECAUSE , CHANYEOL SAID YOU LOVE BOMI ! "I yelled infront of his face , Baekhyun just ruffled his hair .

"CHANYEOL LIED TO YOU ! I WAS NEVER IN LOVE WITH BOMI ! " I just gasped , Baekhyun's back hit the wall and he slid down to the ground putting his palms on his forehead .

"Huh ? I don't understand , then - " I was cut off when Baekhyun interupted

"Just forget it , Lets just go back as enemies " Baekhyun confessed and look up at me . He stood up and took out his hands .

"Lets be enemies " I just stared at his hand , not wanting to shake it . I don't want to be enemies , I don't want to be bullied again , I don't want to be hummilated , all I want is to be friends with Baekhyun . All the memories that we did together went through my mine , especially the umbrella incident . Baekhyun just took my hand and shake it . I just stared at him , almost on the verge of tears .

"And don't call me oppa anymore , just Baekhyun , the old mean Baekhyun " he walked off leaving me there speechless . I could'nt take it anymore , I just wanted to cry here on the spot when someone hugged me .

"Ssshhh .. Just let it out "he carressed my head and I just cried on his chest . What did I do wrong ? I don't want the mean old Baekhyun ..

"Chanyeol oppa .... why is Baekhyun like this .. ?" I just stared and look at him . He just gave me a smile and kissed my forehead .

"Have I ever told you I loved you ? " I just stared at him , all this time he is in love with me .  He just tapped on my nose and wiped my tears .

"Lets go to class ne  ? " Chanyeol handed out his hand , I just stood there staring at him , so he just grabbed me my hand and we went to class . When we walking to class , I saw Baekhyun with Bomi , seeing them together somehow made jealous and part of my heart cracked .  I just ignored them and went into class. 

I just sat at my chair fustrated and I just put my head on my table and just covered it with my hands . Why is this happening to me ? Why does  my heart feel like is gonna break just seeing Baekhyun and Bomi . It was'nt Chanyeol who lied . It was you .



Baekhyun walked in the class with Bomi , smiling . They saw _____ putting her head down on the table . Baekhyun just smirked at the side . Bomi and Baekhyun have gotten closer . Bomi did'nt need to use anything to seperate them . She took out _____'s SIM Card and threw it away  because she did'nt need to use it anymore .Bomi went to her seat beside ______ and she just smirked at the sight of her sad . Chanyeol thumbs up with Bomi and she thumbs up back .


School was over , ______ got up her seat when Baekhyun stuck out his leg , making ______ trip and fall . People around her started laughing at her . Chanyeol went over to her and helped her get up . Baekhyun just smirked at her , _____ just walked off with Chanyeol behind her . Baekhyun and Bomi laughed and went out of class . Yoona was waiting for _____ to come when she saw Baekhyun and Bomi together .

*Are they dating ? * Yoona thought .

She took out her phone and messaged _____ to go home first . She then put her phone back in her pocket and followed them . Yoona watched them at how close they interact . Bomi linked her hands with Baekhyun . Baekhyun just smiled and they walked into another store . Just in time , Yoona took a photo of them holding hands . She looked at it and nodded in sastifcation .

Baekhyun and Bomi went in the store . Bomi just ran around the store with glee . Baekhyun just smiled but soon faded away when he saw someone selling umbrella . He remembered the moment he was with _____ when it was raining . He just shook his head and paid attention to Bomi .

*Did I do the right thing ? * Baekhyun thought .

Chanyeol walked _____ home , she thanked him and went in but was stopped by Chanyeol grabbing your wrist . Making your back hit Chanyeol .

"I just want to say , I love you " he whispered into her eyes , making her blush . He let her go , she waved at him and left . She closed the door behind her and leaned on it .

"First Baekhyun ,now Chanyeol ! Why is this so complicated ? " _____ held her chest and just closed her eyes .

TEASER .... ~

"Oppa ! I like- I mean ! I- I- "

" _____ ? ____ !! "

"You can't take her away like that ! What about Bomi ? "

"Look at what you've done ? YOU HAVE TWO GUYS WHO LOVE YOU AT THE SAME TIME ! "


A/N : Kekeke ~ WHY IS IT SO COMPLICATED . D: . Anyways , Just to summarize this chapter

- Baekhyun and _____ are now enemies . again .

- Chanyeol confess his feelings to _____

-_____ is fustrated with her Love Life

-Bomi and Baekhyun are dating .WTF !!

-Yoona is a detective of love ( you gotta love her ^^ )

-This Author is perfectly fine ,


PS : Chanyeol is not bad here , he is just blinded by Love . and Bomi is evil . In here only .

ARE YOU STRESSED OUT D: HERE'S A BACON . -quietly gives to you -

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8 years later .... who the said this was okay to be posted i'll eat my and die this is seriously the cringiest i have ever made


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-Rosa- #1
thumbs uuupppp d**b
emmaxotic #2
Chapter 40: Happy Ending.. Luv it<3<3
JihyeLee #3
Chapter 40: I love this freaking strory..!
the_exotic_angel #4
Chapter 2: Baekhyun!! U jerk!!
Chapter 18: Wtf why is my name at the end of the chapter!? O.o MeiYei...
ElleoraPanda #6
Chapter 40: Such a good fanfic!!!!
Good job
ElleoraPanda #7
Chapter 24: I hate bomi!!!!
She is so evil, I just wanna kill her