Chapter 23

Baekhyun ! Why are you so mean ? [EDITING]


______ can't feel but feel bad and broke down in to tears . Everyone too was in tears when the news came .

"Does that mean that Baekhyun will only remember the times when we were enemies ? And He still has'nt got over that Bacon incident ? " _____ asked , catching her breath . Chanyeol slowly nodded his head , he brought ______'s head to his shoulder for her to cry on . So they all got up and went outside Baekhyun's room . His mother came and they greeted each other . ______ told the whole story to his mother , she was afraid that Baekhyun's mother would hate her for this , but instead , Baekhyun's Mother hugged her instead . Baekhyun's mother started ______'s head .

"Its okay.... Baekhyun has never done that to anyone before , he wanted to protected to you " Baekhyun's mother let go of her wiping her tears away . Only 3 person at a time was allowed to go in . So , ______ ,Baekhyun's mother and Chanyeol went in first . The others sat at the waiting area , and they saw Luhan and Sehun coming their way .

"Did you guys really do it ? " Kris asked , with a disgusted face . Luhan nodded his head .

"It was so delicious~ " Sehun rubbed his tummy like a kid . Lay stopped eating his Lays and put it at one side .

"We ate some snacks and cakes at the cafeteria ~ " Luhan told them , and took Lay's bag of Lays . (LAYS)

"NOOO ! YOU EATING MY BABIES ! " Lay kneeled on the ground and raised his hands high dramatically . Luhan stepped back further and ate it quietly.

"'I'm gonna buy myself some Donuts " D.O and Kai walked to the cafeteria .

"Do you realize that D.O's eyes are the same shape as donuts O.O ?" Suho suddenly blurted out , making everyone think for awhile and then nodded their head in agreement . Lay was on the ground , accepting the fact that his babies were all in Luhan's stomach (OMG , that sounded wrong D: ) .

"I'm gonna buy some cake and bring this gucci bag along with me ~ " Tao strutted down the hall and to the cafeteria .

"Why are people so weird these days " Chen massaged his temples . Kris just looked at the people around him , thinking that he is the mature one .

XiuMin was just being XiuMin and Lay is crying on the floor , rolling like a buffalo , like a boss . Sehun was with Luhan joining the fun while Suho did nothing and just sat there , watching the commotion that is happening there .  And he immediately replaced D.O . Its normal Exo Life people , so stay calm and roll like a buffalo with Lay .


The three of them saw Baekhyun lying on the bed unconcious , with his head wrapped with bandage or something . What ?

"Baekhyun ... " his mother tried not to cry but she did , she went over to the side of the bed and weeped . Chanyeol and _____ just stand back and watch him from afar . Baekhyun started to move and woke up .

"Uhh ... Umma .. ? Where am I ? " Baekhyun felt dizzy so he held the side bars on the bed . His mother signal for them to come , so they came closer . Baekhyun's eyes widened at the sight of ______ .

"Y-you ! W-what a-are you doing here ? " Baekhyun's voice shook abit and pointed at her . _____ just stared at him , tilting her head abit . Baekhyun noticed the cast on her hand and wondered what happened .

"Don't you remember what happened earlier ?You carried me all the way home , well , not really but we had fun ! Don't you remember .. ? " ______ told Baekhyun but sadly he could'nt remember a thing .

"J-just get out , my brain hurts " Baekhyun rubbed his head and she immediately went out crying . Chanyeol wanted to stop her but Baekhyun asked him to come .

"Chanyeol , what happened ? Why did she suddenly become nice ? " Baekhyun wondered at her sudden change . Chanyeol looked over to Baekhyun's mother who was crying .

"Uhh .. Long story , why don't you rest first .. " Chanyeol smiled and tucked Baekhyun .

______ went out to see weird stuff happening , what shocked her the most was Suho being D.O . So she went to the most trustworthy person she know , she walked towards Chen and turned to her right and went to the cafeteria to buy some sugar roll . The Sales person who sold those sugar rolls .Did you guys think it was Chen ? Pfft , no . Yeah . After buying her stuff , she sat at a seat and sniffed . Kai and D.O noticed her and went over .

"______-ah , whats wrong ? " D.O asked , patting her back .

"B-baekhyun , sniff , ... " _____ and D.O felt bad , Kai just ate her sugar roll .

"And my sugar roll is now gone , Sniff " _______ just put her head on the table and cried . D.O hit Kai's head.

"Yah ! Sorry , the sugar roll is irresistable " Kai rubbed his head .

"Don't worry ! We will help him get his memories back ! Promise ! " D.O confidently said , ______ smiled and thank D.O and left Kai on the floor .

Meanwhile ..

"So yon Doritos ! " Taemin skipped to the park , while eating doritos when he receive a call from  the hospital . Taemin stopped at his tracks and ran to the hospital

"WHAT THE FUDGE DID I DO TO MISS ALL THIS THINGS  ?!?  " Taemin screamed to the hospital .


Bomi was still in trauma and the other APINK members decided to leave her alone , not helping her , because they do not want to get into trouble . So she looked through the channels and decided to watch the news .She then saw the news about the accident .

"The guy who was hit by a mysterious earlier today , survived but he had amnesia " the reporter said , It made Bomi relieved but at the same time , evil came over her . So she smirked and took advantage of Baekhyun's amnesia . Going to get back at _____ again .

A/N : Yay , done , hehe , time for me to go to sleep now . Annyeong !



Gifs not mine .

Got it from yeahexomacros





Girl  : Hey , where did you get that Gucci bag ?

Tao : From a shop

Girl : Its so nice ! Can I touch - 


Girl : AAAHH ~



Chen : -Poke -

Kris : Ow .

Chen : Hehe .

Kris : Meh .

Xiumin : Bun . -poke-

Kris : OW , easy with the pokes or Tao will be an angry panda , geez . -flips hair-

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8 years later .... who the said this was okay to be posted i'll eat my and die this is seriously the cringiest i have ever made


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-Rosa- #1
thumbs uuupppp d**b
emmaxotic #2
Chapter 40: Happy Ending.. Luv it<3<3
JihyeLee #3
Chapter 40: I love this freaking strory..!
the_exotic_angel #4
Chapter 2: Baekhyun!! U jerk!!
Chapter 18: Wtf why is my name at the end of the chapter!? O.o MeiYei...
ElleoraPanda #6
Chapter 40: Such a good fanfic!!!!
Good job
ElleoraPanda #7
Chapter 24: I hate bomi!!!!
She is so evil, I just wanna kill her