Everything Happens for a Reason

16 Hours a Day Being a Guy

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Tomorrow will be another day, and it will be a normal one. A girl me, a girl life, in an all-girls-school.

It should be.



I woke up in the morning by the chirping of the birds and the ray of sunlight shining trough my window.

No. Actually I was woken up by the sound of my phone alarm. Sorry to disappoint, but my days aren’t that romantic.

I peeked at the time on the phone, and quickly woke up, yawning. It was 7 in the morning already, and I needed to be quick if I didn’t want to be late to school. I almost got a heart attack when I spotted Taemin sitting on my table, staring at me warily.

“What are you doing here?” I shouted at him, and a guy voice escaped from my lips.

Oh no. Not again.

I quickly ran to the mirror to check my self up. And again, I ended up staring at the guy I started to really hate. The more I look the more he resembles my Dad. I hate him. He stared back at me with gaping mouth. I closed my mouth and he did the same. I immediately swung my head to Taemin with glaring eyes, and he moved further away uncomfortably on the table, almost sitting at the farthest end.

“Why the heck am I back to this form again?” I growled, and he flinched by my hoarse guy voice.

Hey, this cupid was easy to intimidate. I mean, he was the one with the magic powers, and wings, and all, but he was still scared of me.

Nice beginning.

I stomped closer to him with what I though an intimidating manner and raised my brows, waiting for his answer.

“Because I made it that way. You only turn into a guy for 16 hours a day. You would turn back into a girl for the remaining 8 hours, started from 10 pm.” he answered with a squeaking voice. I frowned at him, confused.

“But why did you make it that way?”

Taemin gained his confident hearing this question. He stood up and flapped his wings really fast. I’ve noticed that he tends to do that everytime he feels proud of himself.

“Because girls need their beauty sleep.” he announced proudly. I stared at him as if I was staring at a scarce thing.

This cupid has surely lost his mind. Beauty sleep? Seriously.

 “I am indeed really considerate. It’s not that easy to make the curse that way, you know. It required a few special words here and there. But I figured you would need your girl time, so I researched anyway for you.” he continued, babbling with a full-of-himself-expression.

He wasted his time researching to make that worthless condition and not bothered to check on the anti-curse. Great.

“It’s so unnecessary. It would just troubling me when I stay in the school dorm. Just change it to the full day one. Or does the school not force the students to stay on the dorm? My school doesn’t.” I said, and he stared at me with sparkling eyes.

“You have agreed to move to the all-boys-school?” he asked, his voice rose up by one octave.

“Do I have any other choice?” I rolled my eyes. “Just change me into a guy for a full day. It would make things easier. It would be a mess when my hair grew back in the night and whoever my rommate would be saw me in a girl form, except you would be able to find me a room for myself.” I continued my rambling, but he didn’t seem to care.

“I can’t though. I told you I couldn’t do anything with the curse.” he replied with a stupid happy expression.

This cupid doesn’t care a bit about my trouble, does he?

I inhaled and exhaled slowly, organizing my emotion.

“It was stupid of me to hope anyway.” I mumbled finally, and then glared sulkily back at him. “So what do we do now?” I asked, resignedly. He flew toward me with an enthusiastic smile.

“First of all, let’s start the preparation!” he squealed in delight.



It was quite hard to find a clothes that would suit my guy form, but I managed to find a plain loose T-Shirt and a simple blue jeans. Thank God guys wear skinny jeans nowadays; I could wear mine, eventhough it gotten really thight on my thighs.

Taemin led me through the shopping centre. He was in a human form, and looked like a pretty-teenager-guy, with blonde hair and fairly tall figure. I was having trouble catching up with his pace. It was really unfair. If he really wanted to change me into a guy he could at least boost my height. But no. He let me stayed in my actual girl height. Except with wider body and bigger thighs and calves. Great.

“Taemin. Wait. I couldn’t catch up with your speed.” I said, panting. He glanced back at me, raising his eyebrows.

“You really do need excercise.” he commented annoyingly, but soon distracted with one aqua-blue colored T-shirt right beside him. “Hey, this one is nice. You should take this.” he said. I stared at the T-shirt, uninterested.

“Do we really need to buy clothes? Can’t you make the clothes popped out magically or something? These things cost a lot.” I mumbled.

“Careful with your words. People might think you’re crazy.” Taemin replied casually, didn’t bothered at all. “Hey, you should really take this. It’s uni.” he promoted. I sighed and took the T-shirt from him, and he started to choose another one. In no time, he already came up with three more tops for me. I quickly took the clothes and stop him.

“Okay. It’s enough. I live by charity from my uncle, you know.” I panickly brought the clothes to the counter and paid, painfully watching the number being substracted from my account card. My precious saving.

I took the plastic bag and glanced at Taemin.

“Okay. I think it’s enough. I could still wear my jeans, and I got a lot of comfy baggy pants at home. I could use it at the dorm.” I said. Taemin looked unimpressed, but yielded anyway.

“Hey, but you need to buy one more thing.” he said suddenly. I gazed at him, annoyed.

“What now?”

“Your wig, for you to wear at night. You couldn’t let your long hair showed, don’t you?”

“I guess you’re right.” I mumbled. “But do they sell wigs here?”

“Just keep walking. We would find it anyway.” he replied cheerfully.

I walked with the never-get-tired-Taemin around the shopping centre. I really suspected that he could never get tired. He was a cupid anyway.

After what seemed like forever, we spotted a small wig-shop. Taemin started to pick the one that looks alike with my guy hair happily, while I stood outside. I was watching him conversing with the shop-owner when somebody bumped into my shoulder. He walked passed me comfortably without bothering to apologize. I looked toward the person sulkily. People and their bumping manner. I mean, it was a crowded shopping centre and people would occasionally bumping to each other. But it wouldn’t hurt to apologize, right?

“Hey, where’s the sorry?” I shouted angrily at him. He turned away and faced me. It was the guy from the DVD rental. I forgot his name. And stood beside him was the guy who was crushing on me. And with them were their guys cronies.

“Sorry.” he annoyingly smirked, and walked away. I stared at his back in disbelief. Some of his friends threw me an apologetic look and then went with their friend. The strange quiet guy stared at me with a blank expression and then also left with the others.

I can’t believe that was the guy who gave me the key chain with a shy and kinda cute manner. He would bother to mumble sorry to me for his friend’s fault when I was in my girl form and wouldn’t do the same when he thought I was a guy? Guys, really.

“I found it. It suits you really well.” Taemin squealed from behind me, and I quickly came to him to pay for the wig.



“Where are we going?” Taemin asked as I led him walking towards my destination. He was still in his human form, and people, especially the girls, gave us interested look. I ignored them all and walked faster, but Taemin easily caught up with me with his long legs.

He looked surprised when we entered a mental hospital. I familiarly went to the counter and signed the guess list.

“What are you doing here?” Taemin asked while I was busy doing the formality. I was still busy filling the form and answered him without looking up.

“I need to reserve a room for you here.” I replied calmly. Taemin gave me a look, and I chuckled.

“I have someone to visit before going to the dorm.” I replied finally.

“Who?” he asked.

“I’m here to visit Lee Eunhye.” I told the staff instead.

“What is your relation to her?” she smiled. “I know that she only has one daughter.”

“I’m her nephew. Jihye’s cousin.” I lied calmly, and the staff nodded, believing my words.

“No wonder you look alike with her. She’s at the 5th floor. The elevator is there.” she informed, and I thanked her, walking with Taemin to the elevator. He gave me questioning look all the way, but I said nothing until we reached the room.

I opened it slowly and saw my Mom, sitting with a blank expression on her mattress. She got the room to herself. My uncle was kind enough to arrange her in a vip room, but refused to pay her a visit even once.

“Mom.” I said, reaching out for her hand. She stared at me, puzzled. Of course, it was silly of me to hope. She wouldn’t even recognize me when I was in my girl form, why would she do it when I was in my guy form?

My Mom suddenly cracked a smile and grabbed my hand back, and I had my hope up.

“Jihoo?” she called out my Dad’s name and my smile sank. Of course, I look a lot like my Dad. The man she loved too much, who drove her to this state.



“She’s been like that for over a year, ever since my Dad passed away. Couldn’t handle the sorrow. She loves my Dad too much.” I explained to Taemin on our way home, answering his continuous qustioning look.

“I’m really sorry to hear that.” Taemin said sincerely, lowering his head.

“It’s okay. It’s been a year. I got over it already.” I replied, smiling.

There was awkward silence for a while before Taemin started to speak again.

“Hey, but that doesn’t mean every guy is... unworthy. There are many decent guy out there. Do you think all of them are that bad?” Taemin said cheerfully.

I stared at him, considering my answer.

Where should I start with? My unworthy Dad who once was the handsome perfect Dad I looked up too, but ended up leaving me and my Mom, taking away all of her money not living us, his own daughter even one cent? My rich uncle who refused to help my Mom, his own sister, in her downfall because he was still angry about my Mom marrying my Dad when he didn’t agree to it, but kind enough to pay for my Mom treatment and send me a generous amount of money for my living and school? Or should I mention my oh-so-dear cousin, who despised me in any way he could, but had been there with me all day when I was really broken by my Dad’s death and my Mom’s mental ill?

No. Not one of them is truly an unworthy jerk.

“No. They just aren’t good enough.” I said shortly in the end, and refused to talk further about it.


Thank you for reading.

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Chapter 31: I am actually fond of this fic. It's a nice read and I hope people would know about this more. It's a little short for me but it's still nice. Heading towards the sequel now lol
Chapter 16: Well, lol
Chapter 8: L M F A O
Omagawd that was gold. Nice one.
Chapter 1: This is actually pretty interesting. Seems like a nice read.
Chapter 30: I like how you came the idea very much. I feel extremlly happy that Jihye and Kai can end up together ^^
MeganeAlpaca #6
Chapter 31: This is such a cute story! I feel sorry for Sehunnie though (。•᎔•。). I LOVE YOUR WRITING STYLE! The story doesn't go too fast or too slow just perfect (๑• ₃ -๑)*✧. Good work author! Keep up the great work! Fighting! (ง-Ò。Ó-)ง
hotchokailate #7
i love the whole story!!! i will give you 20 votes if i can because you seriously deserve this story to be featured so bad ugh. but but you end it too early. it will be prettier if you make a chapters with jihye and kai being together. i actually really love them. and how about sehun? its too fast really. and you seems like discontinued the squel huhu ㅠㅠㅠ
hotchokailate #8
hotchokailate #9
Chapter 8: istg i feel goosebump when i'm reading this
hotchokailate #10
Chapter 5: god. istg this plot is unique and amazing. you deserve this story to be featured!!!