Chapter 39

Big Bang



Chapter 39


“Finally, we are done recording the song.” Seungri replied tiredly as he as he collapsed on to the chair beside G Dragon.

G Dragon looked over at him and shook his head with a smile on his face.

“You are tired after recording just one line of the song?!” G Dragon asked in a mocking manner as Seungri sat sloppily in the chair.

Seungri shot G Dragon a look of pure disbelief. Even though it is just one line, it took 3 hours to perfect that part and choose the suitable version for the song.

 “Do you even notice the time?” Seungri replied.

G Dragon had to hold back his laughter as he glanced at his watch and stood up from the chair.

"Seungri, let’s go. There’s a place that you need to go." G Dragon instructed to Seungri as he got up and headed towards the door. Seungri looked puzzled as he stood up and followed G Dragon.

“Where are we going?” Seungri asked curiously.

“You will kinow once you reached there.” G Dragon replied as he slung an arm around Seungri's shoulder.


Seungri eyes wandered over the figures displayed along the walk way on the 7th floor. This is the only floor he had not been to because it is President YG’s territory.

When G Dragon directed him to a room on the 7th floor, Seungri gaped at him in disbelief.

“Am I meeting President YG right now?”

“No, President YG is currently busy recording for KPOP star.” G Dragon replied.

Seungri looked at G Dragon in puzzlement.

“Why am I here?”

G Dragon shrugged his thin shoulders.

“Why don’t you open the door to find out?” G Dragon teased lightly.

Seungri raised an eyebrow on G Dragon’s answer, feeling suspiscous on the tone G Dragon is answering him.

Nonethe less, Seungri’s fingers slowly curled around the doorknob, and still not turning away from G Dragon as he opened the door.

 When Seungri turned his head and peered into the room, the first thing he saw was the large crowd of people and the heart warming decorations in the room.

 As Seungri noticed a banner hanging in the middle of the room, the word, “Welcome back Seungri”, for some reason broke him. Seungri let go of the weakening grip he had on his emotions and let his tears fall. He cried so hard that he couldn't even talk because his throat was constricted with emotions. He didn’t know that there are so many people who cared for him.


Dae Sung stood firmly on the ground, gnashing his teeth as his fingers were clenching his phone so tightly that his knuckles were white.

“What do you want from me?”

For what seemed to be a long time but could only be seconds, Tae Yang said nothing.Finally, a small smile appeared on his lips, slow but certain.

 "Dae Sung, come and join me.”

Dae Sung almost jumped as the phone in his hand suddenly began to vibrate. He gave it no notice, hoping that Tae Yang and Hyun Seng never noticed it either while he slowly pressed on to the answer logo on his phone.

“I have no intentions in joining you.” Dae Sung replied as started walking towards the door. He wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible.

“Do you still refuse to join me if I start to target Seungri once again?” Tae Yang said casually, even though his cool black eyes remained fixed on Dae Sung, his gaze never losing its intensity.

His question halted Dae Sung mid step.

“Tae Yang hyung,why don’t you explain why you hate Seungri so much?” Dae Sung said coolly, even though a flash of anger sparked inside him in protest, his back facing Tae Yang.

Suddenly he felt Tae Yang standing behind him. The cold whisper in his ear made Dae Sung's skin crawl.

“I wanted G Dragon all to myself. I hated it when Seungri and G Dragon are getting closer.”

Tae Yang circled Dae Sung and came to stand before him.

“Big bang is now a four member group, Dae Sung. You know that very well. Imagine the amount of chaos it could bring if big bang becomes a five member group once again.”

Dae Sung kept his eyes fixed to Tae Yang.

"And I suppose this is the part you threaten to make me join you, right?” Dae Sung said sardonically.

Tae Yang's thin lips curled into another smile.

"Not at all. Why would I do such a thing?" he slowly circled Dae Sung again, unnerving him. “Why would I threaten my own band member?” Tae Yang said, purposely pausing after the last word for emphasis.

Dae Sung close his eyes in an attempt to keep his anger in control. "What does this got to do with Hyun Seng?”

Dae Sung opened his eyes and stared at Tae Yang fiercely.

Before Tae Yang could reply, he heard sounds of cars moving around them. Knowing that it is impossible to hear car moving sounds so clearly at such a high floor, Tae Yang instantly realized that the sound was coming from Dae Sung.

Dae Sung cursed at his own unluckiness, his grip tightening on his phone. It will be hard to escape now.

A second was all Tae Yang needed. In one fluid motion, Tae Yang gave Dae Sung a punch on his face and a high kick on his stomache. The movement was so quick that Dae Sung was thrown violently into the air and he landed painfully on his back. The phone in his hand fell out of his hand and crashed on to the nearby wall, causing it to break into pieces.   

Tae Yang’s eyes flashed dangerously at Dae Sung.

“What a waste, I thought of letting you go unharmed once you agreed to join me.” Tae Yang said quietly, new menace in his voice. "You will regret it."

"Hyun Seng, take a good look at this person you are following.” Dae Sung told Hyun Seng icily as he pulled himself to his feet, with difficulty. "Actually, I can guess why you would hate Seungri. You're an idiot, Hyun Seng. A complete and utter idiot."

Dae Sung then turned to Tae Yang, his face darkening with revulsion. "Regret?" Dae Sung sneered, his grim amusement sidetracking him for a second. “I don’t think this word exists in my dictionary.”

"Hyun Seng" Tae Yang said, eyes darkened with barely-restrained rage as they bore into Dae Sung.”Show me your loyalty towards me.”



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Chapter 69: I really hope Seungri will come back to Bigbang...
Chapter 7: RIP Jong Hyun... :(
Chapter 1: Reading this fic again after 3 years! Honestly, i kind of drift away from BB after the 0 to 10 tour... i came back after Seungri's scandals. I still love Seungri very much.
baoling90 #4
Chapter 2: re read again!! Been a few mths since I ended this story. This is seriously by far the best fics I ever read!! It feels sooo real!!
Subscribe this. . .
*label as important
baoling90 #6
Chapter 70: OMG! Finished in 2 days!! Very well written!! Great plot! This is by far the best fic i ever read! It feels so real!! I even had dream of it lol! Sad that this has ended... but i will read the sequel!
baoling90 #7
Chapter 66: damn. this chapter successfully made me tear up! Hope Seungri is fine!! Why did it turned out like this!! If this story could make into a drama!
baoling90 #8
Chapter 27: OMG. Getting real exciting! I hope Seungri could wake up from this terrible nightmare!
baoling90 #9
Chapter 24: OMG. I have teary eyes reading this.
baoling90 #10
Chapter 18: Wow. Are u a drama script writer or something? This is so underrated! Really great storyline! Cant stop reading!