Chapter 33

Big Bang

Chapter 33


Different images spun around in front of him again. Seungri watched the scene, just like he had done numerous times before. Seungri had this dream so many times now, he could tell what was going to happen next. He searched the images before him, looking for that person. Knowing that, that person usually came just before he woke up.

 Every time he had this dream, he would try and figure out how that person looks lke. Why that person kept appearing in his dream? He never got a chance to think about it when he woke up. There was always one thing happening or another to distract him.

Seungri watched as the images began to slow down, waiting for the person to appear. However, this time, he saw a hand appeared out of nowhere and pushed him before feeling the ground below him crumble and he fell down the cliff.

A brilliant flash of white appeared in front of him and Seungri found himself staring into Dae Sung's worried looking face. Seungri jumped a little at the sight but relaxed almost instantly when he realised that he had woken up in Dae Sung’s room.

"Sorry" Seungri muttered, diverting his gaze.

"For what?" Dae Sung asked, genuinely confused.

"For waking you up." Seungri said.

"Don't worry about it. I wasn't sleeping. I was about to go to YG Entertainment when I saw you, it looked like you were having a nightmare, so I…" Dae Sung trailed off, not sure of what to say.

“I see, thanks.” Seungri replied, rather weakly.

After a moment of awkward silence, Dae Sung cleared his throat.

"Do you want to follow me to YG Entertainment? But you have to look around the building yourself because I have a recording to do…. “Dae Sung asked, not sure of what else to say.

“It’s okay, it’s not as if I can get lost in a building” Seungri's voice cut in. “But I, I don't have any other clothes…" Seungri said as he looked at his clothes.

Dae Sung gave Seungri a smile and took a box from the floor and handled it to Seungri.

“What is this?” Seungri asked as he looked at Dae Sung questioningly.

“You will know once you opened it. I’ll wait for you in the living room.” Dae Sungr answered before leaving his room.

Once Dae Sung left the room, Seungri opened the box curiously.

 When he saw the contents in the box, Seungri felt his heart constrict painfully, knowing who gave these to him when he was asleep. Noticing a note in the box, Seungri unfolded it, his eyes darting back and forth across the words written on the piece of paper.


I noticed that you returned empty handed after you got back from Dongdaemun. I know that you like plain clothes. Here are some of the clothes that I have that would suit you. Rest assured that the underwears I gave you are brand new.


Seungri felt speechless after reading what was written on the piece of paper. Even after Seungri gave G Dragon a cold attitude, G Dragon still cared about him. Engulfed by shame and guilt, Seungri resolved to try and be less of a problem to G Dragon from now on. With these thoughts, Seungri quickly pulled out some comfortable looking clothes and decided to get changed.


After Dae Sung left Seungri in the YG building before proceeding to the recording studio, Seungri looked at the stylish decorations in awe as he wandered around the building. He can’t help getting attracted by the music videos that were playing on the LED monitor in the elevator on the 1st floor entrance, the cute big bang figures and the matrix style interior on the 3rd floor entrance and the amazing gym on the 5th floor.

When Seungri went to the underground cafeteria, Seungri saw Sandara sitting at a corner concentrating reading a book. He can’t help staring at her at a distance as a tendril of black hair escaped her ear, falling across her rosy cheeks, still concentrating on her book.

Seungri watched Sandara in fascination until she lifted her head up from the book before her eyes rested on Seungri and her face lit up.

"Seungri!" Sandara said in a cheery voice as she stood up from her seat and walked towards him.

“Hello, Sandara noona”” Seungri said with a smile on his face as he uttered her name for the first time.

There was something about Sandara that made Seungri feels wierd, something that he couldn't quite put his finger on. It could have been the way she smiles or her sparkling lively eyes that seems to have a power to draw him in.

“Have you looked around the building?” Sandara asked, her forehead puckering with concern.

“No.” Seungri lied, hoping that she could introduce the building to him again even though he had already looked around the building. All Seungri wanted was to be with Sandara longer.

While Sandara and Seungri stood inside the elevator, Seungri bravely decided to strike a conversation with her.

"Sandara noona…" Seungri said hesitantly.

Sandara looked up at Seungri curiously.

“I just saw you reading a book. May I know what that book is about?” Seungri asked.

Sandara hesitated in answering him and Seungri noticed the similar sad look in her eyes when they first met in the coffee house.

“The book is about talking techniques.”  Sandara said quietly.

The word talking techniques just felt so familiar to him. Before Seungri could ask her more questions, the door of the elevator opened and both of them got off the elevator.

“This is the recording studio.” Sandara introduced the building to Seungri once again. However, Seungri was not listening to her. The word talking techniques kept swimming in his mind and Seungri had a feeling that there was something going on between Sandara and him before he lost his memories.

When Seungri was about to raise his hand and held on to Sandara’s arm, the door of the recording studio opened. Seungri instinctively put down his hand, noticing that the person who opened the recording studio door was G Dragon,

“Sandara noona, what are you doing over here?” G Dragon asked curiously while he looked at Seungri uncomfortably.

Sandara did not answer G Dragon’s question as she watched Seungri and G Dragon closely.

G Dragon was looking at Seungri uncomfortably while Seungri was avoiding looking at G Dragon.

Sandara let out a long dreary sigh at how both of them are behaving right now.

Feeling that she should do something to help them make up, Sandara held on to G Dragon’s and Seungri’s hand.

“Let’s have a cup of coffee!” Sandara said excitedly as she dragged Seungri and G Dragon out of YG building.

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Chapter 69: I really hope Seungri will come back to Bigbang...
Chapter 7: RIP Jong Hyun... :(
Chapter 1: Reading this fic again after 3 years! Honestly, i kind of drift away from BB after the 0 to 10 tour... i came back after Seungri's scandals. I still love Seungri very much.
baoling90 #4
Chapter 2: re read again!! Been a few mths since I ended this story. This is seriously by far the best fics I ever read!! It feels sooo real!!
Subscribe this. . .
*label as important
baoling90 #6
Chapter 70: OMG! Finished in 2 days!! Very well written!! Great plot! This is by far the best fic i ever read! It feels so real!! I even had dream of it lol! Sad that this has ended... but i will read the sequel!
baoling90 #7
Chapter 66: damn. this chapter successfully made me tear up! Hope Seungri is fine!! Why did it turned out like this!! If this story could make into a drama!
baoling90 #8
Chapter 27: OMG. Getting real exciting! I hope Seungri could wake up from this terrible nightmare!
baoling90 #9
Chapter 24: OMG. I have teary eyes reading this.
baoling90 #10
Chapter 18: Wow. Are u a drama script writer or something? This is so underrated! Really great storyline! Cant stop reading!