Chapter 31

Did I lose you?
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Its a holiday in Japan and Nayeon have plans with Mina. She asked her out and the younger girl said yes immediately, paired with a wide gummy smile.

Luck seems to be on her side since the weathers perfect. The Sun's shining brightly, its perfectly warm, the winds a soft breeze and the plants look lively, making it all the better to go out and enjoy the day.

Nayeon arrived at Mina's apartment and knocked on the door. She heard the knob turn open and was immediately greeted with a blooming Mina. Although she kept her clothes casual, she still pulled off an elegant touch to her clothing. She looks beautiful, she thought with a smile.

"Ready to go?" Nayeon offered her hand and Mina took it gently, nodding with a smile on her face.

Together, they went to Nayeon's car and drove through the passing view of the busy city of Tokyo. The whole duration of the ride was a peaceful and light affair. They talked, laughed and enjoyed the ride.

Mina doesn't know where they're going since Nayeon didn't want her to know. But with the knowing glint in her eyes and the playful smile on her face, she knows she plans something thats worthwhile.

Nayeon knew they were close and so she parked the car at the nearby parking space she spotted. Once they're out, Nayeon made a bold move, according to Mina. She took her hand, intertwines it with hers and placed it inside her coat pocket. She tugged her face mask up and walked ahead of her, missing the light blush that crept on Mina's cheeks as she did so. 

As they walked, none of them said a word, btu they dont need to. It feels to comfortable for the both of them to even talk with each other. From that moment, Nayeon felt the sense of normalcy. It was like they're just an ordinary couple who's completely inlove with each other. She wished it was like this all the time.

They went through twists and turns until Nayeon lead her to a narrow passage, which made Mina realize where they are at. They were back at Harajuku.

"Harajuku..." Mina breathed. "Why though? Not that I don't like this at all, its just that-"

Nayeon puts her finger on her lips to stop her. "Shhh, dont worry about it. And plus," she tucked a loose strand off of her face and behind her ear. "You look pretty cute when you ramble."

If only Mina could have a sense of control over her heart, she wouldn't be this of a messy gay as she is right now. 

Nayeon chuckled at the flustered girl and continues to lead the both of them in the colorful streets of Harajuku, their hands intertwined in each other, tightly.

Together, they made new memories in Harajuku. They shopped together and walked around the womderful place, enjoying every single second of their date. It was also at this moment that Nayeon felt the sense of normalcy with Mina. During that time, she couldn't care about her work, her status and
... Him. It was all just Mina and Nayeon is fine that. And she will keep it that way.

She listened to Mina as she rambles about things Nayeon would ask curiously about. Its like Mina was her tour guide. She answers every question thouroughly with a gummy smile and excitement in her eyes. She gestures out small hand movements but flaps a lot when she's excited. Seeing as she is this happy, Nayeon fall more deeper, in love with her.

This girl really, she thought. Know's how to make me fall in love with her all over and over again. She left that thought with a big grin and draped her arm around Mina, p

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Chapter 31: ohhh.. the start of the drama.. more angst to minayeon..

i love it, thank u.. will wait to ur next update.
Wivern #2
Chapter 31: Ei, ur back. :)
Don't stress on the updates.
Pls take better care of yourself.
The story's doing just fine.
Wu is worryingly possessive of Nay and the drama hasn't properly started yet.
I'm surely gonna be a mess when it does.
TDM_0405 #3
Chapter 31: I hope everything will work out, but I know it won’t.
Wivern #4
Chapter 30: Ooh, She's using possessive terms now. 'My Nayeon' XD
But this is a sort of flashback and the drama starting... does not bode well for my heart. :(
aglaonema #5
Chapter 30: Noooo drama :(
Allgreader #6
Chapter 30: But i thought that the drama already started, my heart is not ready, but it's not surprised
Chapter 30: Lets start the drama shall we...?

LETS DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY. *brb grab tissue*
aglaonema #8
Chapter 29: Hngggb
Chapter 29: wthhhhhhh :(
TDM_0405 #10