
Did I lose you?
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Its been 3 days since she saw Nayeong with the Man. Just the thought of it is weird and whenever she sees her, she would avoid and look away. She doesn't know why was she doing this in the first place. What's happening to me?

It was lunch time and her friends notice she seem a little off.

"Hey Mina? Are you alright?" Momo asked who is sitting next to her. "You've been closed off since yesterday."

"Yeah." Sana agreed. "We know you're quiet and all but this is not like you at all."

Mina then started to feel nervous, shifting her feet under the table uncomfortably. Should I tell them?

"Uhmm because-"

"Hey guys!" Dahyun then appeared, smiling happily and waved at them.

"Hello Dahyunie!" Chaeyoung waved back. "Come sit with us!"

"Dont mind if I do."

Mina felt relieved when Dahyun appeared. Atleast she doesn't have to say it anymore, as it appeared that she relaxed when she came.

"Where's Nayeong?"

"Oh. She still has a meeting. She let me have a break first since the meeting started when we arrived here in the morning." she explained, hand coming up to touch her forehead, pressing her fingers onto it.

"Dang thats too early to have a meeting."

"Yeah well, she has this perfectionist attitude so yeah blame it on that."

They kept talking about other thing's while Mina is just listening, smiling when they make jokes. Although the image with Nayeong and the Man she saw didnt

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Chapter 31: ohhh.. the start of the drama.. more angst to minayeon..

i love it, thank u.. will wait to ur next update.
Wivern #2
Chapter 31: Ei, ur back. :)
Don't stress on the updates.
Pls take better care of yourself.
The story's doing just fine.
Wu is worryingly possessive of Nay and the drama hasn't properly started yet.
I'm surely gonna be a mess when it does.
TDM_0405 #3
Chapter 31: I hope everything will work out, but I know it won’t.
Wivern #4
Chapter 30: Ooh, She's using possessive terms now. 'My Nayeon' XD
But this is a sort of flashback and the drama starting... does not bode well for my heart. :(
aglaonema #5
Chapter 30: Noooo drama :(
Allgreader #6
Chapter 30: But i thought that the drama already started, my heart is not ready, but it's not surprised
Chapter 30: Lets start the drama shall we...?

LETS DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY. *brb grab tissue*
aglaonema #8
Chapter 29: Hngggb
Chapter 29: wthhhhhhh :(
TDM_0405 #10