My Time Alone

Did I lose you?
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Its been 4 days since Mina went to work. She took those 4 days to sort out every mess she has done inside in her mind. She cant go to work with a mess of a mind. Everyday she would vent out her anger, talking to herself. It worked for her as she felt relaxed and eased out but the tension is still there. How can she ignore the fact that her bestfriend is there? She knew she looked familiar but why did she ignore it? Ignored her gut telling her that  its her bestfriend hiding behind that very face mask she has been wearing for almost a month.

She now enetered the building, going to her respective floor. 4 days is long so her co worker's welcomed her back and some asked her question's on her whereabouts. "Hey what happened?"

"Nothing. Its fine." she mustered a smile but it didn't look all too convincing. They decided not to push her as they sensed its its thing too personal.

After hours of working, its now her break. She took her lunch and headed for the cafeteria. When she got there, she saw her friends, just sitting there, not really moving to take their lunch out their bags. She then walked, slowly, towards them.

Sana noticed first when she snapped her head at her direction. Seeing this made Mina stop. Sana rushed quickly to her and took her in her arms immediately, missing their youngest fellow japanese. 4 days was indeed long for them as they missed Mina. 

The two then made their way to their table. Sana seated her at thier side of the table with Momo, who gave her a small side hug when she was seated between them. Tzuyu and Chaeyoung smiled at her, though concerned at the sadness inside Mina's eyes. Something must've happened.

When they finally settled, though Sana had her left arm around Mina, Chaeyoung then asked. "What happened onee-san?"

"Its nothing. You all wont understand." she shook her head at them and gave a sad smile.

Sana insisted. "Then make us understand then. We will listen to you. All of us are willing to help."

Momo then continued. " Yeah. And plus 4 days is long and considering you look dull and tired, you suffered through enough."

"Yeah onee-san. Come on. Dont worry, its just us that will listen to you. We promise no telling to anyone." Tzuyu said comfortingly, worried about her friend.

"No. 30 minutes of break is not enough to tell you everything. And plus i'm not ready yet to tell all of you. Its- uhh. Its complicated. I'll tell you all of that, but I can't promise you when."

"Its ok." Sana said, who rubbed her arm comfortingly. "We're willing to wait anyways. And besides we're not forcing it out of you. We just want to help you." they all nodded at this.

"Thank you. Very much." Mina made a small smile. They all then leave it to that and started eating their lunch.

Just as they are halfway through it, they saw a tired Dahyun, her hair slightly messy from all the running, slump down at a nearby table a meter or two away from thiers, her side facing them.

They all not failed to notice this and Chaeyoung and Tzuyu decided to approach the Korean who recently became their closest friend. "If you will excuse us." Chaeyoung said and Tzuyu nodded at the three, also excusing herself. The two immediately made their way to her, sitting with her.

The three was surprised at this and this made Mina think. What happened? 

"What was that about?" Momo said confusedly, who still had food in but thankfully is not that much.

"I dont know." Sana answered who was moving to get a better view at the three.

A little bit later, the two bid goodbye to Dahyun, who rushed out after noticing the time. The two were shocked when they came back.

"Hey what did Dahyun say?" Momo asked.

Chaeyoung cleared and answered the japanese. "She said there was a problem with the system production back in the factory in Osaka. There seems to be a malfunction when they tested out the circuit board of the phone. It was not function in the right commands but yeah they fixed it now. It took a while sice Nayeong is not here."

The three was now shocked at this. "What?! 

Tzuyu then continued. "According to Dahyun, she got sick. The doctors say that she has been stressing out lately and her head is too overworked in the span of 3 days. They say it wasn't all too serious but she wasn't recovering any fater either." she said sadly.

Mina couldn't help but feel this is all her fault. Nayeon what is this? She cant help but feel that she is the cause of all this. She then remembered 4 days ago when she found out that her boss is her best friend. She left Nayeon alone there at that abandoned alleyway when Nayeon pleaded for her to stay and not leave her. 

The thought of Nayeon sick worried her but she kept on telling herself that she will comeback at any day. She told herself not to worry about it. Bue she didn't mentioned for the thoughts to get out of her head.


Its been weeks and Nayeon hadn't made any appearance yet. Mina was now losing her mind at the thought of not seeing her again. She was still angry at her, but worrying about Nayeon comes first since its been weeks when Dahyun said that Nayeon is sick.

Her being sick made Mina insane to the point that she is sensitive and one wrong move, she will explode at anytime. Also, her conscience is not helping at all, bugging her to the ends of the world to remind her that its her fault.

​​​​​​Idiot, you left her there. Its your fault

​​​​​​Would you ing shut up? Its been a hard week-

And its all thanks to your stupidity and selfishness

​​​​​​Look I have been suffering too ok? Its because of you bugging me for every ing minute

​​​​​​Thats because my purpose here is to bug you of your mistake

​​​​​​I'm close to calling you an

​​​​​​If you call me an , you also called yourself one. So deal with it, 

"STOP!" Mina covered her ears, hoping her conscience would shut up.

"MINA?! Hey snap out of it!" Sana shooked her body.

Mina opened her eyes and realized she wasn't alone. She was at the cafeteria, her friends looking at her worriedly. "Hey are you alright?" Momo asked who was sitting across her.

"No- I mean yes. I mean- I dont know." Mina felt like tearing up. Sana rubbed her back, whispering words of assurance in her ear. I need to do something, she thought.

She then stood up and excused herself out. "Hey Mina where are you going?" she ignored the question and looked for a nearby restroom.

Once she found one, she immediatly went in, nobody was in. She stood in front of the sink, just staring at herself, calming herself down. She washed her hands and then noticed a sound of the flush. She wasn't alone at all. She saw someone walk out one cubicle. It was Dahyun.

Mina snapped at her di

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Chapter 31: ohhh.. the start of the drama.. more angst to minayeon..

i love it, thank u.. will wait to ur next update.
Wivern #2
Chapter 31: Ei, ur back. :)
Don't stress on the updates.
Pls take better care of yourself.
The story's doing just fine.
Wu is worryingly possessive of Nay and the drama hasn't properly started yet.
I'm surely gonna be a mess when it does.
TDM_0405 #3
Chapter 31: I hope everything will work out, but I know it won’t.
Wivern #4
Chapter 30: Ooh, She's using possessive terms now. 'My Nayeon' XD
But this is a sort of flashback and the drama starting... does not bode well for my heart. :(
aglaonema #5
Chapter 30: Noooo drama :(
Allgreader #6
Chapter 30: But i thought that the drama already started, my heart is not ready, but it's not surprised
Chapter 30: Lets start the drama shall we...?

LETS DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY. *brb grab tissue*
aglaonema #8
Chapter 29: Hngggb
Chapter 29: wthhhhhhh :(
TDM_0405 #10