Messed up

Did I lose you?
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Its been weeks since they got back to Japan, but the image of Mina in shock was still fresh in Nayeon's mind. She saw it in her eyes the confusion and disbelief. She knew it that Mina was bothered about how William treats her kindly. She knew it when she saw giving quick looks to Mina expressionless face. However, seeing as she knew Mina knows about who he is, disturbs her about confronting this if ever Mina wants to talk about it. She knows she owns her an explanation. But with Wu around, she expects it to be hard.

Wu is known for his competitiveness. He became successful just because of it, the challenge and competition. But the bad part about it is that he sees everything is a competition. Win or lose. No pain, no Gain. But his favorite one is Kill or get killed.

It becomes a motto and slowly, it became a part of him. During his days of courting her, she knew there were people he had to eleminate in order to make his way up the top. He had paid men and wide connections to do the dirty job for him. She was scared at how this man holds power and fate.

She is afraid on commiting a crime against his wills and rules. She knew what will happen if she ever goes against him. Its a must for her to be good infront of him. Its a must for her to be with him. 

Its a must for her to love him and marry him.

Its unfair and all. She had to be this powerful and famous that she gets to be with this man. Her purpose and her only purpose for this is for Mina and Mina alone. She planned this whole success up to be with Mina. 

But life is never fair. 

She needs to face her fate or she has to face death and punishment in the hands of the man she is forced to love.


Mina has never been thinking clearly ever since Jihyo broke the news about Mr. Wu's intention to marry Nayeon. Her feelings for Nayeon bloomed fully to the point that she is head-over-heels inlove with her bestfriend. This has been the far most complicated stage of being in love Mina has ever been in. Its a whole roller coaster of emotions and feelings.

She knew she had nothing compared to Mr. Wu. He is rich, powerful, the boss and highly successful. Compared to her who struggles with her finance, normal working employee, far from successful Mina. 

But somehow, she knew she had to fight for her feelings. She keeps on comletely backing out when William is attempting to court her. Yet she found the confidence to fight for her feelings because she knows she has a special place in Nayeon's heart. She knew it from the way she acts, the way she smiles, the way she talks and the way she looks.   

She has to fight for her. She needs to try.


Mina was quietly eating back at their usual table and her friends are back to their normal antics. Chaeyoung, who is sitting beside her, noticed that Mina was oddly quiet.

She lightly nudged her arm to get her attention. "Is there anything wrong?" She asked in a hushed tone.

Mina shook her head an offered a smile that didn't reached her eyes. "Yeah i'm fine dont worry."

Chaeyoung didn't looked all to convince but she sensed that she is not in the mood to talk about it. She looked deeply bothered and she wonders why. 

Mina was ready to pack up her lunch but stopped when Nayeon was rushing and went down to the womens bathroom. Hearing the hard slam made them jolt up and flinch. Her friends became worried and concerned about her. She was fine few weeks ago.

Mina didn't waste any more time and shuffled her way out of the table and ran to the womens bathroom.

Once she was was near the door, she grabbed hold of the knob and turned it. Its locked. She then started knocking.

"Nayeon? Nayeon please it me, Mina". She kept on knocking.

"L-leave me." She said

"No." She knocked faster and harder. "Nayeon open up!"

"N-no." She whimpered out.

"Nayeon please this is no time for isolating yourself." She started pounding against the door. "Nayeon come on open up!" She didn't care if she was loud and if anyone can hear her. She only needs Nayeon to open the damn door.

"Pl-please Mina, leave." She heard sob. She stopped pounding and shouting. "Mina please just l-leave me alone."

Silence. The tension between the two was thick. Mina is incredibly worried as Nayeon is like this. Bothered and disturbed. If only it were easy to follow her, as if she doesn't care. But she know's her priorities now. And her first is Nayeon.

She isn't backing out just yet. "Nayeon," sh started. "I'm not leaving you here alone. I'm done of doing that. I'm done of leaving you and fooling myself into believing that you're alright

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Chapter 31: ohhh.. the start of the drama.. more angst to minayeon..

i love it, thank u.. will wait to ur next update.
Wivern #2
Chapter 31: Ei, ur back. :)
Don't stress on the updates.
Pls take better care of yourself.
The story's doing just fine.
Wu is worryingly possessive of Nay and the drama hasn't properly started yet.
I'm surely gonna be a mess when it does.
TDM_0405 #3
Chapter 31: I hope everything will work out, but I know it won’t.
Wivern #4
Chapter 30: Ooh, She's using possessive terms now. 'My Nayeon' XD
But this is a sort of flashback and the drama starting... does not bode well for my heart. :(
aglaonema #5
Chapter 30: Noooo drama :(
Allgreader #6
Chapter 30: But i thought that the drama already started, my heart is not ready, but it's not surprised
Chapter 30: Lets start the drama shall we...?

LETS DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY. *brb grab tissue*
aglaonema #8
Chapter 29: Hngggb
Chapter 29: wthhhhhhh :(
TDM_0405 #10