Its Ok

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Mina was, to say, out of character for the past few days since the time when they all last went out the nearby beach. After William enetered their circle and became their close friend in no time infuriates her down to the bones.

She doesn't want to act like this. She doesn't want to be like this. Holding on her jealousy and letting it grow on her until it becomes a part of her just proves she's a special brand of weird that people are today. But it seems that her mind is battling within itself, whether choosing to be content that he is kind and sweet or mad because he is too kind and sweet.

She likes being pampered by her friends, of course she doesn't want to admit that. But seeing them spending most of their fun times with William, and sometimes with his daughter Anastasia, makes her feel lonely and left out.

Mina accepts the fact that she is naturally quiet and calm, but to her, its both a blessing and a curse. Its beneficial because it allows you to have a sense of peace within yourself and makes you feel reserved and guarded, which is a good feeling of security. But she dislikes it whenever she is wants to voice out something but doesn't want to. Why? Because she's insecure whether she will destroy the light mood they created or her opinion doesn't really matter. Her friends love her dearly but sometimes, they are too much for her league.

She tries and tries, but fails miserably as she looks at the laughing group, hesitantly wanting to join them. She feels limited, and she hates it.

Her source of motivation seems to be in Nayeon's laugh and smile. She would end up smiling unconciously whenever Nayeon would let out a booming laugh around the room. She would be captivated just seeing the white, pearly bunny front teeth peeking out between her heart-shaped lips. She wanted to be the source of all Nayeon's happiness, that serves as her motivation. The problem was she would chicken out on the last minute.

She gave up trying, convincing herself to join them tomorrow, again. She went to her room and lied down her bed, sighing dejectedly. She felt like crying but she doesn't want to. Its a loser thing to do, she thought, and I am a loser.

She just burried her face in the pillows when she heard her door knob turning open. She wants to look back and see who it is but is too lazy, and tired to. She just listens to it close back and hear bare foot pads walking on the floor. Everything went silent.

Mina listens, nothing. She turned her head to the source and saw a child infront of her, Anastasia. She was shocked to see the child looking at her curiously, her eyes furrowed to the center with a subtle pout. The braided hair on both sides of her face shows the chubbiness of her cheek which added the more cuteness to the girl.

Both girls silently stares at each other, as if the both of them tries to read their minds. Mina then sat up at her bed, not caring if her hair looks like a mess. The child followed her movements, standing quietly still. She let her legs ceoss each other as she stares at the girl, annoyed this time.

"What do you want?" Mina asks tiredly.

The girl remained silent, still watching her

Mina turns more annoyed at the fact the child continues to stare at her. She moves forward to let her legs dangle at the side of her bed and her hands as support to lean closer to the girl, trying to make her feel intimidated. 

"What. Do. You. Want?" she said with her voice deep.

But the girl stood her ground, still silently staring at her. This made Mina frustrated.

She sighs deeply, and

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Chapter 31: ohhh.. the start of the drama.. more angst to minayeon..

i love it, thank u.. will wait to ur next update.
Wivern #2
Chapter 31: Ei, ur back. :)
Don't stress on the updates.
Pls take better care of yourself.
The story's doing just fine.
Wu is worryingly possessive of Nay and the drama hasn't properly started yet.
I'm surely gonna be a mess when it does.
TDM_0405 #3
Chapter 31: I hope everything will work out, but I know it won’t.
Wivern #4
Chapter 30: Ooh, She's using possessive terms now. 'My Nayeon' XD
But this is a sort of flashback and the drama starting... does not bode well for my heart. :(
aglaonema #5
Chapter 30: Noooo drama :(
Allgreader #6
Chapter 30: But i thought that the drama already started, my heart is not ready, but it's not surprised
Chapter 30: Lets start the drama shall we...?

LETS DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY. *brb grab tissue*
aglaonema #8
Chapter 29: Hngggb
Chapter 29: wthhhhhhh :(
TDM_0405 #10