
Did I lose you?
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After everything, Mina had been having strange feelings whenever she sees Nayeong. Whenever she would give that smile, seeing her eyes smile with it, she would have a whole score in her heart. Whenever they would greet each other in the halls, she would declare this day the best. Even just by hearing her voice alone, feels like a whole melodious song to her ears. When did she became this cheesy to anyone? She doesn't know but she is too busy to think of an answer right now.

Its now lunch and Mina and her friends are having fun at their usual spot. Laughing at Momo's solid burns to Sana, who happens to be fangirling about Nayeong, as usual. Sana kept on showing her aegyo to Momo, who seems to playfully choke out her food on Sana, who clumsily felt out of her seat in disgust. They kept on laughing when the Power Duo came to them...

"Hey guys!" Dahyun came with a wide smile.

"Dahyun-ah!" Tzuyu and Chaeyoung said in delight, with a similar wide smile in their faces.

Nayeong was behind Dahyun who had her arm around her shoulder, waving at the group. Seeing this made Mina envious of Dahyun.

Darn, I wished I was in her place. So lucky

Her thoughts were suddenly cut short when she heard a squeel that came from Sana.


Hearing this made Nayeong rushed to her and covered , bringing her face close to her ear and bringing her free hand to her lips, creating a "Be quiet" sign. Sana nodded at this and Nayeong let go of her.

Mina watched across the whole thing with a expressionless face and envy in her growibg big.

Darn, I wished I was the one who screamed.

"Hey Mina are you alright?" Chaeyoung shooked her who was sitting next to her.

"Ahh yeah im alright."she said and she briefly looked at Nayeong who was looking at her.

They both now settled with Dahyun sitting next to Sana, Momo and Tzuyu, Nayeong still standing who was a bit shy at sitting next to Mina. Seeing that Nayeong is flustered made Dahyun chuckle.

"Ahh Nayeong-ssi, how about you sit next to Mina. Since this side is full." Dahyun cant help but giggle when she saw Nayeong look at her with a flushed face and did what Dahyun told her.

When Nayeong slipped next to Mina, she barely held back a smile but she successfully did.

They all settled down and continued on where they left off. Soon enough, the group can be found enjoying theirselves. Laughing, and talking and with them eating in between.

Nayeong noticed the time on her watch and saw its her time to go to work. She looked back the group and Mina and thankfully, they didn't notice. There's always a thought bugging in her mind. The thought of asking Mina out for a "friendly" date. Seeing as this is her bestfriend, before, made her think that this would be easy. But the fact that Mina is a grown woman who happens to be beautiful, decent, and elegant made Nayeong nervous and regret her assumptions of this being easy. 

She thought of an idea when she felt a sticky notepad on the inside pocket of her blazer. She didnt know how she got this but was thankful she did.

She wrote a small note and folded it, small enough to not be that obvious. She looked at the group again, who was enjoying Dahyun's story of her funny moments in the super market being an eagle, and cleared , gaining everyone's attention.

"Uhmm- I should go. I still have some things to do."

"Should I come?" asked Dahyun.

"No, no. You can still stay here, theres still time left in your breaktime. I have some unfinished business with the European branch so you could stay with them for a while." Nayeong nodded and left with a small goodbye to everyone.

The group waved and said there goodbye's. When Nayeong was gone, Mina felt something in her hand. She looked down at her lap, where her hands are, and saw small, folded, square sticky note. She inspected it and opened the folded paper and when she finished, she broke into a smile.

Do you want to go out today? Maybe later when shifts done.
                                        -Lim Nayeong



Nayeong surprissed Mina when she saw her at the exit. Its already her end of shift and she was waiting for her at the lobby. Mina passed by and headed straight to the exit, just standing there. She headed to Mina and tapped her shoulder and Mina jumped in surprise. Nayeon gave her a peace sign and told her to follow. Mina nodded at this and headed at the company's open parking space.

Nayeong took out her keys and heard the sound of her car. She leaded Mina to her car and she got surprissed the second time this day. Its another sports car and its red, it looked like Ferrari.

She opened the passenger door for Mina was they got close to it. Mina sat at her seat and felt the fine leather in her hands, feeling the smoothness of the material. She looked at the black interior of the car with the iconic yellow Farrari logo on the stearing wheel.

Nayeong entered and gave her a smile behind her mask. "Is this too much?"

"No. No, its just my first time here in a sports car."

"Well then glad that mine is the first one. I'll take you somewhere peaceful, dont worry."

She started the engine and manauvered her way out of the company building.


They took almost half-way to an hour when they arrived at a park, much bigger than the one near the company. She parked the car beside it, which it the parking lot.

Nayeong went out after she turned off the engine and went to Mina's side and opened the door for her. Seeing this action made Mina surprissed and felt a fluttering feeling on her chest.

They both entered the parks entrance and Mina was once again, amazed. The park was huge and so natural, seeing more trees and other ornamental plants give's

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Chapter 31: ohhh.. the start of the drama.. more angst to minayeon..

i love it, thank u.. will wait to ur next update.
Wivern #2
Chapter 31: Ei, ur back. :)
Don't stress on the updates.
Pls take better care of yourself.
The story's doing just fine.
Wu is worryingly possessive of Nay and the drama hasn't properly started yet.
I'm surely gonna be a mess when it does.
TDM_0405 #3
Chapter 31: I hope everything will work out, but I know it won’t.
Wivern #4
Chapter 30: Ooh, She's using possessive terms now. 'My Nayeon' XD
But this is a sort of flashback and the drama starting... does not bode well for my heart. :(
aglaonema #5
Chapter 30: Noooo drama :(
Allgreader #6
Chapter 30: But i thought that the drama already started, my heart is not ready, but it's not surprised
Chapter 30: Lets start the drama shall we...?

LETS DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY. *brb grab tissue*
aglaonema #8
Chapter 29: Hngggb
Chapter 29: wthhhhhhh :(
TDM_0405 #10