Chapter Seventeen

Love Between Us

As a mother, Yixing knew there is something wrong with Tao. His son who’s a hyperactive kid would usually run around the house or garden or climb the cabinet or even ruin his indoor flower gardens which makes him suffer a hard time to control Tao and him being pregnant makes it even worse as there were a few times that he almost lose patience towards his son.

However, it wasn’t the case for these past few days. His son was quite, shockingly, behaving. After he went back from the kindergarten, his son would straight away go up to his room and he would only come out during dinner. At first he thought Tao’s finally behaving, but as it went on for three consecutive days and noticed his son’s sad expression, it starts to make him quite worry.

He tried to highlight their son’s sudden attitude change to Luhan, but his husband acted like it wasn’t a big problem and asked him not to worry as their son “might have been going through a phaseㅡlike the time where you’ve gone all emo them sulks in the corner then plays guitar like the world hates youㅡ ouch! Aren’t you like that when you’re in middle school?!”

“Why did I even ask you?”

Tao’s only five years old. What kind of phase that their son will be going through right now? Since his husband didn’t offer any help, he decided to solve it by his own. The only way for him to do it is to ask Tao directly.

Yixing sat down beside his son who seems to be too focused on watching the cartoon slowly as to not shock the sad kid.

“Taozi-honey, what is wrong? These past few days you seemed unhappy.”

Tao shakes his head. Yixing sighed. His son is just like his husband, stubborn and loves to keep problems to themselves.

“Taozi, you know you can tell mama everything.” Yixing said in his soft voice, hoping that it will be able to coax his son to talk to him.

And it didn’t fail him as Tao’s shoulder starts to vibrate, clearly withholding all the emotions that Yixing successfully opened.

“Tao… Tao missed Sehunnie, mama!” Tao suddenly wailed before hugging his mother.

Yixing lets out a relieved sigh when he finally got the answer as he rubs his son’s back. His son just missed Sehun who’s been on sick leave because of the chicken pox.

“Tao isn’t going to eat chicken anymore. Chicken made Sehunnie sick.”

Yixing couldn’t stop from chuckling upon hearing that. His son is just too innocent to handle, “Honey, the chicken wasn’t the cause of Sehun’s sickness.”

“But, Sehunnie got chicken pot.”

“It is chicken pox, not chicken pot, Taozi. It is indeed that chicken pox had chicken on its name but trust me when I said Mr. Chicken isn’t the cause of it.” Yixing explained as he runs his hand thru his son’s black hair.

“Does that mean Taotao can still eat chicken and the chicken will not make Tao sick?”

“Of course.”

There was a moment of silence after that. Tao’s still hugging Yixing and Yixing can still see the sad expression on Tao’s face. It seemed that Tao had really missed his best friend.

He then glances at the clock hanging on the wall. It is just 6 p.m. and his husband will be home late today because of a dinner with his client, therefore he doesn’t really have to cook today. Maybe he could bring his son to pay Sehun a visit.

“Taozi, do you want to go visit Sehun? You already had chickenpox when you were three years old. So you will not be infected by it.”

“Can we?” Tao asks with his eyes glinting in delight.

“Of course, we can. Go change your clothes, okay? I need to inform your Baba and Uncle Yifan about our visit.”

“Yes, mama!”

Tao excitedly sprints towards his room. Yixing decided not to scold his son today since he was already sad. He hopes that by paying a visit to Sehun, his son will be himself again after this whole I-miss-Sehun-ordeal although it may give him a headache later on.

He grabs his handphone from the coffee table to call his husband, but his husband didn’t answer his call. Luhan must be inside the meeting. He usually calls back after he’s done with the meeting so there’s really nothing he can do but to go to Yifan’s apartment first.

He then calls Yifan and he almost yelled (thanks to his pregnancy hormones) when Yifan also didn’t answer his call. Why does everyone doesn’t want to answer his call today?

“Mama, can we go now?

“Sure. Let me call someone first.”

He doesn’t feel like taking taxi today, thus, he really hopes that this person will answer his call because if not, he’ll finally lose his patience and scream for no reason.

“Thank you so much, Suho-ge. I hope Taozi and I didn’t give you any trouble.”

“Ahh… it is okay, Xing. I’ve just finished my shift when you called me. Also, I want to take this chance to check up on Sehun. Does Luhan knows that you’re going with me?” Suho asks with his eyes trained on the road.

“I did tried to call him, but he didn’t answer my call. He’s maybe in the meeting. He’ll definitely call me back once he saw my miscalls.”

“I do hope so. I don’t want him to think that I kidnapped his husband.” Suho jokes. “Then, have you informed Yifan-ssi that we’re coming to his house?”

“Yifan-ge also didn’t answer my call.”

“What? Xing, we can’t just go to Yifan-ssi’s house without informing him.”

“Ge, you don’t have to worry. I already sent a message to him informing him about us coming.”

“Please do tell me you know where his condominium building is.”

“Of course, I know that. He mentioned to me before. He’s staying at Lavender Condo, Block C, 11th floor, house Number is 14. Wait a minute, was it 15 or 16?”

“Are you kidding, Xing? How could you not remember? Were you expecting us to search every house?”

“Not in this condition.” Yixing cheekily replied as he pointed at his stomach.

Suho counted one to three as he tries to calm down his anger. Luhan will have his head if he accidentally hurt his precious husband. Also, it is partly his fault for agreeing to come with Yixing when he already know how dense Yixing can be.

Admit it. The real reason why you want to come with Yixing is because you want to meet Yifan again. Suho’s mind helpfully supplied.

Shut up, mind!

“So, what are you suggesting we should do now?”

“You worry too much, Ge. I’ll just call Yifan-ge again and hopefully this time he’ll answer his call.”

Yixing took out his handphone from his backpack. Suddenly, his handphone rings making him almost drop it in shock. He rubs his chest to calm down his racing heart.

“Are you okay, Xing?” Suho asked after he saw Yixing’s expression that had turned a bit pale.

“I’m fine, ge. Let me answer this call first. It is Luhan.”

“Okay, sure.”

Yixing quickly slides the green button, “Hello.”

“Baobei, I’m very sorry for not answering your call. I was inside the meeting.”

“It is okay, Han. I already know that you must be inside the meeting.”

“Why did you call?”

“Oh, I want to inform you that I’m bringing your son to go see his ‘boyfriend’.”

Suho raised his eyebrows upon hearing that. He knows that Tao and Sehun are very close, but he never guess that their relationship went to that extend.

“What? At this hour? I’ve forbidden you from going. And one more thing, they’re still kids. How could they be in a relationship?”

“It is going to happen in the future just like us. So why should we deny the fact?”


Yixing quickly cut off his husband, “And I’m also not going there alone with our son. I had a man to pick me up.”

Suho give Yixing a “do you want me to be killed by your husband” warning look, but Yixing just ignores him.

“What are you talking about, baobei? Who is that man? Just tell me his name so that I can…”

“It is Suho.”

“How could you, Baobei? Do you know how scared I was just now?”

“It was fun though. Your reaction must be very amusing. If only I can see it right now.”

“Haha...very funny.” Luhan replies sarcastically. “I need to go now. We’ll continue this talk later at our house. Send Suho my regards.”

“Okay, I’ll. Bye-bye.”

Yixing hums cheerfully after he ended the call. He only stops when he realizes Suho staring at him.


“Does Luhan even know this side of yours?”

“It was the reason why I got pregnant again because I too much.” Yixing said in very innocent manner.

“Oh my god, Xing, too much information. I don’t want to hear that.”

Yixing let out a small laugh at that statement. He then continues humming as he stares outside the window.

Yifan’s drying his blonde hair using the blow dryer when he heard his doorbell ringing. He wonders who could it be because he isn’t expecting any guest at all.

He turns off the dryer as he hastily wears his glasses and grabs his white shirt from his bed before heading towards the door. He is quite shock to see Yixing standing in front of house with his hand raised with Suho standing beside him while Tao’s hiding behind Yixing with his head peeking out.

“Xing, what are you doing at here?”

“Taozi misses Sehun so we decided to come here to pay Sehun a visit.”

“You should have called first. My house kind of doesn’t have anything right now as I was quite busy taking care Sehun, thus I didn’t have time to went to grocery store.”

“I did, but you didn’t answer your call. I even sent a message to tell you that we’ve almost arrived. Right, Suho-ge?”

“R-right, you did. Only after I remind you and when we almost got lost.”

“No need to mention those small details, Suho-ge.” Yixing then turns to face Yifan, “Can we go in now? My legs are a bit tired from standing.”

“Sorry about that, Xing. Please do come in.”

“Uncle Yifan, can Tao go see Sehunnie now?”

“Of course, Tao. However, Sehunnie may be sleeping so you need to be quiet.”

Tao nods his head. Yifan then extended his hand on which Tao quickly grabs. Both of them headed toward Sehun’s room.

Yixing just chuckled after seeing his son’s behavior. He took off his shoes and he was about to head the same way when he realize that Suho’s still standing in front the door.

“Ge, aren’t you coming?”

“Y-yes, I’m coming.”

“You’re acting weird, Ge. You’ve been in that dazed state ever since we arrived.”

“I’m fine, Xing.” Suho lies.

He couldn’t tell Yixing that he was indeed in a dazed state because of Yifan. He wasn’t expecting the man could be this y thanks to his short pants.

He couldn’t know if it’s just the pants was really short or was it because of Yifan’s tall figure that makes his pants short, showing his glorious thighs.

One thing’s for sure, his eyes just couldn’t stop roaming on Yifan’s milky thigh. And don’t let him start with Yifan’s spectacles. The frame may look big and old fashioned, but it sure suits Yifan’s feature.

His thoughts then interrupted by Tao’s crying. Yixing quickly run toward Sehun’s room with him tailed from behind. He saw Tao was hugging Yifan’s waist while Yifan tried his best to stop Tao from crying.

“What is wrong, Yifan-ge?” Yixing asks as he gently pries his son from Yifan’s arms.

“Sehun suddenly throws a tantrum, saying that he doesn’t want to see Tao which was quite weird to me because I thought Sehun misses Tao too.”

“Sehunnie must hate Tao for not coming sooner!” Tao wailed before burying his head inside his mother’s bulging stomach.

“I-it wasn’t like that. Sehunnie could never hate Taotao.” Sehun said with his head peeking out from the blanket.

“Then why Sehunnie doesn’t want to see Tao?”

“I said not now because Sehunnie is too ugly right now with all the red dots all over on Sehunnie’s face.” Sehun frantically points to every spots he knows to point out how ugly it was to the point he can’t feel but embarrassed with his state in front of Tao.

Meanwhile the three adults couldn’t withhold their laughter after hearing Sehun’s so called innocent confession.

“Tao don’t care about that. Sehunnie still Tao’s best friend whether he is ugly or not.”

“That’s such big words. Where did he learn that?” Yifan whispers.

“I think from the drama I was watching.” Yixing whispers back.

“Really?” Sehun asks, interrupting the two mothers’ conversation.


Sehun then lowers his blanket. Tao seems to not mind the red spots on Sehun’s face as he quickly run inside Sehun’s room before climbing Sehun’s bed. It was like all the drama before never happen as the two kids immediately starts chatting animatedly.

Yifan slowly closes the door to leave the kids to catch up with each other. He then turns to face Yixing and Suho although he tries to ignore the latter.

“Do you want to have dinner here, Xing? I’ll cook fried rice since there were leftover rice from this afternoon.”

Yixing clapped his hands excitedly, “It has been so long since I ate fried rice.”

“Okay. Then I’ll go cook now.”

“Do you want any help?”

“It is fine. Just wait me at living room. I’ll call once the dinner ready. You should join us too, Suho-ssi.”

“Huh?” Suho asked in bewilderment, but Yifan already headed towards the kitchen.

His lips unconsciously curls into a small smile, hoping that Yifan did put his words from that day into a thought.

“Why do you keep on staring at Yifan-ge?”

Suho chokes on his saliva, “What are you talking about, Xing? I never stared at Yifan.”

Yixing rolls his eyes, “I am very sharp in this thing, okay? I realized that you’ve been staring at Yifan-ge quite a lot since that steamboat dinner.”

“Yeah, too sharp that it took very long for you and Luhan to become a couple.”

“Don’t try to change the subject, Ge. I already known that Han was in love with me when I was sixteen. I just want to torture him a little for bullying me back then. So you better confess now, Ge. Why do you keep on staring at Yifan-ge?” Suho felt chills knowing that Yixing’ sharpness and pregnancy never went well every time he’s curious at something. “Were you planning to replace him with his twin?”

“What? No! That-That wasn’t the case.”

“Then, why?”

Cornered, a small sigh escapes from Suho’s lips, “Look, Xing, let me settle something first. Once I solved it, I promise you that I will tell you and Luhan everything.”


“Yes, I’ll. When did I ever lie to you guys?” Yixing looks at him as if still doubting his assurance before he nods of, quickly shedding the scary protective aura he’s wearing.

“Fine, I believe you for now. I just don’t want anyone to get hurt. Yifan-ge is a very nice man.”

“Trust me, I also don’t want anyone get hurt especially Yifan-ssi.”

“I hope you’ll hold on to those words, Ge. If not, you are going to feel my wrath.”

Suho gulped a little at Yixing’s warning. Yixing may act kind all the time but he can be a very scary person once he was angry. He had seen it before when a man accidentally hurt Tao and didn’t apologize for it making Yixing unleash his fury towards the man. Luckily he and Luhan managed to stop him.

He really do hope that he’ll be able to sort his thoughts and feelings soon because not only he didn’t want to hurt Yifan intentionally, but he also didn’t want to trigger Yixing’s anger.

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Chapter 33: Pls continue this masterpiece!!!!!
❤️It a lot!!!!
Chapter 33: Please are you still going to continue the story
Chapter 33: I love the story, can't wait for more. Please update soon
Chapter 33: KrisHo's dynamics here are amazing! They're truly made for each other. I'm happy to be able to read this again and again. Haha and this chapter really makes Kris so innocent XD
I love you stories, you're an amazing writer and thank you for writing krisho. Hope you update again someday, always waiting
BLUEmeigi6699 #6
Chapter 33: Thank you for update
They both sooooo cute together
Lol at yifan behavior, calling suho ert when he is the one who thing dirty ahahaha

Next please
joanna20 #7
Chapter 33: Ty for updating! Good luck in your new career journey
LotteOh #8
Chapter 33: Thank you for the update; I hope you are doing well in your new job.
K-PoppingPills #9
Chapter 33: Lol they are so cute together and they don’t even know it! I can’t wait till they actually get together
♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡
Chapter 33: Yay a update!! It was worth the wait :)