New loves coming in F(x)'s way.

Me with you? (Secret Love Letter)


"What's your problem?" Krystal asked.
"What's yours? I'm taking what's mine." He said. He grabbed my wirst from L.Joe and dragged me out of class. 
"Yah!" I pulled my wrist from him. "What are you even doing here?" 
"What? L gets to go your school and I can't?" 
"He already goes here. I didn't even think you would care anyway?"
"Why wouldn't I? It's a competition to see who will win your heart." He smriked. I scoffed. *Soomi... You have no idea how much I care for you. But it's hard for me to express my feelings. You were the only one who understood me.* 
"So..? It's not like you like me anyway sso what's the point?" Before he could say anything I walked back into class. *This guy gives me a headache.* I looked into class. *Oppa's not here..* I sighed. *Again...* 
I walked to my seat. "Hey Krystal? Where did L.Joe go?" 
"He said something about practice and left." 
I put my head on the table and sighed. I heard girls whisphering. 'He's back!!' 'He's hot!' 
"Class!" Someone said. I looked up and saw Ms. Daebak. 
"We have two new students. Please come here and introduce yourselves." 
Jaehyo and his friend nodded. They walked up to the board and bowed. 
"Annyeonghaesayo Jaehyo-imida!" Jaehyo said. Girls were cheering and screaming. *So... They won't be all over Teen Top and Infinite? That's new...* 
"Annyeonghaesayo Minhyuk-imida!" His friend said. 
"HANDSOME!!!!" Girls screamed. (Except me & Krystal) 
Krystal smirked. *Is it me or she also has a surprise?* I thought. 
I shrugged it off. "Oh! Looks like we have a empty seat there? Soomi, who sits next to you?" 
"Um.. L.Joe-sshi?" *It's soo awkward not calling him oppa.... * 
"Oh! Then why don't L since you and Soomi are star-students you could help Byunghun with his work. L, you could sit in L.Joe's seat for today. And for Jaehyo and Minhyuk why don't you guys sit in L sshi's old seat. " *WOOT! My best friend & my boyfriend! Wait..... nevermind... Not woot.* 
L nodded. He grabbed his stuff and headed over into  my direction. He sat in L.Joe seat and Jaehyo and Minhyuk sat in his own seat. 
"Don't worry!  This is temporary you'll get never seats tommorrow!" The class cheered. (Except me and L.) 
* I only sit next to him/her for a day?* We thought. 
*Why does that brownie get to sit next to her?! RAGE...* Jaehyo thought. 
"WAH.... Learning is hard work!" KRystal said. 
I nodded. "I know right. OMG...." L teasingly said. 
I smacked him lightly on the shoulder. "We're not like that." 
He meronged me and I meronged him back. We had a 'merong war'. 
"Sometimes.... I get who I root for." Krystal said. 
"Huh?" Me & L said. 
"Nothing. Has our baby bothered anyone?" Someone said. I looked at the door and saw F(x). 
"VIC UMMA! LUNA! SULLI! AMBER!!" I yelled. I jumped out of my seat and hugged them. 
"Awh.. Girl hug." L said. 
Krystal punched him lightly on the shoulder. "What?" L said. She smriked at him. I giggled at their friendship. 
"WHat are you guys doing here?" 
"We go here! Well.. We're new!" Luna said. My eyes widened. 
"JEONGMAL!?" They nodded. 
"Awesome!!!" I said. 
'HELLOOO~ STUDENTS~~ We have out talent show coming up! This years theme is battle of the bands! So audition as groups! We will have a bunch of entertainment representatives coming! So practice! practice! practice!! It's in a week!!' The announcements said. 
"So... We're a band?" They nodded. 
"Soomi have you decided to be in our gang yet?" Sulli asked. 
*I forgot..* "Mian.. I kinda forgot.. I had a lot on my mind. But... I honestly don't think so... I'm not the type to like violence like that." I said. 
"We understand. But promise never join any other gang!" I nodded. 
"Soo... Do we need to practice again?" They nodded. 
"We just need to practice as a group and we're good. You've already pretty much mastered the moves soo... Yeah!!" Luna said. 
"Saturday Our place!" Vic Umma said. I nodded. 
"Now~ THat you ladies are finished with your girl talk. Lunch anybody?" L said and dragged me to the cafeteria. F(x) followed. 
When we entered the cafeteria we walked to infinite's table. I saw Sulli and Ambers face a little dissappointed. *Are they okay?* 
"Hey guys!" L said. I sneekily slipped out of L's hands and to the girls. 
"Hey are you guys okay?" I asked. 
"What? I'm fine!!!" Sulli said. 
"Yeah we're okay. Why?" Amber said. 
"You guys looked sad.." 
"No we're okay!" Sulli said. *I miss Ricky...* Sulli thought. 
"Luna?" Someone said. "SUNGYEOL!" Luna yelled and ran to Sungyeol. 
"Are they??" I asked. 
"Yep? You didn't know? Luna's totally crushing on him." Krystal said. 
"What else do you guys need to tell me?" 
"VIctoria!" I heard someone yell. I turned around and saw Gyugyu motioning Vic Umma to come over. 
"Umma?" She smiled. "I'll be right back." SHe said and walked over. 
"Okay? Now you two? Who are you guys crushing on?" I pointed to Sulli and Amber. 
"Noone!!" They said. 
"Don't lie to me!" I pouted. 
"Is something wrong, baby?" Someone behind me said. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. *Oppa?* I looked and saw blonde hair. *Oppa.* 
"So... These are the famous Sulli and Amber right?" They nodded creeped out. 
"How did you know?" 
"Um.. My friends kept talking about you. Like 'Sulli is sooo cute! SHe gets me!!' and 'Amber is soooo hot when she's rapping!'". 
Their eyes are about to fall out. 
"No one huh?" I said. 
"Hehe.... Uh... " Amber said. 
"REALLY HE TALKED ABOUT ME?! EKK!!" Sulli screamed. 
"Who oppa?" 
Author's Note: 
Hey guys! (; Um.. I'm having a little trouble choosing who would be the stars of my next story? I hope you guys would be help me!!!
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new reader here~
I just finished reading it...and it was daebak!!ehehe such a great story...lets go to the sequel~~ :)
whoaa, daebak ! :D
KimMyungSoo_wifey #4
asdf-honeybunny #5
*continues shipping Sandeul and Soomi* :D
asdf-honeybunny #6
i want him to be with her now :DDD
update soon (:
this was a long chapter because you added a lot of music lyrics, but still a cute chapter please keep updating
kissblue #9
what do you mean by white day?? anyway it's an interesting ff...
:O wowww!!