My First And Last

Dangerously In Love

"But noona, you know how I felt for you, right?” He looked at him tenderly.

“But Dongwoo-yah, you know that you are no more than a brother to me.”  Min laid her hands to Dongwoo’s.

He tried to hold back his tears with all his might. He didn’t want to look pathetic, asking a girl to feel the same way as he does. He took a deep sigh.

“Someday, you’ll find the right woman for you. I know that.” Min tried to smile.

“That.. I don’t know.” He shook his head while staring at the floor.

Min raised his chin up and looked straight into his eyes. “You are such a nice guy Dongwoo, I’m sure there will come a time that someone out there will come to love you.”

“But I only want you, noona.” Tears was starting to fall down from his eyes.

“I’m sorry Dongwoo-yah. Even if I try to, I cannot love you back. I’m so, sorry..”

You didn’t expect to overheard Min and Dongwoo’s conversation when you and Woohyun volunteered to fetch him at their dorm.

“Jaekyung-yah, did you call Dongwoo-hyung already?” It’s Woohyun who followed you and is now behind you.

“Ssh.” You cover his mouth with your hand. “Let’s go.”

You pulled him away and said that you both have to leave.


“You mean, Dongwoo-oppa really loves Min-unnie?” You asked while the two of you are now walking on the streets to head towards the practice room.

“Yes, his first love.” He replied faintly. He felt sympathetic about his hyung’s unrequited love.

“First love? I see.” You suddenly felt lost for words.

“Well, what about me? Am I your first love, too?” He suddenly asked while your both hands are entwined.

“Yes..” You paused for a moment. “And..” You blushed upon remembering something.


“My first kiss.”

“Don’t tell me your first kiss was that night at our dorm’s kitchen?”

You nodded while blushing.

“Whoa..” He exclaimed in surprise. He pulled you closer to him. “And I want to be your last, got it?”

You giggled and removed his hands with yours. He didn’t expect that you would run away afterwards.

“Yah, Jaekyung. Get back here!”

“Merong!” You said in tongued out.

He ran towards you and as soon as he caught you, he pinned you against the bricked wall.


“Answer me now.” He ordered.

You just nodded and beamed.

“Yah, don’t just smiled at me.”

“Ha-ha, you already know about that, right?”

“Then tell me that you won’t ever stalk anyone else again, okay?”

He gently encircled his hands to your waist followed by a gentle kiss on your forehead. “Say it.”

“Alright, Nam Woohyun I--”

He didn’t let you finish your words as he quickly planted a kiss on your lips.

“Nam Woohyun, I love--”

He kissed you over and over again.

“Hey, you never let me finish my sentence first.” You said when he stopped from kissing you.

“Aww, what can I do? I missed you so much that I cannot help but kiss you all day.” His eyes were now even smiling.

“But we have to get back now, okay?” You took few steps forward and looked back at him.

“Uhm, can we stay here a bit longer?” He asked while pulling you back to his arms.

Before you could answer, he already kissed you. And this time, it seems more longer and more passionately.


“So, that’s the reason why they’re taking too long, eh?” Myungsoo smirked and turned his back.

Sungyeol just stood there for a moment.

“Yah! Let’s go now.” He said at his buddy.

“I wish I have a girlfriend, too.” Sungyeol said feeling a bit envious.

Myungsoo went at his back and pushed him away. “Don’t tell me you’re going to watch them?”

“You should get yourself a girlfriend, too, you know.” Sungyeol pouted at him and followed a chuckle afterwards.

"Whatever!" Myungsoo just walked away from him.

“Hey, wait for me!” He said as tries to catch up to him.

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jagiyaaaaaaaa #1
Chapter 41: What an ending. HAHAHA! ing, iguess! tbh, I'm so glad to finally see and read this fic, Daebakk author-nim but I'm also sad ryt now cause the fic is over! ;;; Saranghae and Hwaiting authornim for this hardship~
ps. Inspirits lets love Infinite! <3
Chapter 41: Wah daebak. So sweet <3
exomania #3
Chapter 41: obo pyur aya na
poweroftwo #4
Chapter 41: yeah! what's yorubun>
Chapter 41: Loved the ending. But what's yorobun?
Jin_Kyong #6
daeebak !!!
So sweet.
Cute story hehehehe no drama and no nonsence hehehe i liked it :)
how about Sungyeol be the girl n L be the man n they can be together! lol... just kidding