Familiar Place

Dangerously In Love

“What took you so long?” Your mom asked you.

“I was lost. Good thing I saw the one who ordered the noodles.” You replied then went outside.

“Where are you going?” Your mom asked you.

“Home, omma. I’ll go check Shakespeare.”

“You should come back here soon. A regular customer of ours just ordered and you have to deliver it to them later.”

“Ye, omma.”


At home, you found Shakespeare sleeping comfortably and didn’t bother to wake him up.

You head back again to the noodle house.

“I’m already here, omma!”

“Good. Take these to this place.”

“Omma, these are quite a lot!”

“Can you handle it?”

You tried to carry it up. “I guess so.”

“Hurry up, before it gets late at night.”

“Okay, mom. Ja!”


You tilted your head. “Okay.. This place is so familiar. Had I been here before?”

You shrugged at the thought.

“Delivery!” You pushed the doorbell and your jaws dropped when the door opened, you saw a very familiar person in front of you.



“Why are you here? And why are you carrying those noodles we ordered?”

“I’m here for a delivery. So you are the one who ordered these?”

“You’re working at that noodle house?”

“Omma owns it.”

“So you’re ahjumma’s daughter?”

“Well, yes.”

He lets you in. “Let me.” He took the noodles from you.


“What a coincidence! I always eat there whenever I got the chance. I want the other members to try it because I’m pretty sure they’re going to like it.”

“Really? I’m glad about that.” You smiled.

He smiled back.

“I have to go, now.”

Someone came out from the room. It’s Woohyun.

You felt your body stiffened.

His gaze shifts from you and Myungsoo.

Myungsoo got the message and explained why you were there.

“I see. I thought there something else aside from that.” He teased.

You glared at him but he just gave you a grin. Myungsoo didn’t notice it when he went to the kitchen to put aside the noodles.

“I’ll be going now.” You said without waiting for their response.

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jagiyaaaaaaaa #1
Chapter 41: What an ending. HAHAHA! ing, iguess! tbh, I'm so glad to finally see and read this fic, Daebakk author-nim but I'm also sad ryt now cause the fic is over! ;;; Saranghae and Hwaiting authornim for this hardship~
ps. Inspirits lets love Infinite! <3
Chapter 41: Wah daebak. So sweet <3
exomania #3
Chapter 41: obo pyur aya na
poweroftwo #4
Chapter 41: yeah! what's yorubun>
Chapter 41: Loved the ending. But what's yorobun?
Jin_Kyong #6
daeebak !!!
So sweet.
Cute story hehehehe no drama and no nonsence hehehe i liked it :)
how about Sungyeol be the girl n L be the man n they can be together! lol... just kidding