Lost Without You

Dangerously In Love

Woohyun was brought to hospital and is now at the patient’s room but unconscious.

Upon holding his hands with yours, a hint of tears was in your eyes.

You still cannot believe it.

Earlier ago, you were so happy together. You could still remember the laughter and sweet moments you shared with him. And his smile, oh just how much you love his sweet smile.

But, now where was the lively Woohyun now?

You want to call his name, and ask him what you can do for him to be okay but you know that was impossible now.

Upon remembering all those things, you cannot control your emotions anymore and tears starts flowing down.

“Woohyun, please don’t.. You are not going to leave me.. I’ll.. I’ll get mad at you if you do..” You faintly said. Suddenly, you felt so weak and exhausted.

You are so worried and afraid that it hurts you seeing him just lying there and wounded.

“Woohyun. Woohyun.. Please.. Saranghae..”

You were in that situation when the door opens.


It was the Infinite members, their manager and your friend, Yuri.

You were expecting them to come anytime when you called them to inform what happened to Woohyun.

They all saw how you were upset. Your eyes were all swollen. Yuri came up to you and embraced you.

“How was he?” The manager immediately asked you.

“Still unconscious, sunbaenim.”

“Did the doctor already said about his condition?” It’s Sunggyu.

“Not as of the moment. They said that he’s still under observation.” You replied.

“We have to calm down and stay positive. I’m sure Woohyun-yah will be okay.” Myungsoo tried to say calmly.

All of them nodded. Silence enveloped the room afterwards.

The boys and their manager sat on the couch.

Yuri remained on your side and comforted you every now and then.


It’s almost midnight when you felt some movements beside you.

You immediately held your head up and saw Woohyun’s hands moved a little but his eyes were still closed. Everybody was easily awakened by your voice, even Dongwoo who’s known to be a deep sleeper couldn’t take a nap knowing that his dongsaeng was still not in a good condition.

You were about to get up to call the doctor right away when the manager stopped you and volunteered to call the doctor.

The next morning you woke up again, you saw him finally conscious.

“Woohyun-yah!” You slowly approached him and embraced him gently. He didn’t respond. Not even a move or a word. He just stared at you blankly.

“He’s still in shock that’s why he acted like that. He still needs to be here for about a week or two to before he can go home.” The doctor said to them.


You were going out of the hospital one day when you saw two girls outside.

“Is that her?” One of the girls asked.

The other girl nodded.

Then, suddenly they threw eggs at you.

“What did you do to our Woohyun-oppa, huh?!”

“He got in an accident because of you, babo!”

You looked at them in confusion. “I don’t understand you.”

“Don’t deny it, we saw it on TV and it’s written on newspapers!”

The girl was about to throw an egg at you again when someone shouted at them.

“Yah! Leave her alone! She didn’t do anything bad to you!” It’s Dongwoo giving them the killing look. She is with Yuri.

The two girls ran hastily when they saw Dongwoo looked at them with fierce.

“Why didn’t you avoid them, huh?” He asked you in concern.

“I just don’t feel like arguing with them. Somehow, I felt like it was really my fault.” You answered in teary-eyed.

“Jaekyung-yah. Don’t say that, okay? Nobody wants it to happen. So you quit dwelling that thoughts and cheer up, okay?” Yuri explained to her.

“I’m sorry. I was just still not myself today.”


It’s been more than a week but Woohyun was still in the hospital.

You tried to visit him every day, and when you do, he’s mostly sleeping. No matter how much you wanted to see him but you fight the urge to visit him for the past few days.

You want him to get a full rest.

“I wonder what he is doing right now.. I hope he’s okay now. He’ll be fine in no time, right?You convinced yourself while wiping the table. You’re helping your mom today at the noodle house as usual.

You can’t help but sighed. You terribly missed him and if not only for your school classes, you would have always visited him.

You tried to be strong and act normal just like how you live your life before.

You made yourself busy until Woohyun gets well.



A gloomy chapter. xD

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jagiyaaaaaaaa #1
Chapter 41: What an ending. HAHAHA! ing, iguess! tbh, I'm so glad to finally see and read this fic, Daebakk author-nim but I'm also sad ryt now cause the fic is over! ;;; Saranghae and Hwaiting authornim for this hardship~
ps. Inspirits lets love Infinite! <3
Chapter 41: Wah daebak. So sweet <3
exomania #3
Chapter 41: obo pyur aya na
poweroftwo #4
Chapter 41: yeah! what's yorubun>
Chapter 41: Loved the ending. But what's yorobun?
Jin_Kyong #6
daeebak !!!
So sweet.
Cute story hehehehe no drama and no nonsence hehehe i liked it :)
how about Sungyeol be the girl n L be the man n they can be together! lol... just kidding