Uncomfortable Shakespeare

Dangerously In Love


“In order for you to get the puppy, you must get along with the dog for just a day.”

“Eh? But he’s my dog. I’m sure he’ll come to me right away once he saw me.” You replied at the other line, it’s the production crew of KBS’s ‘Family Ties’.

“Is that so? Then, I guess you should get him soon.”

“Where and when, sunbaenim?”

The crew told you that they’ll meet you Saturday morning and pick you up at your home.

You told them your address.

“Komawoyo.” You said and the conversation ended.


The next day.

You heard a horn honking outside. When you peek through the window, you saw it’s the staff from ‘Family Ties’.

You’re wearing your usual clothes today. It’s a loose shirt, below the knee shorts and a cap that covers you hair. You also didn’t forget your eyeglasses.

You hurriedly went outside and the crew greeted you, and you greeted them back.

Few minutes later, you all arrived at the Infinite’s dorm.


The staff knocked the door for you. Then someone opened and you saw it was Kim Myungsoo.

Upon seeing you, he automatically smiled when he recognized you.

“Annyeong!” You shyly greet him.

“Annyeong.” He welcomes you and the staff of ‘Family Ties’.

The Infinite members welcomed you, too.

“Shin Jaekyung? You’re the girl we met at the school festival, right?” Sunggyu asked.

 “Ye, Sunggyu-oppa.”

“And you are also the one we met at the beach where we did a CF?” Sungjong said from the back.

“Yes.” You timidly smile.

“That’s it. I told you hyungs, we”ve met her before.” Sungjong smiled.

“Such a small world, huh? If I may ask, why were you also there at the beach?” It’s Woohyun trying to piss you off.

You were taken aback with his question and found yourself thinking of a reason.

“Hey, Woohyun-hyung, it’s just maybe a coincidence.” Sungjong could hint something was odd between the two of you.

“Yes, it’s just a coincidence. I was having a vacation there.” You said as an alibi.

“Anyway, we heard that you’re here to pick up your dog?” The leader asked.

You nodded.

 “So, you’re calling him Shakespeare? Nice name.” Myungsoo said then he smiled.



While you’re having a conversation with Myungsoo, the others were busy with the puppies.

“I’ll go get Shakespeare for you.” He said.

“I already have him here.” Woohyun interrupts while carrying a puppy.

“Is this puppy really yours?”

“But of course!”

“Okay, if you say so.”

While handing the dog to you, your arms touched each other.

For a brief moment, you felt some butterflies in your stomach.

You pulled back right away and you tried to act normal.

Unexpectedly, the puppy in your hands started acting weird. He wants to get away from you.

“Shakespeare, what’s wrong?” You asked.

He ran towards Woohyun and he picked him up.

The staff of ‘Family Ties’ looked at you with confusion.

“He must not remember me. He’s been away from me more or less a week now.” You explained.

“Then, you have to stay for while here to get back his affection. We found him on the street that’s why he’s kind of afraid. You must bond with him.” The crew said.

And so, you have no choice but to stay at the Infinite’s dorm for a couple of hours.

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jagiyaaaaaaaa #1
Chapter 41: What an ending. HAHAHA! ing, iguess! tbh, I'm so glad to finally see and read this fic, Daebakk author-nim but I'm also sad ryt now cause the fic is over! ;;; Saranghae and Hwaiting authornim for this hardship~
ps. Inspirits lets love Infinite! <3
Chapter 41: Wah daebak. So sweet <3
exomania #3
Chapter 41: obo pyur aya na
poweroftwo #4
Chapter 41: yeah! what's yorubun>
Chapter 41: Loved the ending. But what's yorobun?
Jin_Kyong #6
daeebak !!!
So sweet.
Cute story hehehehe no drama and no nonsence hehehe i liked it :)
how about Sungyeol be the girl n L be the man n they can be together! lol... just kidding