A Visit At The Noodle House

Dangerously In Love


“Where are you going, hyung?” Sungjong asked Myungsoo who’s wearing nice clothes and a hat on his head.

All of them were watching TV except Woohyun who’s taking a bath that time.

“Just somewhere else.” He just replied.

“And where exactly is that ‘somewhere’?” Sunggyu curiously asked.

“To the noodle house.”

“Noodle house? You mean to the noodle house of Jaekyung-yah’s mom?” It’s Sungjong.

“Yes.” Myungsoo nodded.

Woohyun who just came out from the shower overheard it.

“Hey, I want to go there.” Sungyeol said.

“Me, too.” Hoya smiled.

“Of course, your Dongwoo-hyung wants to eat noodles, too.” He chuckled.

“You’re coming, hyung?” Myungsoo asked Sunggyu.

“Yes.” The leader replied.

“Don’t forget the maknae.” Sungjong smiled widely. “And Woohyun-hyung.”

“I’ll go change clothes.” Woohyun told them trying not to show his excitement.


At the noodle house.

Your mom is delighted to see Myungsoo today with his friends.

The boys looked around and found the place is full of mostly elder people so they took off their hoods and took their seats.

“Annyeong, ahjumma.” Myungsoo greeted your mom with a smile then followed by a bow. The other members bowed at her, too

Myungsoo ordered varieties of noodles.


After few minutes of waiting, your mom served them different hot noodle dishes.

The boys seem so excited eating.

“Whoa, it all looks delicious!” Sungjong exclaimed.

“Thank you, kids. Anyway, I have to attend other customers. But, if you need anything, just say so, okay?”

Meanwhile, Woohyun is quietly looking around.

“Wait, ahjumma. I haven’t seen Jaekyung-yah yet. Is she on a delivery?” Myungsoo asked.

“Oh, my daughter? She’s on a vacation with her father and sister.”

“I see. Thanks, ahjumma.” He was about to ask something again but he saw your mom seems quite busy.

“Okay, I’ll be going then.” Then your mom left them.

Upon hearing it, Woohyun felt his shoulders somehow heavy.

“I thought I’m going to see her today..”

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jagiyaaaaaaaa #1
Chapter 41: What an ending. HAHAHA! ing, iguess! tbh, I'm so glad to finally see and read this fic, Daebakk author-nim but I'm also sad ryt now cause the fic is over! ;;; Saranghae and Hwaiting authornim for this hardship~
ps. Inspirits lets love Infinite! <3
Chapter 41: Wah daebak. So sweet <3
exomania #3
Chapter 41: obo pyur aya na
poweroftwo #4
Chapter 41: yeah! what's yorubun>
Chapter 41: Loved the ending. But what's yorobun?
Jin_Kyong #6
daeebak !!!
So sweet.
Cute story hehehehe no drama and no nonsence hehehe i liked it :)
how about Sungyeol be the girl n L be the man n they can be together! lol... just kidding