What Happened Between Us?

3 Days later.

WG Dorm.

Sunye: mandu-ah. Are you okay? (She walks inside Sohee rooms and sits beside her on her bed.)

Sohee: I thought 4-5 days won’t be that long. But now, look at me, I’m here stuck in my own room feeling frustrated and sad thinking why that period of time is so long. I’m such a stupid.

Sunye: of course you’ll miss him Sohee-ah. It’s normal for a couple like you guys. It’ll be weirder if you don’t miss him at all. Jiyong oppa didn’t call you?

Sohee: that’s what makes me more upset. The last calls I get from him is the day he arrived at Japan. After that, until this moment, there’s no call from him at all. I wonder why.

Sunye: aigoo my mandu baby. I believe he just busy and didn’t have time to call you. Maybe he’ll call you later. Don’t let your mind having a negative thought. And also, he’ll be here in Korea day after tomorrow right? Be patient. Come on, let’s get out from here. You need some fresh air and something to distract your mind. Let’s go. (Sunye drags her out and take her to the nearest park.)

At the Han River Park.

After cycling around for about 30 minutes, Sunye and Sohee decide to take a break and sit on the bench. They sit in silent while mesmerizing themselves in the beautiful view of the river and sky.

Sohee: unnie, do you think me and Jiyong oppa will be together forever? (Sohee ask the question to Sunye but her eyes still lock towards the Han River.)

Sunye: (taking a deep breath.) We never know what might happen in the future Sohee-ah. Just enjoy the moment while it lasts. If you want it to be forever, you need to work hard in keeping him by your side. Make him feel your love towards him.

Sohee: I don’t know how to. This is my first time having a boyfriend. And, I don’t even have a chance to show him my love. We’re too busy. And now, He’s miles away from me.

Sunye: you’re both an idol Sohee. You should be aware about this. He belongs to Big Bang. And you’re with us, Wonder Girls. Both of our group is in a peak right now. News says it all. We’re gonna be busy. Sometimes, too busy even to have a 5 minutes talk. This is our life as an idol. You’re lucky enough to have a boyfriend despite all this. I believe, if you guys trust each other and hold onto your feelings, you’ll last forever. But first, you need to be stronger. Your journey is still long. If you get distracted just because of this, isn’t it a big loss towards your life? (Sunye clasped Sohee hand tightly. Hoping that Sohee will understand what she says.)

Sohee: I’m such a stupid teenage girls. I should not accept his feelings just because of my simple love. I should’ve thought about our both dream and life career more. (She hugs Sunye.)

Sunye: NO Sohee-ah! You silly girl. I didn’t mean it that way. I’m not saying you can’t be a couple with Jiyong oppa. I’m always happy with both of you when you guys decided to be a couple. I’m trying to say that’s, we’re in this industry. You need to be stronger to overcome the entire obstacle that may come through your ways. Being apart is just a small test for you guys. There are a lot of obstacles you guys need to get through later. Who knows what might happen in the future right?

Sohee: thank you unnie for all the advice. I think you’re right. I can’t feel sad just because he didn’t call me. I need to get used to this. We’re might be a couple. But we’re not a normal couple. We’re like a hideous couple. Our love can’t be announced to the worlds. Our feeling can’t be shown to the public. Our relationship is invisible in people eyes. I need to get used to this.

Sunye: ow, why I’m feeling so sad when hearing you talk like that. Your hearts are so fragile and pure. You’re too innocent my baby mandu. Yet, you’re trying to portray a looks of matured young girls. I know you have a lot of insecurities. You crave for affection and when you have it, you need to keep it low because of your career. Poor my baby Sohee. (Sunye hugs her tightly.)

Sohee: thank you unnie for always being here with me. I love you so much.

WG Dorm. Still in early January.

Sohee running fast to her room after hearing her phone ringing telling there’s incoming messages for her.

From: Dragon <3

Wanna go out on a date?

Looks like he’s already in Korea. There’s a smile on her face.

To: Dragon

Come and pick me out. kekeke

BB van.

They just arrived at the airport about 20 minutes ago and now inside their van heading back to their dorm. GD busy with his phone and have already plans to meet her beloved girlfriend. After the van arrived at their dorm, GD told the members to go home first. He had something to do. Of, course the members understand that very much. After that, he instructs the manager to go to WG dorms.

GD: wait here for a minute hyung. (GD get out from the car and goes inside the building. Arrived in front of the WG dorm, he knock on the door, Sohee immedietly open it.)

Sohee: oh oppa, you’re here.

GD: are you ready to go out?

Sohee: of course. I’m ready. Where are we going to have our date today oppa?

GD: it’s a secret. (He gives her a little smirk.)

Sohee: eo? eyyy, whhyyy?

GD: I will bring you to my special place. Let’s go.

They hop on inside the BB van and start heading to the ‘special’ place.

Sohee: oppa, I bet you’re so busy in Japan.

GD: I know, I’m sorry Sohee-ah, our phone is banned from us for these past 5 days. I got my phone just now. After that, I quickly text you. Can you see that I miss you so much my butterfly? (Sohee smile and nod her head.) Oh, we’re here.

Sohee: eo? Here is your special place oppa? You’re so not romantic. This is YGE.

GD: hahaha. YGE is a special place of mine. Let’s go inside.

Sohee: are you sure? But the staff and other artist…

GD: it’s okay. No need to worries.

They got off from the van and walks side by side inside the company. As GD said, there’s nothing to worry. The staff didn’t look shock at all when seeing Sohee with GD together there. They must’ve used to this.

GD: come in. Welcome to my small world here. My special place.

Sohee: whoa oppa, it’s nice. You should just tell me you’re going to bring me to your studio room.

GD: if I tell you, then it’s not a surprised anymore. Sit here. I want to let you hear something.

GD started plays the music and let Sohee hear his own composed song. Haru Haru blasting through the studio speaker. It’s going to be the title song for BB incoming comes back. He wants to let Sohee be the first person to hear it. Sohee puts up her thumbs up meaning that’s the song is awesome. GD smile when Sohee made the gesture. He knows his girlfriend also has a same taste like him. That’s why they are perfect for each other. He stares at her expression and reaction to the song. He knew she’ll like it. Soon, the song’s come to an end.

GD: what do you think? Good?

Sohee: totally good oppa. No wonder people call you a music genius. The lyrics are so good. Wonder how you write it. But, you guys are still promoting Last farewell. When will this song be released?

GD: now you should know you’re the luckiest girls to have this music genius as your boyfriend. kekeke. This song is going to be our next comeback. Maybe around August.

Sohee: (Sohee nod. then,) oppa, I just realize that my boyfriend has a prince syndrome. So full of yourselves. aigoo. What to do. (She shakes her head.)

GD: I’m just kidding. hahaha. Actually, I should be the luckiest one to have you as my girlfriend. My girlfriend is so popular right now. You got a lot of fan boys huh. Lucky me, got you first.

Sohee: I’m an idol. Of course I’ll have a fan. Don’t tell me you’re jealous about that because obviously you have a lot of fan girls too.

GD: I won’t get jealous you’re having a lot of fan. I’m the happiest man if my idol girlfriend has a lot of fan admiring her. But, I do get jealous over your idol fan boys. Do you think I don’t know about Heechul? And I also know there are a lot of other artist also has their eyes on you.

Sohee: hahaha. You don’t need to get jealous over that. I’m your girlfriend. Not them. We can’t stop other people interest right? You also have a lot of celebrities fan girls oppa. We’re just same.

GD: I know you’re mine and I trust you with my heart. I just want to tell you, never let your heart waver from me okay? I’ll die if you that.

Sohee: oppa, don’t say like that. Let’s stop talking about this. It’s getting too serious.

GD: okay, okay. I’m sorry. It just that, I love you so much Sohee-ah. I can’t bear it if I lose you.

Sohee: oppa, as long as you hold onto my heart, I’ll always be with you. I won’t look at another man. I promise okay.

GD: (Takes something out from his bags.) I got this is for you my butterfly. Open up.

Sohee takes the small box and open it. There a necklace with a green CHANEL locket with it. (This couple item really exist. You can google it.)

Sohee: whoa, this is very pretty oppa. You got this for me?

GD: especially for you. I also got one for myself. This is our first couple item. Let me put it on you.

Sohee: (handed over the necklace to GD so he can put it on her neck.) But isn’t it too risky to have a couple item oppa?

GD: it’s okay. It’s just a necklace. It won’t be an issue. But, when fellow artist saw this, they’ll know that you’re mine.

Sohee: hahaha. You and your cute jealousy. aigoo.

GD: I’m your boyfriend, of course I’ll feel jealous. It’s a prove of my love towards you.

 Sohee: alright oppa. I got your point.

GD: there, look, you fit it so beautifully.

Sohee: of course. It’s a gift from you. And also because I’m pretty. hahaha

GD: omo omo, my girlfriend is so full of herself. aigoo. kekeke

Sohee: oppaaa. Okay, I know I’m not pretty.(She pouts cutely.)

GD: (He cupping her face.) aigoo my butterfly, the most beautiful butterfly in the world, you’ll always be the most beautiful butterfly in my eyes forever. Even if people are blind and can’t see your beauty, I’ll always see it in you. Don’t get sulky, I love you Sohee-ah.

Sohee: (her face is reddening from the over cheesy compliment.) Oppa, you’re so good with words. I bet you have a lot of girlfriend before me huh? And, I notice that you always say, ‘I love you’, it’s not that I don’t like it, but, if you keep saying it, the meaning won’t be so special anymore. I don’t want you to get tired saying that to me.

GD: hahaha. I admit I have a girlfriend before. But, I’m not a playboy okay. I’m a faithful man. I always say ‘I love you’ because I really love you. I want you to always feel loved and know that you always in my heart. I’ll never get tired saying it to you. I’ll always say it forever till we both are no longer in this world. And, to tell the truth, I’ve never love a girl before like I love you. First time I feel that my heart really belong to someone. You make me like this. You should take responsible for doing this. hahaha

Sohee: what? You’re the one crazy in love, why would I take a responsible. I don’t want.

GD: you don’t want? How could you. (He starts tickling Sohee and their laughter surrounding the room.)

Sohee: oppa, stop it, stop it, hahaha, okay, okay, what should I do?

GD: I just want you to say that words to me, and never get tired saying it. Forever. Because I love you, so much. (He leans in closer to Sohee face and stop about an inch. They could hear each other breathe.) Say it for me.

Sohee: (blushed all over her face.) I… I… I love you too oppa.

GD: Thank you my butterfly. I hope you’ll always say it to me like this. Always and forever. (He kissed her. Sohee face is red and she feels so amazed by their love. It’s so beautiful. They both hope that this beautiful love they shared will last forever.)

They’re drowning in their secret love story. They both are so happy. Even though their love is a secret, can’t be shown and invisible, they still happy. Even though they need to act normal in front of camera, their heart is full with love. They always meet secretly, in park, in studio room, even at broadcast station, but, still, it was the happiest moment in their young and pure love. 

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Heart72 #1
Chapter 54: Yayy :D please!!
eyqahamid #2
Chapter 54: Yayyy! Please
iemamaa #3
Chapter 54: 100% Y A Y please
Chapter 54: YAY please make a new one :))
Chapter 54: YAYY..please makes new story anything about sohee ill be thrilled!!
tiaranabila #6
Chapter 54: Please make a new. I really missing heedragon :)
LoveKimJJ #7
Chapter 54: Please Make a New one. I am missing Heedragon so much
Hyu2nie #8
Chapter 54: Yeah, I want another HeeDragon fanfic please :))
ctnajihah #9
Chapter 53: love it..----<3..hope for sequel, maybe... <3 <3
Rahmita #10
Chapter 53: i know they are not together. sigh i just hope this story will make up them together, but real is real. oh my god i'm crying :( thank you. such a wonderful story