FINE! Sorry!

Her Other Man
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Chapter 2: Fine! Sorry!

“Myungsoo, why are you not dressed yet?”

Sungyeol asked his best friend. L’s living with his friends in a big pad in an exclusive condominium. It was a dream for their friendship. And though it may seem gay that 7 people live in a huge pad, they didn’t care. Staying together is better than staying at home with their parents who nagged them a lot.

L sighed and got up from bed. “I don’t really want to go to work.” He told his best friend.

Sungyeol threw him his shaver but L shielded using the pillow. “You better get up now, man. Or you will get fired on your first day!” He told him before going inside the bathroom.

L rolled his eyes. “Then how the hell do I take a bath when he’s inside the bathroom? Aish.” He muttered as he took his clothes and went to the maknae’s room.

“Hyung!” Sungjong beamed as L entered his room. “I thought it’s your first day at work?” He asked curiously.

L rolled his eyes and went straight to his bathroom without saying anything.

Sungjong wrinkled his nose at L’s back before continuing what he was doing. He’s actually practicing Sistar’s Touch My Body. Please.

And that’s the main reason why L didn’t say anything and just rolled his eyes on Sungjong. He couldn’t get why he likes to dance girl group dances? Doesn’t he think it’s gay or something?

15 minutes has passed and L was all prepared to go to work. His new work.

He’s going to be a new supervisor in the sales department of the Jewelry branch of the Lee Group of Companies. He doesn’t look like he’s capable but he really is. At least that’s what he thinks of himself.

“Gotta go.” L shouted as he took his car keys and drove off to the building.

L is the best bachelor in town.

He is the most handsome man who’s not a celebrity and is walking down the streets of Seoul. He is definitely a head – turner. And okay, -dropper.

He’s rich. Yes. He has accomplished a lot in his life already. And that’s why he is

And yes, he might not show it much but at his age, he already finished his Master’s Degree in Business Administration and has worked with several big companies here and abroad. And he’s just 22. How the hell did he do that? Oh yeah. He graduated in college early. He was accelerated.

Not just once.

Not just twice.

But thrice.

L is a freaking genius. Sungyeol, who thinks highly of himself, even acknowledged that. Hell, it doesn’t look like it because his features are of a playboy or chic image but, yeah, he is a gifted child.

He stopped by the stop light, a few blocks away from the Lee Group Office. He hated this. He hated waking up early in the morning to work. But he has to. It’s either he works where he likes or he works with his family, as a director in a hospital.

“Go.” He muttered as the traffic light turned green. He stepped on the accelerator when his eyes widened as he saw someone crossing the street.

He immediately stepped on the brakes and shouted in frustration. The lady fell down from shock.

“What is this woman doing crossing the street when it’s not even time to cross?” He messed his hair as he stepped out of the car to check on the lady.

The lady was still down on the road while looking at L with glaring eyes.

“YOU!” The lady suddenly stood up and pointed at L. “Can’t you see that I am crossing? Don’t you have eyes? What if you run onto me? What if I got injured? What if I get traumatized because you almost killed me?!” She ranted at L then she glared at him while panting. She probably had been tired of ranting nonstop.

L scoffed at her. “Excuse me, you woman who can’t even differentiate colors green and red.” He started. The lady narrowed her eyes on him.

“What did you just call me?!” She asked in fury.

L glared at her. “You woman who can’t even different colors green and red.” He repeated.

The lady scoffed at him. “How dare you-“

“You were crossing the street at the wrong time.” L cut her words. He was preventing to hear another rant from this woman again. One more rant and his eardrums would explode.

“The traffic light was green and you were crossing the street at the wrong time!” L shouted at her. “It’s not my fault if you want to kill yourself.” He rolled his eyes.

The lady scoffed. “Excuse me, Mr. Know-What-The-Speed-Limit-After-The-Green-

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Re reading! Probably I had read half of your stories a few times! ?
Chapter 27: This chapter is best of the best! TeamMyungsoo<3
Chapter 17: Come back here to re-read and still i'm smiling madly!!! Hahahahahahahaa <3
Chapter 43: Even after re-reading, the pain and confusion that it brings is still the same.

Kudos for that
A wave of nostalgia floods me
I'm re-reading this after 2 years !!!
angeli709 #7
Chapter 43: IM SO FRUSTRATED AUTHOR-NIM!! I really want jin to end up with her tho :( I feel bad for jin too you know! This is the most frustrating story i've ever read oh gosh, I can't read this story without biting my pillow. Keep up with the good work author-nim!
ArmytaLKim #8
Chapter 43: Oh, the feels!
I think I got diabetes from L's sweetness..
Good job!
ArmytaLKim #9
Chapter 22: Ughh, I know how it's feel like to be in Jaeun shoes. And I tell you, the guilty is ten times than this..
And you make Jin a good boyfriend! Arghh, I feel bad for Jin. But I love Myungsoo, though XD
Chapter 29: I'd do anything to be in Jaeun's place