12; Work?

Within Their Hearts

Author's Note
I'm sorry! I can't update for a while because I have School Certificate next week. How fun. So I gotta study even though I'm so lazy at the moment. I hope I find my motivation soon. And I just want to say this, I freaken hate the 60s. Grrrrr.
But then I'll be going to the K-Pop Festival in Sydney. I'm not that excited but I'll get to see Jonghyun! <3 & of course the rest of SHINee for the second time. :D
& thank you for being patient with me!
Cause I think I'll need a couple of weeks; break down
this week = study for school cert.
next week = school cert
next next week = getting depressed over the fact that I might've failed my school cert

Anyways.... gonna leave you guys with some teasers - not really (I swear you guys will hate me later on :l)
& you guys shld listen to Tablo's Tomorrow & Bad. Loving it.
&& being a VIP & Blackjack is so hard. Voting for MTV EMA, MTV Iggy & now MAMAs.
&&& HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY TO CHOI SEUNGHYUN aka TOP aka TABI aka BINGUTOP aka CHOOMTOP. I love you. :$ :) P.S. Stop wearing so much layers of clothing!

Taemin woke up to the sun’s warm rays shining brightly down on him. He sat up with a massive headache, thanks to the alcohol he consumed yesterday. He held his head in his hands as he shook it, in an attempt to remove the pain.

He looked around the room, checking for his phone but his movements slowed down as he realised that he was in no clothings and that the space next to him was unoccupied. He flipped the covers as if she was hiding underneath it and to his surprise….patches of blood stained the once clean and white blanket. A small smirk appeared on his lips, so it was her first time? And it belonged to him? He didn’t know why but that made him proud.

He was drunk but not completely drunk, he still had his senses and knew exactly what he was doing, yet, he didn’t stop himself. He thought back to the blood stained covers, still finding it hard to believe that he was her first… or was he just too rough on her? He didn’t know which idea he liked better, the fact that he was her first or the fact that he was just rough on her. Guess he’ll stick to the second idea for now, seeing as how his so-called wife acted like a in public yesterday.

Minji pushed her abused and tired body off the bed after making sure that he was asleep. She tried her best to stop crying and keep quiet, not wanting to wake up the man sleeping soundly on the bed. She winced when her feet came into contact with the cold, hard floor. She was , her clothes ripped and pain was shooting throughout her whole body but all she did was drag herself down the flight of stairs and into her room. She felt disgusting and useless.  As she reached her room, she locked the door before slowly stepping into bed, pulling the white and purple blanket over her as if it would act like a shield, protecting her from all the danger in this cruel world. Her tears fell once again as she tried to slowly drift off to dreamland…..

She stayed locked in her room for most of the day, resting her sore body. She kindly replied to the maid’s calls, asking her if she wanted anything and if anything was wrong. They had figured that she was in the room, seeing that it was locked while they were doing their usual routine. She hadn’t consumed anything for the whole day, not even a droplet of water nor did she have a shower to clean herself up. She was a mess; tired, confused and both physically and emotionally abused. She sighed once the maids bid goodbye outside the door, checking up on her again. Tears welled up in her eyes as she laid on her bed with the scenes of last night flashing like a movie before her.

Taemin walked into a random guest room after returning from a club where he had his fun. He slumped onto the bed, letting his tiredness consume him. There was a lot of pressure for him, especially since he ‘ll become the next CEO of their families’ company. His method of escape was toying with girls at clubs, hence, the playboy title. He didn’t mind it, he knew he’d never love anyone other than her. He laughed as he thought back to how he had met her, everything was so cliché yet it all seemed so real to him.

He trudged up the flight of stairs, walking into their room to find the bed sheets unmoved and the room exactly the same as yesterday. Was she not home? Where the hell could she be? 

_____’s POV

I looked at Minji in horror as she continued to cry, oblivious to her surroundings. I told the maids to close the door and resume what they had been doing. I was about to ask her what had happened when I realised that she had hickeys all over her neck and on her arms. What the hell is this?
I watched her carefully as I sat down gently on her bed but she instantly looked up at me, probably sensing the shift of weight of her bed. Her eyes were bloodshot and swollen, how many days had this girl been crying? What happened?
“Unnie” came her horse voice.
I reached out and hugged her, noticing that she was with more hickeys on her back. I listened to her sobs as she hugged me back. I waited for her to calm down before preparing a hot shower for her, telling her that she should clean up and eat first before we spoke. She followed my words as she stood up, wrapping the sheets around her body and walking weirdly towards the bathroom.

Minji came out of the shower after 30 minutes of scrubbing herself. She had cried again in the shower when she saw her reflection; she was covered in hickeys. He had really marked her huh?
She heaved a deep sigh before pulling on her over-sized t-shirt and leggings. It was hard for her to walk normally as she was still limping, sore from the unexpected night.

Anyone wanna guess who her is? & who ____ is?



His hands roamed around her body as she laid there, hoping for a miracle to happen. She felt his movements momentarily stop and she looked at him, staring into his drowsy eyes. He gave her a lazy smile, opening his mouth as if he wanted to say something but only floods of water and a nasty smell landed on the area around her chest. He collapsed on top of her, eyes closed, sleeping sounding after regurgitating. She lay shocked with the sudden incident; not knowing whether she should be happy that he vomited and didn’t her or disgusted with that he just did.

She struggled to push him off of her, the smell was blinding. When she successfully got him off of her, she ran into the bathroom, pulling off her dress and undergarments, jumping into the shower for a nice warm bath to get rid of the smell despite not having any new clothes to change into with her. After her nice warm shower for who knows how many times, scrubbing till her skin was red and the smell was gone, she stepped out of the bathroom, wincing when the cold breeze came into contact with her wet skin. She wrapped herself in a towel, walking back into the bedroom to find him sleeping soundly on the bed. She stared at his peaceful figure, he looked like an angel…..

She shook her head, shaking away her feelings for him and ran down the stairs, going into her room. She changed into a white over-sized tee and a black tracksuit.

Minji let a small sigh escape her lips as she walked back into their room. She had been contemplating whether to visit the room again to help him out of his vomit covered clothes. Fear was still in her, what if he suddenly woke up and did something to her? She was lucky the first time, would she be the second? Mustering up all her courage, she approached his figure, pinching her nose to avoid breathing in the horrible smell. She slowly took off his suit, grabbing a t-shirt to change him into. She fixed his sleeping position, tucking him in bed. Not knowing what overcame her, she bent down and placed a soft, gentle kiss on his forehead before turning around, picking up the dirty clothing and heading towards the washing machine.

As she walked back from the washing room, she passed by his study room. Like the curious adult she was, she twisted the knob of the door to find it unlocked. She stepped into his study room, looking around the environment he worked in. She walked towards his desk, looking at the number of folders and documents messily placed on the glass table.

He sure had a lot of work to complete at a young age. She sighed once again, if only she could help him. No one was stopping her but why wasn’t she? A smile spread across her face as an idea popped into her head, maybe she could speak to their parents and request to work at the company. They surely wouldn't deny her, knowing that she was doing this in order to help him.... and plus, she was at the age to learn about how the company worked anyways.

She walked back to her room feeling all giddy, completely forgetting the incident earlier.

Minji had woken up extra early just to ask for permission to work at the company which the elders had gladly agreed. She smiled as she prepared for the day before heading towards the company quarters. She wasn’t going to officially start work, all she was going to do was tour around the place and understand the departments and what they did, to which she would later choose the department that most interested her. She was thankful that she was given such an opportunity and smiled as her guide for the day welcomed her with a hand shake and lovely smile, Lee Donghae. They toured around the company with Donghae informing her about the departments and her asking about the things she did not understand to which he gladly replied.

Taemin groaned in annoyance as he kept his eyes shut, lazily searching for the ringing object before answering it. He immediately bolted up right with his eyes wide open when the news touched his ears, not minding his pounding head. Damn alcohol. His wife was going to be working in the company? And she personally requested to work there through their parents? Really? Really? What the hell was she thinking?

This meant more acting for them and he honestly wasn’t up for it and plus, he still had some flings within the company. This was going to become a mess, all thanks to her one decision. He hung up on the person from the other line, his secretary, who was still telling him about this schedules for the day, what he had missed and what had to be rescheduled etc. In other words, she was complaining as to why he was late and he, to be honest, could care less. His mind was clouded with only one thing, and it was her employment at the company.

He dashed out of the room, running around the house, looking for her. He wanted to question her and have his questions answered. And when he couldn’t find her presence anywhere, he admitted defeat. He dragged his tired body and aching head back to the room he came from, which then occurred to him that it was their room he was in, her room to be exact. So where was she? He looked around the room, noticing that something seemed off, but he just couldn’t pin point what it was just yet…………

He took a quick glance at the digital clock and realised it was too late for work, he might as well call this as a day off and wait for her return. He decided on a shower before brunch, hopping into the bathroom before taking a warm and relaxing shower. As the water touched his skin, he surveyed the bathroom, inhaling the lavender scent of hers that strongly lingered in the air. Then, did he finally notice that his discarded attire was not the same as the one yesterday. He was not in his formal attire but his comfortable sleeping gear. What happened last night?

He closed his eyes and tried to remember the events that happened, only to realise that he nearly her and she was crying! . He let out a frustrated growl before stepping out of the shower. He was a playboy but he wouldn’t touch a girl inappropriately unless she wanted to ‘play’ with him but why was she crying? Shouldn’t she enjoy it since she’s done it before and he was one of the most sought after guys out there? She was a after all. She was probably acting like she was all innocent he thought but he didn’t really get to do more to her after that so it should be fine right?

As he walked out from the now steamy bathroom with a towel wrapped around the lower portion of his body, he realised that something about their room seemed different. Although he had only slept in this room for the first 3 months of their marriage, he had stayed long enough to notice any changes. He stood still as he observed every corner of the room. His eyes rested on the drawer beside the bed and the now empty wall. Their wedding pictures were gone…. Where could they be? Someone must’ve removed them. They surely didn’t grow legs and run away, that, he knew for sure. But who could it be? He sighed, turning to open the walk-in closet which was only half filled. Where were her things? He furrowed his eyebrows before picking out his clothing for the rest of the day. If their parents were to pay a visit to the house, especially their room, they would both be questioned. And he hated conversation with the elders about their marriage though he was expecting one after her decision to work in the company. Couldn’t she just keep her at home and leave all the work to her ‘husband’, the man in charge?

 Author's Note
First of all, SORRY for not uploading for I-don't-know-how-long. School Cert. & Roll Over have been killing me. Holidays in a few days time! I promise to update more regularly then...that's if I don't get a writer's block !
Secondly, you're probaably thinking WHAT?! IT'S DIFFERENT TO THE TEASERS I READ! Yes. It is cause I trolled you guys. 8) First time trolling people and it feels fun. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.....not really... especially when you've written the 'original' chapter and have to re-write the chapter again and again cause it didn't flow well.........
Thirdly, Sorry about any mistakes and the boring chapter.... Life hasn't been going oh-so-well for me..... & sorry about my constant 'messages' to people..... :l

To the special friend of mine again.....

We’ve been through an episode this year, got over it and we’re back on one again. You’re a friend I value and talk to on a daily basis so suddenly not speaking to you and having a cold shoulder is annoying the hell outta me. Maybe I was wrong or maybe you were but I’ve said my apologies. Honestly, I’m tired of trying when I don’t see you even putting in an effort to try, I valued this friendship; do I now? I don’t know cause it’s been dragging for so long and I’m tired, tired of trying with no changes. If you want to stay strangers then so be it but I'll tell you, I tried...I tried to mend this friendship and you were the one pushing me away. Maybe you need some time.... but it's been weeks now...how long do you honestly need? If we have to stay mere strangers then okay. Maybe it'll go by the saying...."you never know what you'vve had till you've actually lost it" or something along those lines......

To any of my friends reading this...if you know who this special someone is, mind forwarding this to them? I could honestly make a whole Facebook status out of this but I'd rather not. LOL.

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Sorry about the hiatus. I hope you can be patient with me. See you all next chappie!


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shahirah2 #1
Chapter 38: Great and amazing story.... Hope you can make a sequel for it.... Don't let it end like this my dear author....
This is an amazing piece. Please write another story or a sequel related to this story. So heartbreaking .. This is daebak ! :))
Chapter 38: Please let them happy
Chapter 38: Bwoh? I'm in shock. I'm not aware that it'll come to its end so .. Sequel? Haha. Please authornim, I know its be a while but.. I feel like I'm missing a piece. :)
blackwonderer #5
Chapter 38: i've read this countless time already, it's a good story for sure to make me come here over and over again, and i guess sequel would be even more better, pictured the scene when Minzy rise her son/daughter alone away from Taemin where he is actually search for her and would do anything to make them together again is heart warming, but it's up to you anyway, we hope there would be a sequel of course :)
Chapter 38: sequel!! please T^T
neanyoshida #8
Chapter 38: I read this story for a whole day. You're a great writer! :) the roller coaster emotions. Gosh, I cried a lot in the last chapter. Just when he finally realized, then she left. T_T Sometimes, people just realize the importance of a person once he/she is gone. </////3 I hope there is a sequel :D
Chapter 38: S-E-Q-U-E-L!!!!!!!!!!