Bonus #1

My Style

A few months have already pass since I regain all my memories, and each day gets more and more interesting with Taekwoon oppa by my side. These past months were very good for VIXX oppas. Hakyeon oppa was casted to his first drama Hotel King, though his role was small, he says that he had a lot of fun. If he had fun, imagine me fangirling over Lee Dongwook! It didn't really settle well with Taekwoon oppa though.


"Omo omo oppa look at him he's so charming!" I cooed as Lee Dongwook walked into the scene looking so hot in his crisp suit.

"Tsh I am more better looking him." I heard him mumble, but I pretended not to hear him.

"Did you say something oppa?" 

"Nothing, just continue ogling at your precious Lee Dongwook. Don't mind your boyfriend sulking in the corner." He continued to mumble.

"Aigoo Taekwoon oppa are you jealous?" 

"What me jealous? The heck are you talking about? Jung Taekwoon does not get jealous." He says defensively. 

"Then why are you being so defensively?"

"Me defensive? No I'm not."

"Aigoo oppa no matter how dashing Lee Dongwook looks, you will always be the most handsome and chic boyfriend of mine. You do not need to be jealous of him."

"Awww that so sweet and all, but I am not jealous I promise."

"Whatever helps you sleep at night oppa." I giggle.

"Why you!" He exclaims as he started to tickle me around my waist.

"Oppa stop!" I breathed out as I continue to laugh.

"Nope first say that Taekwoon oppa is the best boyfriend in the whole wide world and is way better than any male idol or actor out there."

"Never!!!" I exclaimed and his tickling level up and it had me thrashing all over the couch laughing my off.

"Ok ok ok my Taekwoon oppa is the best boyfriend in the whole wide world and is way better than any male idol or actor out there." I say really fast and he finally stop.

"And don't you forget that!" He says and bend down to place his soft lips on mines.

"Aigoo remind me never to make you jealous again!" 

(End of Flashback)

Now every time I want to fangirl over any guys I have to make sure that Taekwoon oppa wasn't around or I would have to face tickle torture! Speaking of Taekwoon oppa he was offered to a role in a musical remake of the famous drama Full House. He got to play the lead role of Lee Youngjae along with four other men. I was so proud of him! When he got the role I was the first one he told. Watching him on stage I knew he loved every moment it. A lot happen the first half of the year, Wonsik oppa got to feature in Chad Future's music video, Hongbin oppa got to act in his first drama as well for Glorious Day, Hyuk got to participate in a famous variety show called Laws of Jungle, and Jaehwan oppa got to participate in singing for different dramas. These boys are doing so well that I feel like a mother watching her children grow.

Now the boys were now gearing up for another comeback. This time their actually humans! When I went to go talk to the producers I was so shocked when they told me that they were going with like a timed theme. Designing their outfits for this comeback became so easy that I was able to get it done and approved by the producers in 3 days. They were now currently filming for their music video when another similar problem occured.

"Haneul shi we have a problem!" Me assistant came running. Yes, I hired an assistant makes my life way easier. Taekwoon oppa was against it at first since my assistant was a guy, he was the same as Hyuk's age. Took me forever to convince him! He such a jealous boy.

"What do you mean Taeyong!"

​"The model that was supposed to act for this music video sprained her ankle real bad so she can't come in, and all the other models are needed for a fashion event this evening." He explained.

"OMG this is like deja vu! This is the second time that the same modeling agency did this. Write a note we need to create a contract with another modeling agency, I will not deal with this kind of nuisance a third time."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Have you asked any of the female staffs if they were willing to do it?" 

"Yes and no luck."

"Go tell the director what happened while I go change." I ordered Taeyong. I swear I will personally go to that model agency and demand to have them refund everything I spent on their models. As I walked towards the dressing room the guys were just coming out of make up.

"You guys are lucky that I love you guys and your fans love me!" I grumbled to them and shut the door of the female dressing room.


"Uhhh what is wrong with your girlfriend?" N asked Leo, who just smirked.

"Is noona PMSing?" Hyuk asked,

"No hyung did something. Look at that smirk on his face." Hongbin pointed towards Leo.

"Hyung what did you do?" Ravi asked.

"I may or may not asked the model to step down so that Haneul could be in the music video instead." Leo answered.

"Hyung! You sneaky lion!" Jaehwan exclaimed.

"You do know your gonna get it when she finds out right." N laughed,

"Nah I'll be forgiven after a sorry flower bouquet and a banana split." Leo says confidently. As he says this Haneul steps out of the dressing room.

"Wah noona you look pretty." Hyuk took Haneul's hand and twirled her around, which resulted to a certain lion to sneak up to the maknae and slap his hand away. 

"Mine!" He says and led Haneul towards make up and hair.

"Forever possesive." Hongbin shooked his head.





Bonus chap 1 done!! Hope you guys like it ^_^ Don't forget to leave your comments Ok! Till my next update BAII

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Chapter 15: undertaker XDDD you're killing me
Chapter 36: Like father, Like son
Chapter 41: You can always write bonus #4 later. No one's rushing you to do it anyway.
starboiceN #4
Chapter 35: Ch.35:waaaaaah! Finally she got her memories back!!!!!!
MyLion92 #5
Chapter 40: I hope you can write more than 2 bonus chapter. This story is great!
Chapter 40: Thankfully Leo cared for Haneul more than the icecream XDDD
Chapter 39: Jealous and cheesy Leo XD
JungLeo17 #8
Chapter 39: So funny!!=) Leo looks so cute in the pic!!
Luv1234 #9
Can I just say I love your story like there's no tomorrow? I absolutely love my style and OMG I don't know what else to say!!! Everything is absolutely perfect, and I'm really sad to see its so close to ending T^T Thank you for giving us an amazing story, I live it so much<3