
My Style

It's already the third week of Voodoo Doll promotion and I have to say the response from the fans are really good. The boys are going up against their sunbae Hyorin from Sistar for the first place trophy tonight on Music Bank. However the atmosphere in the dressing room was somewhat I don't know...

"Oh my God what if we actually win first place!? This will the first time ever that won." Hakyeon oppa exclaimed as he walk back and forth in front of me.

"Hold up I thought you were Buddhist?" I tried to tease.

"Haneul this is serious cheese, it doesn't matter what religion I am it's a figure of speech." I put my hands up in surrender and walked towards Taekwoon oppa.

"Your wife is having a fit oppa." 

"He is not my wife." I giggled at his response.

"So how are you feeling? You guys might finally get that trophy that you guys been working so hard for the past year and a half."

"Well if we win I'll be really grateful, if we lose then we'll just work harder for our next album."

"Well I have a feeling you guys are going to win because you guys worked really hard to get to where you guys are now." I said as I looked into his eyes and I could feel my heart racing as I looked at him. However, our eye contact was cut short when a big rapper decided to squeeze between me and Taekwoon oppa.

"Yah there's room on the other side of me why must you sit here!"

"Because I have a little proposition for you little sis."

"What is it this time you know I'll probably just reject you."

"Oh trust me Haneul it benefits the both you and us." Hongbin oppa says as he sat near us.

"Ok when he said us I'm definitely going to say no."

"Noona you didn't hear what he has to say." Hyuk retorted

"I don't have to I already know it involves the six of you."

"Come Haneul just listen to what Ravi has to say first." Taekwoon oppa says.

"Ugh fine what is it."

"Ok so since Yun is busy training now your all alone at your apartment, so the guys and I thought that maybe we should move in with you so you won't be as lonely."

"No just no! I can't have six guys staying at my apartment you crazy!"

"Think about it you'll have more company and plus we're not just any random guys we're practically family we all grew up remember."

"Still did you even ask the CEO or your manager about this? Plus the apartment is made for two people only how the heck are we going to all fit?"

"Ah technically your house is made for three people you have a guest bedroom." Hongbin oppa pointed out.

"We can have three people per room." Jaehwan oppa suggested.

"Can you really handle Wonsik oppa's snoring?" I asked him.

"Well we can get use to it and yes the CEO knows about it already." He shrugged.

"Ok how about this if we win first place tonight you have to let us move in with you." Hakyeon oppa finally says.


"Sssh Haneul everything will be just fine it'd be like old times again." Wonsik oppa says as he locked me in a hug.

"Fine only if you win!"

"Yay!!" They all cheered except for Taekwoon oppa.

"Vixx your on in 10." The PD called.

"Ok guys let's go!" I stood up and led the way to the stage as we were on stand by I went to each member and started to fix their clothes before they went on stage. After the last performers the boys got position and I made my way towards the fans.

"Did you guys vote for the boys?" I asked out loud and heard a loud yes in return. I put a thumbs up and waited for the boys to start. Once Wonsik oppa's intro started I followed along with the fans cheering them on. However I got slightly irritated that the show cut off one part of the song. They were nominated for first place they should be able to sing the whole song!! Once they were finish all the artist made their way on stage to announce the winners I wave bye to the fans and made my way to the side of the stage. I clasp my hands together as the host began to announce the winner.

"And the winner is...." The screen started to show all the scores and slowly adding it.

"VIXX!!! Congratulation!!" Both host exclaimed. The boys were all in shock and Hakyeon, Taekwoon, and Wonsik oppa all started to cry. I myself started to cry from the side.

"Starlight yeorubun thank you so much." Hakyeon oppa started, but due to the tears he started to stutter. He continued to thank all the staff, CEO, and our familes and all I could do was watch from the side. Chen oppa went to hug Taekwoon oppa then he went to the back to cry only to have Hyuk carry him on his back and walk to the front of the stage. I went back to the dressing room and waited for the boys to coming in. The first to walk in was Hakyeon oppa and then the rest, they went to hug the CEO first. I walked up the Wonsik oppa and gave him a hug.

"Congratulation oppa all your hard work finally paid off."

"Thanks Haneul you know what this mean!"

"Argh you really know how to ruin the moment!" I walked off and hugged the rest of the members.

"Haneul you should go comfort Taekwoon." Hakyeon oppa pointed towards a tall figure that was slouched on the couch. I walked towards him and he looked up. I opened my arms and he immediately hugged me tight, I could feel his tears wet my shirt.

"Why are you crying? You should be happy! All that hard work you and the boys put towards this album and the ones before finally paid off." I cooed as I rubbed my hand up and down his back. He continued to cry and I let him cry it out. A few minutes later he managed to stop his tears and was slowly getting his breathing back to normal, he lift up his head and looked at me.

"Feeling better?" He nodded and I help him make his way towards the rest of the guys so they could have their bromance moment. They all hugged one another and took a picture holding the trophy together. After they all got their makeup removed and film their thoughts and feelings for VIXX TV.





Ok I have somewhat bad news for you guys...This might be my last update until December...Reason being is that I will be starting college this coming Monday so that means back to studying for me...I will try my best to update whenever I can maybe on the weekends, but no promises...I hope you all stay and wait for my return! Until next time please comment and upvote the story...Love you all!!


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Chapter 15: undertaker XDDD you're killing me
Chapter 36: Like father, Like son
Chapter 41: You can always write bonus #4 later. No one's rushing you to do it anyway.
starboiceN #4
Chapter 35: Ch.35:waaaaaah! Finally she got her memories back!!!!!!
MyLion92 #5
Chapter 40: I hope you can write more than 2 bonus chapter. This story is great!
Chapter 40: Thankfully Leo cared for Haneul more than the icecream XDDD
Chapter 39: Jealous and cheesy Leo XD
JungLeo17 #8
Chapter 39: So funny!!=) Leo looks so cute in the pic!!
Luv1234 #9
Can I just say I love your story like there's no tomorrow? I absolutely love my style and OMG I don't know what else to say!!! Everything is absolutely perfect, and I'm really sad to see its so close to ending T^T Thank you for giving us an amazing story, I live it so much<3