
My Style

After bidding the boys a goodnight I drove myself home in a hurry, eager to tell Yun oppa the good news. Parking my car in my usual spot I locked my car and ran towards the elevator and waited it to stop on our floor. Once I heard the ding I stepped out and entered the code into the lock and entered the room.

"Oppa I'm home!" I shout and started making my way towards the studio. There I saw him slouched over his sketch pad.

"Hey how was the shoot?"

"It was great everything went smoothly, except when I lost my cool with their female actor."

"What did she do?"

"We were resting in the dressing room and she comes in all high and mighty. She was looking down on me like I was a good for nothing worker. She started ordering me around, so I lashed out on her and told her that I'd have her replace if she continued with her attitude."

"That is so like you to do that." He smirked as he continued sketching.

"Oh there's one more thing I want to tell you." 

"Hmm what is it?"

"I regain a small part of my memory." I stated excitedly. Yun oppa stop drawing and stared at me shock.

"R-r-really? That's great how'd that happen?"

"Why do you not seem happy that I regain my memory?" I asked.

"No I am happy, I'm just shock that it finally started to return after so long." 

"Well the boys and I went to dinner and it happened to be a restaurant that we often went to when we were younger. There were writings on the walls to prove it. Also when I saw the owner I immediately remembered her. I'm so happy, if I continue to hang out with the boys maybe I will finally recover all my memory." I stated happily.

"That would great everything will be like before." Yun oppa stated he gave me a small smile. However, it looked like he was faking it.

"I know right. Are those the designs can I see them?" I decided to change the topic because it seemed like things were beginning to get awkward.

"Uh yea here. I decided we go with like a checkered design, keeping it simple to white and black for the music video then bright colors for their on stage clothes." He explained as he handed me his sketch pad.

"Looks good just running with the producer and contact the tailors and inform them that we have another project for them. If that is all I'll be heading up it's been a long day and I need my sleep. Night oppa." I gave him a peck on the cheek and went to my room to wash up and sleep.

*Bzzt love you you you you ujjujjujjujju bzzt*

​I heard my phone start to buzz and ring on the night stand. Who the heck is calling me? The sun hasn't even come up yet. I took my phone and answered the call.

"Yeoboseyo?" I asked in my sleepy voice.

"Ah Haneul ah sorry to bother you at such an early time. This is VIXX's manager."

"Oh manager nim is there something wrong?" I was more alert now since it was the boys manager.

"Well you see my mother fell ill and was brought to the hospital. No one can look after her right now. I know it may seem too much, but could you please take care of VIXX's schedules today?"

"Ehh yes sure I'll be their manager today. Please go and take care of your mother and I hope she'll feel better soon." I was shock, but what could I do the guy's mother was sick.

"Thank you so much Haneul ah. There's nothing much but a video shoot for their new variety show and a photo shoot for their album. I'll text you the details, thanks again for doing at such a short notice."

"Yea no problem. I'll be going then, please take care of your mother."

"Ok thanks again bye." I hung up and went to check the time. It was only 5:45 in the freaking morning!


I looked at my phone again and it was a message from manager nim that contained the boys schedule. I looked over the schedule and the times and places the boys had to be. According to it the boys have to be at the salon by 8. I groaned and began to get ready for another long day. By the time I was done it was 6:15 I grabbed my car keys and drove to the company to switch to the boys van and pack all the clothes they needed for today. Once that was done I headed to the nearest cafe and bought the boys some sandwiches and coffee. After that I made my way towards their dorm, by the time I got there it was already 6:50. I bowed towards the security and rode the elevator to their level. I got out and punched in their dorm code and stepped inside.

I place the coffee and sandwiches on the kitchen counter and made my way to the rooms. I entered Hakyeon, Taekwoon, Jaehwan, and Hongbin oppa's room and saw all of them sprawled all over the floor. The closes person to me was Hongbin oppa. I crouched down and started to shake his shoulder.

"Oppa ireona you guys have a busy day today." I cooed, a little more shaking he finally opened his eyes.

"Oh Haneul ah what are you doing here." He asked shocked. 

"I'll answer that later go and get ready there's coffee and sandwiches outside once your done." He nodded and walked towards the bathroom. The next person was Jaehwan oppa then Hakyeon oppa, I did the same to them and like Hongbin oppa they were shock to see me. I just told them what I said to Hongbin oppa and they got up. Last person was Taekwoon oppa.

"Oppa ireona." I shook him.

"Aish Jaehwan ah give me five more minutes." I giggled.

"Oppa I am not Jaehwan oppa and no you can't sleep any longer because you guys have to be at the salon by 8." I reasoned. He peaked up from his blanket and stared at me. I giggled at his cuteness and pulled him up to a sitting position.

"Go get ready and eat your breakfast. I bought coffee and sandwiches." 

"Arraso." He mumbled. I rubbed his hair and made my way to dooms day aka Wonsik oppa and Hyuk's room. Unlike how I woke up the four this two need a different way of wake up call, but being the nice person I am I tried the nice version first. I started with Hyuk.

"Hyuk ah time to get up and get ready." I cooed.

"Aish go get ready first." Well then.

"Hyuk ah I'm not your hyung it's noona Haneul noona."

"I don't care let me sleep more." He turned himself to face the other way. The nerve of this kid wait till you wake up. I turn my attention to Wonsik oppa.

"Oppa ireona time to wash up." 

"Aish I don't need to wash up." He grumbled.

"Bwoh!? Yah Kim Wonsik!" Again he ignored me. That's it, I got up and went towards my bag and took something out.

"Uh Haneul ah what it that?" Jaehwan oppa asked pointing at the object in my hand.

"It's a water gun oppa. Since those two aren't getting up this is my last resort. I filled the gun with water and walk back to Wonsik oppa and Hyuk's room, the other four that were ready stood behind me enjoying their sandwiches and what was about to happen. I stood right behind the boys head and start squirting water on their faces.

"Ireona ireona ireona ireona ireona." I kept chanting in the same note as I continued spraying them with water.

"Argh ige bwoh yah!" They both shouted as they wiped the water off their face.

"Oppa Hyuk ah good morning." I greeted them.

"Yah is that how you wake people up!" He scolded.

"Well if you were like these four that didn't complained about getting up you'd get the sweeter version of a wake up call. It is now 7:30 the two of you have about 20 minutes to get ready, we need to be at the salon by eight. You can eat your breakfast in the van." I explained and walked out the room like boss.




Woo finally updated! Sorry to keep you guys waiting >.< Hopefully you guys like this new chapter! Thanks to all my new subscribers and current subbies you guys rock!!! Don't forget to comment!! Love you all!!

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Chapter 15: undertaker XDDD you're killing me
Chapter 36: Like father, Like son
Chapter 41: You can always write bonus #4 later. No one's rushing you to do it anyway.
starboiceN #4
Chapter 35: Ch.35:waaaaaah! Finally she got her memories back!!!!!!
MyLion92 #5
Chapter 40: I hope you can write more than 2 bonus chapter. This story is great!
Chapter 40: Thankfully Leo cared for Haneul more than the icecream XDDD
Chapter 39: Jealous and cheesy Leo XD
JungLeo17 #8
Chapter 39: So funny!!=) Leo looks so cute in the pic!!
Luv1234 #9
Can I just say I love your story like there's no tomorrow? I absolutely love my style and OMG I don't know what else to say!!! Everything is absolutely perfect, and I'm really sad to see its so close to ending T^T Thank you for giving us an amazing story, I live it so much<3