New Trouble

Without You


= Shin Aegi =


I was sitting on one of the tables at the cafe. It had been three days after Omoni's funeral. Doojoon was taking break from his soccer activities right after the match. I still remembered what had happened on that day.


When Omoni suddenly lost her conscious, we were all became panicked. Hyunseung quickly pushed me aside while Doori unnie was trying to make Omoni gained her conscious. Then they were decided to bring Omoni back to the hospital as soon as possible.


As they walked away, I looked back to the field to see Doojoon. At that moment, it seemed that he understood what had happened just by looking at me. His smile disappeared and he quickly ran inside the stadium.


But yeah, as I had guessed before, Omoni was reaching her end. When we reached the hospital, the doctors quickly took emergency action to her. But they couldn't do anything.


Omoni passed away on that day.


When the doctor pronounced her death to us, Doori unnie broke down and so did Aboji. I looked at Doojoon. He was crying even though he tried to be strong. He looked away. I came to him, held his hand and leaned my cheek to his shoulder. Doojoon turned, pulled me closer and hugged me.


And since that day, Doojoon spent the most of his time on Aboji’s house. I came to the house too, but sometimes Doojoon just drove me home and went back again to the house. Then, he came home late at night and just went straight to the bed. He even didn’t bother to check whether I was still awaked or not. He just went to his bed and slept.


I released a sigh and looked at the cake sketch that I made. Somehow I felt that I lost my interest to create a new design. I closed my book and stood up. I told my co-workers that I wanted to take early leave today. I went to the changing room and prepared to go out.


But when I walked out from the café, I saw Junhyung’s motor pulled closer. I stopped and saw him opened his helmet.


“Junhyung?” I was surprised to see him there.


“You want to come home early?” He asked as he got off from his motor.


“Yes.” I sighed.


“Why?” He asked as he hung the helmet on the rear mirror and leaned on his motor.


“I guess because I’m worried.” I told him and leaned on his motor, just beside of him.


“Because of Doojoon?”


I released a sigh and nodded.



= Yong Junhyung =


What a coinscidence when I saw Aegi came out from the cafe as I came closer. I quickly pulled over and stopped my motorbike in the front of her. I guessed she recognized my motor so she stopped. I opened my helmet.


“Junhyung?” She sounded as if she was surprised to see me.


I turned of my motorbike and got off. “You want to come home early?”


“Yes.” She sighed.


I hung my helmet on the rear mirror and asked, “Why,” As I leaned on my motor.


“I guess because I’m worried.” She said and leaned on the motor, just beside of me.


“Because of Doojoon?”


She took a moment to pause then released a sigh and nodded. "Yeah." She exhaled.


"Why?" I asked as I frowned.


Aegi dropped her gaze. "He spends most of his time on Aboji's house and always come home so late. I don't know what he's doing there." She looked at me. "I guess I'll be a widow soon."


I thought she was joked, so I chuckled because of it. "Ya, what that makes you think so?"


Aegi shrugged. "I guess because he'll be going to divorce me after this."


Somehow the words made my chuckles disappeared. "But he loves you, you know?"


Aegi nodded. "I know. And I know I have fallen for him too."


I smiled to her words even though my heart was in pain. I looked at Aegi and patted her shoulder then placed my hand on her shoulder. "I guess you should tell him your feeling."


"I did."


I touched her cheek. "By words, I mean."


A flash of pink shade came to her cheeks. And she turned her gaze to the front. She bit her lower lip and pouted her lips. "Well, I'm not sure about that."


I smiled to see her acting shy like this. Aegi looked cute. I leaned forward and gave a quick peck on her temple then took the helmet and offered it to Aegi. She looked at the helmet and raised her gaze to me, questioning why.


"You want to go somewhere to have fun?"




I shrugged. "Beach probably." I said. "But anywhere that you like will be good for me. So you pick."


She smiled and took the helmet. "Beach will be nice." She said as she straightened her body and turned.


I smiled then took the spare helmet that I always kept. I used the helmet and got onto my motorbike then turned it on. Aegi hopped on the back.


"Ready?" I asked her.


She nodded. So I drove off.



= Yoon Doojoon =


I quickly pulled off my car not too far from the cafe when I saw Aegi with Junhyung on the front of the cafe. She was leaning side by side on the motorbike with Junhyung.


Then I saw Junhyung placed his hand on Aegi's shoulder and touched her cheek. I thought I saw Aegi blushing. Then Junhyung gave Aegi a quick kiss on her temple. He offered her the helmet and they went off somewhere. I could see that Aegi rounded her arms on Junhyung's waist.


I tightened my grip on the steering wheel as I felt jealousy and anger rose up from inside of me.


I couldn't believe that Aegi could act so casually toward Junhyung and even let him kissed her. Did she know that I needed her now?


And somehow I wanted to angry at my self because I was clinging too much onto her lately.


I exhaled and hit the steering wheel.


I couldn't keep continuing this.




And... *gasp*... New trouble?? O__O

So, what will be happened to Aegi and Doojoon?? What will be happening next? Stay tune for the next update~ Tomorrow probably... or on Monday~ LOLOLOLOL XDDD

Nah, I won't take that long till Monday~ I'll be nice and will update as soon as possible whenever I have time to write and update~ coz I'll be extremely busy today~ And it's FRIDAY for God's sake!! *facepalms*

For all the readers, thank you for subscribing and reading this fic~ commenting would be nice~ but to see that my subscribers and view counts increased, it's making me glad too~ To the silent readers, thank you so much to take a look on the fic and read it~ I really do appreciate it, seriously~

Enjoy the story, everyone~ ^^

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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 43: aawwww..sweet it..and she end up with Doojoon..yeay.. \(^0^)/

you know? this fic was do a good job authornim..really good job..i love this fic so much.. ^^
Chapter 43: Waaahhh~ A super sweet ending with DooJoon! <33
han-na #3
It's a such beautiful story! I love it!
Thank you,,,
No!!!!!! I can't believe that the fic it's end!!!! I finish this story now and I have to say that I love it...! No one knows how much I cry reading this fic...! Unnie really u are amazing!! Thanks for ur amazing story! :')
NOONONOONONOONONONONOONONONONOO IT'S ENDED TT^TT u know I read this in one night it's 2:07 am right now Kekekekekkek I LOVE IT SSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOO MUCH R U KIDDING ME !!! who wouldn't love this !!! I cried through out the story and got heart attacked several times lol!!!! (how drama queen am I ) BUT come On now ! I just can't resist this story thank you !!<3
i love this..

thanks for a great story...
got here from "searching for fiance" then, "Please Say No to Him Coz I Still Love You" then this "Without You" : i become 1 of ur fan..really luv ur style of writing..:)
KeYusMkaii #8
Nice story. I like the ending its so unique and I love the plot ^^
rosemary #9
love thissssssss:D