
Without You


= Yong Junhyung =


I ran with my umbrella opened. The rain was so hard on that day. I knew I should have waited until the rain stopped or at least got eased. But I wanted to see Aegi. I wanted to show her my latest creation. It was a song for a famous idol. I was putting all of my time and efforts onto it. It was my pride and I was so satisfied with the song so I wanted to show it to my most special one even before everyone could hear it.


I arrived at the front of Aegi’s workplace and folded the umbrella before getting in to the café. My shoes and pants were wet because of walking in the rain. But I didn’t care about that since I just wanted to see Aegi.


Inside of the café, I looked around to find the figure of the girl that I wanted to see. I smiled when I saw her standing by the table while serving the customers their orders. I walked toward her. I could see her bowing to the customers and heard her voice telling them to enjoy the cakes. She turned and I quickly grabbed her arm then pulled her along with me to the empty table.


“Ya, ya, Yong Junhyung.” She complained as I dragged her.


I plopped her onto the chair and she was looking at me with protest look.


“Ya, Junhyung. Are you crazy?”


But then, her protest look turned into a questioning look.


“What’s wrong with you?” She was tilting her head and frowning. “You look happy.”


“Yes, I am.” I said then I sat on the chair across of her and took out the iPod that I used.


“Why?” She asked as I untangled the earphone cable.


“You’ll hear. Wait.” I told her as I searched for the song that I wanted her to hear.


I found the song then took the left side earphone and raised my right hand to her left ear while holding the earphone. I put the earphone on her ear and played the song. I kept my hand on her left ear to keep the earphone stood still on her ear.


“What’s this?”


“Hush and listen.” I told her.


She frowned as she dropped her gaze. But then I saw a curve started to form on her lips. She tilted her head slightly to the left. “It’s nice.” She said.


“I produced it.” I told her.


Her gaze went back to me. “Really?” She asked then smiled. “Then you’re talented.” She dropped her gaze again.


I felt heat started to invade my cheeks again when I heard her praise. I smiled as I dropped my gaze because I was embarrassed to hear her praising me. But then I raised my gaze again to look at her.


I realized that my hand was still beside her head, holding the earphone on her ear. I noticed that my fingers were so closed to touch her head and face. So slowly but sure, I touched my fingers to her. My middle one was holding the earphone. My pinky finger and ring finger were touching her jawline and neck. My pointy finger was touching the side of her cheek. My thumb was at her cheek, just below her eye. I cupped her face. And somehow I missed to do this for her.


To my surprise, Aegi moved her hand to touch my hand. She looked at me and smiled.


“It’s really a great song.” She said cheerfully. “When will it be released?”


I smiled to hear her question. “It’s soon. I can give you the CD if you want to.”


She just smiled.


I took her hand and held it on mine. “I’m glad that you like it.” I brought her hand close to my lips and kissed the back of her fingers.


She just smiled then she slipped her hand off from my hand. “You need to warm your self.” She said then took off the earphone and stood up. “I’ll make you a warm tea.” She patted my shoulder casually then walked off.


I smiled weakly then looked at outside. The rain was still pouring hard. At that time, my eyes caught a familiar blue color of Doojoon’s soccer club jersey. But when I looked more closely, it was just a guy that wore the same color jacket. I released a sigh then propped my chin to my left palm.


Sometimes I still regretted the fact that Doojoon had taken step ahead of me. If I could turn back the time, I should have asked Aegi to marry me before Doojoon asked her to be his fake girlfriend. But then, would it change the fact that her heart had chosen someone?


I smiled lopsided.



= Shin Aegi =


I ran toward the balcony of the apartment building where I lived with Doojoon. The rain was still pouring heavily. I wanted to press the number to open the door when I saw Doojoon was walking in the rain. I turned and looked at him with frown on my face.


Why that guy walked under the heavy rain like this?


“Ya, Doojoon.” I scolded him as he walked toward me. “Why are you…?”


I stopped as I saw the expression on his face. He looked weary and his face looked pale. His both hands were at his jersey pockets. Somehow I felt that his body sign told me that he didn’t want to be bothered by anything. But somehow it brought a stab on my heart too. He took out his right hand and pressed the combination numbers of our place to open the door.


The door slided open and he stepped in. I quickly walked in to follow him. But since his steps were longer and faster, I was left behind.


“Ya, Doojoon. Wait for me.” I jogged to catch his pace.


Aish, I didn’t know why he looked so angry like that.


Both of us came in to the elevator. Doojoon quickly leaned on the elevator wall and his gaze was fixed toward above the door. I pressed our floor number and turned to see him. He seemed lost in thought and he didn’t speak at all. It made me worried and wondered what had happened to him. And when the door slided open, he quickly straightened his body and walked out. I followed him.


Without any words, he opened up our apartment door and walked in. I tilted my head, feeling confused with his behavior. But I still walked in after him and closed the door. I turned and saw Doojoon put his bag on the table as I stepped closer.


But then, to my surprise, his body suddenly lost its strength and he fell. I quickly dropped my bag and caught him before he fell to the ground. Lucky for me that I had arrived on his side.


“Ya, Doojoon! What happened to you?!” I asked as I supported his body.


I saw he was breathing heavily. I touched his forehead and gasped when I found that his body was burning up. He was having fever. I grabbed his arm and rounded it around my shoulder. I rounded my arm around his body and hoisted him to secure his position. I didn’t know how I would find the power to carry him to his room. But I just did.


I brought him to his bed and put him there. First thing first, I needed to get him out of his wet clothes. I took dry clothes from his wardrobe and came back to him then took off his jersey. I changed his clothes before tucking him in bed.


I came out after that and took off my coat. I placed it on the dining chair as I walked to the kitchen and rolled up my sleeves. I didn’t know how Doojoon could fall sick.


And how can he do a stupid thing such as walking in the heavy rain like this?


I started to make porridge for him. As I waited the porridge to cook, I took a small basin and filled it with cold water. I also took a clean cloth and came to his room again. I put the basin on the bed side table. I dried the cloth and placed it on his forehead. He was breathing heavily with sweats all over him. I put my hand on the cold water then cupped my hand to his cheek.


“Aish, Doojoon. How can you be sick like this?” I muttered.


Doojoon slowly opened his eyes and looked at me. “Aegi…” He touched my hand on his cheek.






“What for?”


“You love Junhyung, right…?”


I clicked my tongue. So he still wanted to discuss that matter again. I stood up as I slipped my hand from his touch. “Don’t say no more. I’m making you some porridge to eat before you can eat the medicine. So try to have some rest now. I’ll wake you up when the porridge is done.” I tucked his hand back to the blanket. I caressed his side hair and walked out.


When the porridge was done, I brought it to the room then placed it on the bed side table. I was thinking of waking him up but decided not to do it since he was sleeping soundly. I just smiled to see him and released a sigh. I walked rounded his bed to the window. I drew close the curtains then turned to see Doojoon. He stirred and turned to face me.


Well, Doojoon’s bed was a king size bed. It was a present from his parents for our wedding. I looked around. Every thing on his bedroom was actually meant for both of us. But since he made a promise not to touch me until we got divorced, he made me used the spare room.


I heaved a sigh then walked toward the side of the bed that empty beside Doojoon. I laid my self on the bed facing him. I looked at him. Doojoon had sharf features on his face. His jawline, his cheeks and his nose looked sharp and strong. I raised my left hand and touched his eyebrow then down to his nose. He was indeed handsome guy now. I liked to see him like this.


And somehow I started to get sleepy. I guessed I was tired too.


I yawned and seconds later I fell to a deep slumber.



= Yoon Doojoon =


I opened my eyes and saw the ceiling of my room. So I was at my own room. But somehow I didn’t remember how I came to my bed. I could remember seeing Aegi on the front of our apartment building and came into the elevator with her. I walked into my apartment but then I didn’t remember anything though I felt that I was dreaming of apologizing to Aegi for tearing her apart from Junhyung.


I released a sigh and I just realized that I felt that my body was not feeling very well. I turned my head and saw a towel dropped from my head. I took the towel. I didn’t remember putting towel in my forehead last night. But then, I felt something moved on my left side. I turned to my left and saw Aegi sleeping beside me.


Ah, now I remembered. I was walking in the rain last night, making my exhausted body became weaker. And the reason on why I walked in the heavy rain on purpose was because I saw Aegi with Junhyung on the café. Junhyung was cupping her cheek and Aegi looked happy. I was broken-hearted when I saw them together.




I held my breath as I heard Aegi calling my name. I looked at her and felt relief as I saw that she was still sleeping peacefully. I turned my self to face her and smiled, feeling happy to know that she was mentioning my name on her sleep. Somehow the combination of hearing her calling my name and watching her sleeping made me having butterflies in my stomach. I always saw her sleeping on her own bed all this time. And now, seeing her sleeping beside me, I felt happy.


I brought my self closer to her. I looked at her soft and beautiful feature. Her chubby cheeks that I like to pinch, her beautiful eyes with long eyelashes, her small but perfect nose and her pink lips. I liked them all.


“Aegi ah.” I whispered her name softly.


“Hmmm…” She muttered in her sleep, making me smiled to hear that because she seemed to reply my call.


“Saranghe yo…” I told her.


Then I slightly raised my body and moved forward. I gently landed a kiss on her lips, as I loved her. And I wasn't sure if I could ever stop loving her even if I let her away.



Another updateee~

And... ah... guess what.. I got a review from Halo_Mikkii_Mouse.

This is her review of  this fic:



Story Title: 10/10

Comment: Reminded me of U-Kiss's Without, plus, I'm hearing it while typing your review! LMAO


Storyline: 30/30

Comment: You give off a good mood. But maybe add a description for the MAIN characters in the foreword? kekeke :D


Grammar/Spelling: 10/10

Comment: Might as well in an English teacher, oh yes~ :D


Originality: 10/10

Comment: I love it, the marriage and all. And having an old lover other than your husband is a good twist!


Flow: 10/10

Comment: Nice....saengie loveee :D


Characters: 20/20

Comment: BEAST? Love them, so yeah, they're awesome


Suggestions: I suggest you change the font size for every single chapter, makes it easier for others to read~

Criticism: Theres nothing else besides the font size, unnie <33


Hehehe... and you can see her review here. Thank you, Mikkii ^^


For all the readers, thank you for subscribing and reading this fic~ commenting would be nice~ but to see that my subscribers and view counts increased, it's making me glad too~ To the silent readers, thank you so much to take a look on the fic and read it~ I really do appreciate it, seriously~

Enjoy the story, everyone~ ^^

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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 43: aawwww..sweet it..and she end up with Doojoon..yeay.. \(^0^)/

you know? this fic was do a good job authornim..really good job..i love this fic so much.. ^^
Chapter 43: Waaahhh~ A super sweet ending with DooJoon! <33
han-na #3
It's a such beautiful story! I love it!
Thank you,,,
No!!!!!! I can't believe that the fic it's end!!!! I finish this story now and I have to say that I love it...! No one knows how much I cry reading this fic...! Unnie really u are amazing!! Thanks for ur amazing story! :')
NOONONOONONOONONONONOONONONONOO IT'S ENDED TT^TT u know I read this in one night it's 2:07 am right now Kekekekekkek I LOVE IT SSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOO MUCH R U KIDDING ME !!! who wouldn't love this !!! I cried through out the story and got heart attacked several times lol!!!! (how drama queen am I ) BUT come On now ! I just can't resist this story thank you !!<3
i love this..

thanks for a great story...
got here from "searching for fiance" then, "Please Say No to Him Coz I Still Love You" then this "Without You" : i become 1 of ur fan..really luv ur style of writing..:)
KeYusMkaii #8
Nice story. I like the ending its so unique and I love the plot ^^
rosemary #9
love thissssssss:D