
Without You


= Jang Hyunseung =


I grumbled in frustration as I felt someone was jumping on my bed as she chuckled in joy just like when she used to do while we were younger. I quickly opened up my eyes and turned to her.




But Aegi only chuckled and dropped her self to sit on my bed. “Wake up, Hyunseung.” She said as she pulled my blanket.


Aish, this girl.


I never stopped thinking on why she loved to jump around on my bed ever since we were young. It was fun to do when the bed was empty. But when she did that while I was sleeping at the bed, it was annoying me.


I sat my self on my bed. “Ya, it’s still morning. And it’s Saturday.”


She shook her head and placed my alarm clock right on my face. “It’s already 9.” She said as I took the clock from her hand. “So it’s not morning anymore.” She moved to the edge of my bed.


Ah, I have king-sized bed that we often used for sleeping in whenever we were gathering on my house.


“But it’s still too early for me.” I said as I put my clock back on the side of my bed.


Aegi just stood by the side of my bed and clicked her tongue with her hands on her waist. “Wake up.” She said then she took my hand to drag me out from the bed. “I need your help.”


I reluctantly came out from my bed. “What for?” I asked as I stood up from my bed.


“Buying groceries.”


I just exhaled and scratched behind my head. “Why don’t you ask Doojoon? He’s your husband and it’s his duty to drive you.”


“He already went to his practice.” She said. “Besides, I can’t ask him to help me cooking. Doojoon is a disaster at the kitchen.”


I frowned. “Cooking?”


Aegi smiled. “I want to make something for his training today.” She paused as she pouted her lips. “His club will have a big soccer match soon. Do you know? So I want to make something. Probably just to cheer him up since his life already have many problems now.”


Aish… why am I defeated just by one of her sincere smiles?


“Ara, ara.” I stopped her. “Don’t make me jealous with the fact that I’m still single now.” I sighed. “Just let me prepare my self first.”


Aegi smiled. “Okay.” She gave me a salute then lowered her hand. “I’ll be waiting you downstairs. Your mom wants to make order for cakes. So I need to talk with her.” She turned and walked to my door.


“Ya, Aegi.” I called her name.


She stopped and turned to see me.


“Why do you care about Doojoon so much?”


She frowned. “Do I need a reason to care about my own best friend? I also care about you, Gikwang, Yoseob, Dongwoon and Junhyung too.” She shrugged. “Besides, Doojoon is my husband now.”


“But it’s kinda different, Aegi.” I told her. “Do you really fall in love with Doojoon now?” I asked her my curiousity.


But Aegi just curved her lips to make a smile that really didn’t answer my question at all before she walked out from my bed.


I just released my sigh.


That girl… she really knew how to keep secrets to her self.




= Yoon Doojoon =


I was practicing my dribbling skill before I took my break when I heard my teammate called me and said that my wife was looking for me as he pointed toward the fence. I looked around and saw Aegi was standing outside of the fence. She waved at me when she saw me looking at her. I looked at the ball and kicked it toward the goal post before I ran toward the fence.


Aegi was welcoming me with her sweet smile. “Annyeong.”


I couldn’t help but to smile to see her. “What are you doing here?”


“I brought you lunch.” She said as she raised her right hand to show me the paper bag on her hand.


I smiled and saw the other bag that bigger than the one that she showed me. “And what’s that?” I pointed at the big bag.


“Something to share for your teammates.”


My smile went wider as I heard her words. I opened up the fence door for her. “Come in.” I told her.


“Thank you.” She said then walked in.


I took over the bigger bag that she brought and walked along with her.


“Uwah, Yoon Doojoon.” I heard one of my teammates said as we walked closer. “I thought you said that she’s just your best friend. But now, she has become your wife?”


“Aish.” I said. “She’s indeed my best friend.” I rubbed the back of my head after that. “But I guess now she’s also my wife.”


I heard Aegi chuckled because of my words. I looked at her.


“Annyeonghaseyo.” She greeted my teammates as she bowed. “I’m Shin Aegi, Doojoon’s wife. Thank you for taking care of my husband.” She looked at me and took the bag from me. “I made something for you all. I hope you will like it.” She handed the bag to my teammate.


I could see that my teammates looked happy to see the bag.


“Ah, thank you so much.”


“Yeah, eat that lunch and don’t bother us.” I told him then turned Aegi’s body around and slung my hand across her shoulder. I walked away with her.


“Sorry about my teammates.” I told Aegi as we sat on the bench.


Aegi just smiled as she sat beside me. “It’s fine.”


She started to unpack the lunch that she brought for me. But before she gave me the lunch box, she handed a hand sanitizer to me. I just smiled to see it. I guessed she remembered my habit.






I heard one of my teammates called Aegi. I looked at them and frowned. Who told him that he could call Aegi as his in-law?


“Your cook is delicious! I hope you can leave Doojoon hyung and marry me instead!!”


“Ya!! She’s my wife!! Don’t even think to steal her!” I replied him, earning me laughters from my friends.


But Aegi just giggled beside me and she replied them. “Just eat them all and hwaiting for your practice for the upcoming match!!”


I saw my friend raised his thumb, telling her okay. I chuckled to see it.


“Your friends are funny.” She said as she handed me the lunch box.


I frowned at her. “Don’t even think to marry him.” I leaned closer to her. “He’s a player.” I whispered to her jokingly.


Aegi chuckled then looked at me. “He’s a player? Or you’re just jealous to him?” She replied me, teasingly.


I was caught off-guard by her reply. Her words had made my heart beating faster and I could feel heat crept onto my cheeks. I dropped my gaze, back to my position being apart from her. I coughed slightly.


“Probably I’m jealous.” I told her honestly then stuffed one kimbab to my mouth since I was a little bit embarrassed to admit that.


But my friend was right. Aegi’s cook was delicious. She always cooked deliciously. I always knew that since I lived with her now. And her cooking was reminded me to my mom’s. Probably it was because Aegi had learned how to cook from my mom beside from Gikwang’s mom.


I remembered when she made kimbab for the first time. My mom was the one that taught her. She was just 7 years old at that time and was forced to make her own lunch box for the school festival. Probably because I was used to see her running around on the field for sports, I thought that it was a little bit strange for me to see her at the kitchen like that.


“Ya.” I called Aegi then swallowed the food on my mouth. I looked at her. “Do you remember your first time making kimbab at my house? My mom taught you, right?”


She smiled and nodded. “And you tried the kimbab, right?”


I chuckled. “But you put too much salt on it when my mom told you to put it a little.”


Aegi laughed. “Yes. And I remembered your face.”


“Were you trying to kill me at that moment?” I joked with her.


She just shook her head. “Too much salt won’t kill you.”


I smiled. “But now, you made it deliciously.” I told her.


“Thank you.”


I looked at the box and took the last kimbab on the lunch box. I gave it to Aegi. To my surprise, Aegi ate it from my hand when I thought she would take it to her own hand and ate it by herself. I closed the box and put it aside then took the water bottle and drank the water.


“Ya, Doojoon.”


I looked at Aegi as I lowered my bottle.


“Can I use the ball for playing?” She asked as she pointed to the nearest ball from us.




“I’m kinda missed playing soccer.”


I smiled. “Sure.”


She smiled widely and stood up. She came to the ball and started to play with it. I watched her as she dribbled the ball and played the ball with her knees. I smiled to see her. Aegi still hadn’t lost her touch on playing soccer. She still could play soccer expertly like she used to do. But when I saw her now, I still could see her as a girl. Not as the boyish figure that I used to see from her before.


Feeling tempted to play against her; I stood up and came to her. She saw me coming and tried to defend her ball as I tried to steal the ball from her. But since our skills were different now, I started to be able to steal the ball from her.


“Ah, andwee.” She whined as she saw me almost managed to steal the ball.


She tried to push me away but I still managed to steal the ball from her. But as a sporty type as Aegi used to be, she tried to get the ball from me. I played around with her, switching the ball from one foot to another and trying to make her failed to steal the ball from me. Aegi tried to pull my shirt to make me away from the ball. But I was stronger now.


“Yaa, Doojoon.” She whined again, making me laughed.


“Try it harder, Aegi.”


She narrowed her eyes as she pouted her lips. I knew that she became serious now. So I tried to defend now. But she did a tackle move and managed to steal the ball from me without doing any foul. She cheered then looked at me and stuck her tongue to me.


I smiled to see her. So she did remember that trick that we used to do. I came to her and tried to steal the ball back. She still tried to defend. But I kicked the ball away as I saw a gap. Aegi wanted to catch the ball. But I grabbed her hand and rounded my hand on her waist so she failed to catch the ball.


“Ya, that’s not fair.” She whined again.


I just chuckled to hear her. I released her hand and rounded my other hand on her waist so I hugged her from behind. Aegi just chuckled then she released a happy sigh.


“I really miss this.” She said then turned her look at me.


“What? Playing soccer?” I asked her.


She nodded and looked to the front. “We used to play sports together, right?”


I smiled. “Yeah.” I said then I took a peck to her head.


“Ya, Yoon Doojoon!! Don’t show your intimacy!! There are still a lot of single guys in here!!”


I rolled my eyes as I heard my friend yelled at us. My friends were really a bunch of annoying guys sometimes. But Aegi was just laughing as she heard that. I looked at them.


I released Aegi and turned to see my friends. “Then get your self a girlfriend!!!” I replied them.


Aegi laughed again.


“Hey.” I looked back at Aegi.


“Hmm?” Aegi turned to see me.


“Do you free after this?”


She tilted her head. “I’m having my day off today. So... Yeah, I'm free.”


“Can you wait for me until I’m finished? Let's go home together. It won't be long. We'll just have a practice match then we're free to go.”


Aegi smiled. “Alright.”


I just returned her smile with a smile then fixed her bang before I kissed her forehead.


"Just wait for me, okay." I told her before I went to my friends.


Just for today, I wanted to pretend that Aegi was my girl and I could spend time together with her. Because I would never know when I would have to let her go. My time to let her go was getting closer as my mom's condition was getting worse day by day.


Actually I was feeling happy that Aegi came and made me lunch. It made me felt that I was actually having a wife now. I guessed it could revitalize my strength for today’s practice. And I was glad to know that she cared about me.


But then, how much I wished that her heart could be mine and she could love me too.




Hohoho~ I love making updates for this fic~ XDD

And sorry for the sad part of Doojoon on the previous chapter. Well, probably I was putting too much drama on his part. But I guess you all could understand his feeling, right? Doojoon loves Aegi so much and finally he can marry her but then he needs to let her go. You can call Doojoon is stubborn or blame his fool because he said that he wanted to divorce her. But he had his own logical.


For all the readers, thank you for subscribing and reading this fic~ commenting would be nice~ but to see that my subscribers and view counts increased, it's making me glad too~ To the silent readers, thank you so much to take a look on the fic and read it~ I really do appreciate it, seriously~

Enjoy the story, everyone~ ^^

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KiwiPrincess #1
Chapter 43: aawwww..sweet it..and she end up with Doojoon..yeay.. \(^0^)/

you know? this fic was do a good job authornim..really good job..i love this fic so much.. ^^
Chapter 43: Waaahhh~ A super sweet ending with DooJoon! <33
han-na #3
It's a such beautiful story! I love it!
Thank you,,,
No!!!!!! I can't believe that the fic it's end!!!! I finish this story now and I have to say that I love it...! No one knows how much I cry reading this fic...! Unnie really u are amazing!! Thanks for ur amazing story! :')
NOONONOONONOONONONONOONONONONOO IT'S ENDED TT^TT u know I read this in one night it's 2:07 am right now Kekekekekkek I LOVE IT SSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOO MUCH R U KIDDING ME !!! who wouldn't love this !!! I cried through out the story and got heart attacked several times lol!!!! (how drama queen am I ) BUT come On now ! I just can't resist this story thank you !!<3
i love this..

thanks for a great story...
got here from "searching for fiance" then, "Please Say No to Him Coz I Still Love You" then this "Without You" : i become 1 of ur fan..really luv ur style of writing..:)
KeYusMkaii #8
Nice story. I like the ending its so unique and I love the plot ^^
rosemary #9
love thissssssss:D