Chapter 28- give up

Perfect Life? psh, yeah right



"NO!" you screamed like a little girl for the thousandth time.

you were sitting across Infinite minus Myungsoo since he has to help the ajumma. They all let out another sigh, looking at Sungyeol to talk to you.

"____, we don't want you to get in trouble... we don't want us to get in trouble too..." he said as gently as possible but you shook your head.

"Well, they won't know if you didn't tell them! Even Zico oppa didn't know this address... " you said stubbornly.

"You've got to be kidding me...." hoya chuckled weakly.

"Oppa!!!" you whined.

"Pleaseee... i want to be ____. Just ____." you said, tears started to formed in your eyes, sending alert to the boys.

"y-yah..." sunggyu tried to stops you from crying but it's too late since you start to bawl in front of them.

"I hate Jay oppa! i hate everyone! You guys don't want to be with me too!! I knew it!!" you cried harder.

Dongwoo and Hoya move backward in panic, Woohyun and sungyeol looked at the leader, while sungjong already in his room. Sunggyu glared at Woohyun.

'you go to her!!' he mouthed and woohyun cursed silently as he approached you.

"___, don't cry okay... Myungsoo is going to kill us..." he said.

You look at him before you continue your bawling.

"You hate me didn't you? see.. you want me to leave..." you childishly cried.

Woohyun scratch the back of his head and take a step back.

Few minutes later, they heard someone knocking the door and they all sighed in relief.

"MYUNGSOO!! you don't know how grateful i am to see you!" sungyeol hugs him.

"what the hell, hyung.. what's the emergency sungjong told me about?" he asked.

They all pointed at the corner of the living room, where you're still bawling like a little girl who lost her dolls.

"What did you do?" he hissed.

"We didn't do anything! She runs away!" Hoya squeaked.

Myungsoo takes a stride towards you and kneeled in front of you, lifting your chin.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

You hug him and cried again, explaining what happened between your sobs.

"So you decided to stay with us?" he said.

you're done crying, sitting in front of him with the rest of Infinite behind him.

"yes. can i?" you asked him.

"It's not that easy... i mean if he founds out, he might sue us and things will go bad..." myungsoo said but he stops talking when he saw your lips quiver.

"s-sso you don't want me too?" you asked.

"No! it's not like that.. aish..."

"YOU CAN STAY! YOU CAN SLEEP IN MY ROOM! WE CAN HAVE SLEEPOVER!" Sungjong's voice suddenly boomed inside the room.

Your eyes brightened as you look at him.

"really? I can? I never have a sleepover before!" you start to smile.

"See? you can just say that. all done! Cmon, nuna let's put your bag in my room~" he said.

You nod and look at the rest of infinite who's gaping at Sungjong.

"So i can stay right?" you smiled sheepishly.

Sunggyu finally gives up.

"You CAN stay but you have to help us too okay? And DON'T even told them your name... people will know.. and you're gonna have to change your look if you don't want people to notice you...." Sunggyu said.

"oppa?" you look at myungsoo and infinite who finally smiles.

"yeah.. BUT YOU CAN'T SLEEP WITH HER!" Myungsoo glared at sungjong.

"Why not? cmon~" Sungjong drags you.

"YAH! SUNGJONG GIVE BACK MY GIRL!!!" Myungsoo roared as the atmosphere's back to normal.

"don't be too protective." Sungyeol said.

"Oh really? when your girlfriend sleeps with other guy, you can just be fine with that?" Myungsoo said sarcastically.

"well, i wouldn't put it that way... i don't have a girlfriend... and Sungjong is our dongsaeng.. he won't do anythiing.." sungyeol said nonchalantly, making myungsoo more furious.

"aish." he stomped his feet in frustration.

"Hyung! stop being so mad! You'll get more wrinkles!" sungjong shouts from inside the room, followed by your giggles.

"sungjong, you're gonna get it!" myungsoo shouts.


2011/09/11 sunday

By seoulchae

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 1: Great to read this story again xD
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 33: Aww this story is really cute ^^
jayrunner #3
Luv it~ :)
UnsungKiller #4
/still glad tho
cries cause jealous myungsoo is so kuhwaii dakgjlhaslkd .
Chapter 33: Great story
Reya_K #6
cute ^^
joanmayg #7
wow..nice i like it
shelovesdino #8
daebak ! wonderful story (:
Gosh I lovee this storyyy!!! Even though I wanted her to be with Zicoooo~ xDD I read this story today and at your author's note: Happy birthday Zico I screamed Happy birthday Zico out loud!!! Even thoug his birthday is already over xDD My friends looked at me like: O.O xDD i''m gonna read you other storys now ;D
OH MY GAH I LOVE ALL YOUR STORIES. ALL OF THEM. expect me to be reading and commenting on all of them for a week or so~~
i was so scared there'd be some huge twist like zico becomes a poopoo but HE DIDN'T AND IUFSDJND THANK YOU SO MUCH