Chapter 12- I miss my mom and dad, ajumma

Perfect Life? psh, yeah right



"Oh my god, it's you! What the-- i mean, What are you trying to do?!!! That's some heavy eyeliner.. and the clothes!...." Zico kept blabbering, not noticing how pale your face is right now.

You fell like hitting yourself when Zico looked at you and noticed you instantly.

"___?" He called you and you looked at him.

"n-neh?" you weakly smile.

"Why are you dressed like ... This?" he asked.

"I'm trying new looks?" you answered and he rolled his eyes at your failed attempt to lie to him.

"You are unbelievable...." he said.

"i know... and i need to go i'll see you later... oppa" you said as you run towards the main door and disappear into the crowd when the elevator door slid opens.




Zico sighed as he watched her crush disappear among the crowds. He was so amused to believe his luck, meeting her today and he got more surprised when he saw ___ in a different style. Which, he likes. The innocent look under the tough clothing makes him falls more for her. But he can't help but ask himself, why does she needs to dress like that? for disguise? but why? he kept asking as he went to his car.


Meanwhile, after running for a while, you arrive at the bus stop. This time you knew where to go as you paid for the fare. The bus abruptly stops at your destination, the poor part of Seoul and you gently hopped down, not forgetting to greet the bus driver goodbye.

"Ajumma!" you called the old lady you just met yesterday.

Her smile brightened at the sight of you as she lets you sit inside her stall. 

"what do you want today?" she asked.

You pointed at the fish-shaped cake. She heats it up for you and served it few minutes later.

"agashi, why are you here again? Not that i don't like you but it's pretty dangerous to be here.." the woman looked at you in worry.


"I don't like being in my place,ajumma.. it's too big and it's empty..." you smile bitterly.

The ajumma your hair with her wrinkled hand and smile. It's been a while since her daughter died and she can't help but look at you as her daughter. 

"ajumma, why are you crying?" you asked, wiping the tears off her face.

she jumped a little and smile, shaking her head.

"I just miss my daughter that's all.." she said.

"where is she?" you asked.

"She's too far away, ___... " The ajumma said as she sits next to you.

your face fell when you realized what she means.

"My parents are also far away, ajumma... We're the same..." you said and smile.

"aigoo... how can you live without your parents... come here,___" The ajumma said as she envelops you in a warm hug you haven't felt in years.

unknowingly, your tears fell as you remember those times with your mom.

"i miss my mom, ajumma... and my dad too..." you cried.

"i'm sure you do..." she said.

She was old and she can cope with losing her daughter but for a your girl like ___? she thought, how can she live comfortably like that.

"Ajumma~~~~ I want some ddukbogiiii~~~!!!" A loud voice echoed and you jumped a little in surprise.

The ajumma chuckled as she wiped the tears off your face.

"aigo, you should be glad it's waterproof... " she joked and you hurriedly finds a mirror in your bag and check your eyeliner.

"what is she doing in here?" a voice asked and you look up only to find a face that hurt you yesterday.


2011/08/31 wednesday

By Seoulchae

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 1: Great to read this story again xD
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 33: Aww this story is really cute ^^
jayrunner #3
Luv it~ :)
UnsungKiller #4
/still glad tho
cries cause jealous myungsoo is so kuhwaii dakgjlhaslkd .
Chapter 33: Great story
Reya_K #6
cute ^^
joanmayg #7
wow..nice i like it
shelovesdino #8
daebak ! wonderful story (:
Gosh I lovee this storyyy!!! Even though I wanted her to be with Zicoooo~ xDD I read this story today and at your author's note: Happy birthday Zico I screamed Happy birthday Zico out loud!!! Even thoug his birthday is already over xDD My friends looked at me like: O.O xDD i''m gonna read you other storys now ;D
OH MY GAH I LOVE ALL YOUR STORIES. ALL OF THEM. expect me to be reading and commenting on all of them for a week or so~~
i was so scared there'd be some huge twist like zico becomes a poopoo but HE DIDN'T AND IUFSDJND THANK YOU SO MUCH