Chapter 13- disappointed

Perfect Life? psh, yeah right




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He frowned once again when Sungjong mocked his eye bags. It's all her fault! he thought as he stomped his feet childishly.

"hyung! what are you doing? cmon!" sungjong said.

Myungsoo rolled his eyes at his diva dongsaeng that kept bothering him since he woke up and followed the rest of Infinite. He doesn't know how can a guy like Sungjong can be so hyper all the time.

"Stop sulking, Myungsoo. You look like you're PMS-ing." Woohyun said as he slaps Myungsoo's back.

"Yah, hyung!" Myungsoo shouted at him who's already running towards the guys.

"Where should we go today???" Sunggyu asked.

"I'm hungry" Dongwoo chirped in.

"Me too." Sungyeol said.

"Ajumma's place?" Sunggyu sighed when everyone nods.

"Let's gooo~~!!!" Sungyeol and Woohyun linked arms and skipped towards the stall.

Myungsoo has a weird feeling about going to the stall today. Is it ___? he thought but shook his head. There's no way that rich girl would come to ajumma's place after what he said yesterday. he said in his mind as he walked together with his friends.


"Ajumma~~~~ I want some ddukbogiiii~~~!!!" Sungyeol shouted as they entered the small stall.

He heard the chuckling of their ajumma and smiles at the sight of the woman they all treated like a mother.

"aigo, you should be glad it's waterproof... " He heard her say.

Myungsoo walked closer towards the back and saw a girl figure checking her face in the mirror. The moment she puts the mirror away, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"what is she doing in here?" He asked pointing at the girl who's staring at him with that big eyes that makes him feel guilty.

"She's visiting me. Isn't she sweet?" ajumma said and walked towards the rest of Infinite who are crowding the food stall.

"Why are you here?" Myungsoo can't help but ask.

The girl looked down and mumbled something like 'hate' 'home' 'lonely'. 

"yah. look at me, why are you here?" he repeated.

"I like being here. why?" she finally said with such courage.

Myungsoo was amused at the girl. one moment she looked scared and the next she looks like she's ready to kill him.

"Hyung who are you talking to-- oh!" sungjong pointed at the girl before he runs to tell Infinite.

"They already know." Myungsoo said to her.

"Oh. you told them? Tattle tale." She stuck out her tongue.

He was about to talk back at her when he noticed her expression fell. He turns around and find Infinite looking at her with an expression that says 'we don't want you here'. His random hatred towards her replaced with guilt and pity.

"you don't belong here." hoya said.

"Is it because i'm rich?" She asked, startling infinite.

"You guys treat me like a friend yesterday and when you found out i'm rich you decided to act like a jerk? wow." she said with an attitude though Myungsoo can see the hurt in her eyes.

"yes. so go back to your mansion." sungyeol said.

"oh! and ask your parents to get this kind of food at your home as well." Woohyun joked.

"I don't think people like her are allowed...  This kind of food is bad for rich people like her..." Dongwoo said.

"Maybe she's trying to show off her wealth." Hoya sneered and they all laughed.


Everyone jumped when she slammed the table hard. Myungsoo can tell how much it hurt for a girl to hit the table that hard. He noticed the glistening eyes and look away.

"You don't know anything. Not. a. single thing about me. Try to live in that empty place and see if you can live without having the urge to jump down the building because of the loneliness." She said in a sad tone before she grabs her bag and once again left, leaving everyone stunned.

"Why are you like this?" the ajumma asked as she brought the food.

"She's just some spoiled kids.." sunggyu said.

"She lost her parents. how is that spoiled? huh? tell me, don't you think she's hurt when you talk about her family like that? she might came from a rich family but she's different, sunggyu... this afternoon, she sits here with me, listening to my story... and i even think of her as my own daughter... Those pain in her eyes, don't you boys see it?" The ajumma look at them with disappointment.

Her parents died? myungsoo's head jerked towards the disappearing figures. And suddenly he's already on his feet, chasing the girl that has been in his mind since yesterday.


2011/08/31 wednesday

By Seoulchae

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 1: Great to read this story again xD
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 33: Aww this story is really cute ^^
jayrunner #3
Luv it~ :)
UnsungKiller #4
/still glad tho
cries cause jealous myungsoo is so kuhwaii dakgjlhaslkd .
Chapter 33: Great story
Reya_K #6
cute ^^
joanmayg #7
wow..nice i like it
shelovesdino #8
daebak ! wonderful story (:
Gosh I lovee this storyyy!!! Even though I wanted her to be with Zicoooo~ xDD I read this story today and at your author's note: Happy birthday Zico I screamed Happy birthday Zico out loud!!! Even thoug his birthday is already over xDD My friends looked at me like: O.O xDD i''m gonna read you other storys now ;D
OH MY GAH I LOVE ALL YOUR STORIES. ALL OF THEM. expect me to be reading and commenting on all of them for a week or so~~
i was so scared there'd be some huge twist like zico becomes a poopoo but HE DIDN'T AND IUFSDJND THANK YOU SO MUCH