Chapter 25- Late Zico

Perfect Life? psh, yeah right





Zico shifted his body on the bed restlessly. He can't even sleep no matter how tiring today was. He had to practice dance for hours after the conversation he had with ___. And after that, he had to drag his tired body to the recording studio to practice his rap skills which as always, get praised of. But as if the day is not exhausted enough, he had to continue the dance practice for another few hours before he could crawl into his car and drove slowly to his dorm he occupied alone. But in all those exhausting activities, her face always popped out. The conversation that morning the girl was glued in his head.

He still has a chance. He can still get her heart. It kept repeating in his mind as he his back once again, a smile planted on his face.

But what if she remembers everything? he thought as worry washed over him. His mind starts to work, making him imagining some scenes that MIGHT happened if she founds out.


"so you tried to approach me even though you knew i have someone in mind?"


"you did it because i lost my memories so i might just love you instead."


"well, in that case, thank you,oppa... now i know who i belong with..." 

and it ends with a sweet kiss.


Zico smiles at the thought but what if everything turns out to be WRONG?




"so you tried to approach me even though you knew i have someone in mind?"


"you did it because i lost my memories so i might just love you instead."


"How could you zico? i can't believe i trusted you!"



Zico sighed. what should he do now? moving on seems impossible right now. And it'd be low if he just grab some random girls....

He grabs his earphones, plug it into his ears and blasted hip-hop music until he finally lets sleep takes over him.


'dammit!' he cursed in his mind as he runs around his dorm, grabbing everything he needs, not caring how messy his dorm is now. He was late. By hours. God knows what the instructor will do to him. He rushed outside the dorm and run towards the elevator.

"hurry up!" he muttered.

As the elevator door opened he was greeted by a girl running to him. Both of them fell to the carpeted floor, groaning in pain.

"Sorry." she said before getting up and offering her hand to him.

"yeah, me too." he took her hand.

'new trainee?' he thought, since he never saw the girl before.

"OH MY GOD!" She shrieked, making him jump in shock, his eardrum almost burst.

"what the- " he was about to scold the girl when he notices the girl already running as fast as she can towards one of the room in a panicked face.

"DAMMIT!" he cursed out loud when he realized the elevator door has slid close and went up to other floors. He's gonna have to wait again.


"You're still here?" The girl asked as she bent on her knees, panting.

"what do you think?" he replied sarcastically.

"Sorry, i was late and i forgot my things..." she said, showing her bag.

"you forgot your bag?" Zico asked, more like asking himself. HOW CAN SHE FORGOT HER OWN BAG!? he screamed in his head but the girl just grins.

"yeah, i just run and when i got to the lobby i realized i don't even bring anything..." she chuckled at her own clumsiness.

Zico just gaped at the weird girl. 

"What's your name?" she asked.

"Woo Jiho. call me zico." he said.

"oh, okay, jiho. I'm Haneul. Jung Haneul." she smiles.

"it's zico." zico corrected but the latter just rolled her big eyes.

"i want to call you Jiho." she said stubbornly.

Zico sighed to restrain himself from strangling this weird girl in front of her.

"What are you doing here anyway? This floor is for boys only." Zico said as both of them get into the elevator.

"I'm special and besides, i live with my brother." She said with a smug expression that once again successfully made zico's blood boils.

'think of ___. pretty, gentle ____' he chanted in his mind.

"You look weird by the way." she pointed out.

"YAH!" Zico bursts.


2011/09/10 saturday

By Seoulchae

he barely comes out so i'm giving one chapter on zico only! LOL :D

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 1: Great to read this story again xD
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 33: Aww this story is really cute ^^
jayrunner #3
Luv it~ :)
UnsungKiller #4
/still glad tho
cries cause jealous myungsoo is so kuhwaii dakgjlhaslkd .
Chapter 33: Great story
Reya_K #6
cute ^^
joanmayg #7
wow..nice i like it
shelovesdino #8
daebak ! wonderful story (:
Gosh I lovee this storyyy!!! Even though I wanted her to be with Zicoooo~ xDD I read this story today and at your author's note: Happy birthday Zico I screamed Happy birthday Zico out loud!!! Even thoug his birthday is already over xDD My friends looked at me like: O.O xDD i''m gonna read you other storys now ;D
OH MY GAH I LOVE ALL YOUR STORIES. ALL OF THEM. expect me to be reading and commenting on all of them for a week or so~~
i was so scared there'd be some huge twist like zico becomes a poopoo but HE DIDN'T AND IUFSDJND THANK YOU SO MUCH